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Everything posted by musky66

  1. Never even looked a the aht or I would have said something! Was out today in my boat for the morning. Managed a pretty looking but small 'ski in the bottom of West bay- not the Pike I was hoping for. Cut the hooks and released him in the water as per the regs. Earliest in the year I have ever caught a musky.
  2. Kinda sounds like it was Balsam on Friday morning- if so that was me that spoke with you on the ramp. I was not lying, lol, was casting off the pier and had two small follows- looked like Pike, but may of course have been 'skis. Glad you had a chance to shake down your rig.
  3. I plan to find out. Not sure about how it will work out. I am afraid I will catch Musky, Bass, and Walleye as well as Pike. All will go back of course except the Pike, and I will leave an area if other species are too prevalent. Pike taste fine, filleted and battered up.
  4. Always felt those types of baits were kinda gimmicky with their paint jobs- but if the action is right, who knows.
  5. Dont ignore beachfront areas that might warm up faster than other areas of the lake- if there is usually summer weed growth out front thay can be dynamite.
  6. Seems a decent ( or indecent) number of Pike in Balsam now- although I'm sure they didn't arrive overnight. I will be out as early as possible to target them, and trying to avoid Musky of course- but it is almost inevitable that there will be incidental Musky caught. I have contacted the MNR regarding this issue and this is what I received. As of January 1, you and your friends will be able to fish pike year round. Currently, our office is working closely with the local chapter of Muskies Canada to do some investigations into the interaction between pike and muskie. At this point, we don't have a handle on the specific spawning periods (spawning pike populations are only becoming established on Balsam), but pike typically spawn very shortly after ice-out. Under a sport fishing licence, you can harvest six pike. Please note it is an offence to allow the flesh of these fish to spoil, so there is an expectation that the fillets of any harvested pike would be used. Not as a matter of law, but as a best practice - I would encourage you to leave areas if you encounter muskies (either visually or through incidental catch). It's obviously important to minimize stress on the fish prior to or during their spawning period. I would appreciate if you could share any observations with me following your outing. I'd also encourage you to contact the local Muskies Canada chapter for more information on this project, although we are still working out a schedule for this year. You can contact Jeremiah Wade ([email protected]) for more information. This was provided by Dan Tallion in regards to a possible spring Pike derby on Balsam. The MNR it seems is encouraging the harvest of Pike to slow the advance of them through the kawarthas. I will do my part. My friends and I removed and consumed 6 good sized Pike last season alone, and there have been web reports of many more being caught.
  7. 10:30am to 4pm I think- it was open when I got there today at any rate. Bought a new rod I didn't need...oh well
  8. Love my Yamaha 115 fuelie- no issues at all in 7 years.
  9. No remorse for this guy. So many people lose their lives through no fault of their own, and these clowns on top of the world cant handle the good life. Nothing good to say on this topic. Hope I haven't offended anyone, but I know Lew and many others can probably relate. Not nice to see anyone pass away- but at least he had a choice.
  10. I have watched Pike follow, inhale , then exhale a spinner and I didnt even feel em. If it wasnt for sight fishing- I would never have known they were there.
  11. I know it would take a while for the Rock Bass to move back into the docks in the spring. I think they school up over deeper water in the winter and dont come back in until the water warms somewhat. Perch will move in sooner I think- they like to spawn around pilings and cribs.
  12. Looks nice- is it canadian coast guard approved for use in Canada?
  13. There are snowmobile forums that can answer your question, but I'm gonna guess-121" by 16'. Number of studs depends on why you want to stud it in the first place. I assume for traction and safety with that type of sled- not straight line performance. Any good shop can advise you, but I would think 40 to 60 studs might suffice.
  14. I have had no failures at the snap or swivel. I do check the floro for nocks or abrasion regularly, but like I said- I have fished a single 130lb leader for a complete season with no issues. I do throw an extra 'granny knot in the loop to locate the snap/swivel in the centre of the loop= may help with the issue you described.
  15. I tye leaders in 80 and 130 lb test using only the 'leader loop', then put a drop of super glue on the knot while it is under a bit of tension. Has never failed me and I can go all season and many musky on a single leader. Normally store one on each rod- in use of course. Carry more coiled in a CD wallet- mostly just for fun, or for friends that still use steel or wire. I have a small kit on board with floro, glue, cutters and a small torch for making more while on the water while trolling. I melt the tag ends of the knot so if it ever slipped, it would not get past the melted end- never ahd one slip yet. I have taken many 'ski up to and over the 50' mark, in the Kawarthas and Georgian Bay and never had a leader failure- will NEVER use wire again. I also find 130lb stiff enough for using with Jerk baits without tangling. I have considered using a welding rod tube to store leaders 'straight', would probably work as I usually only run a 12 to 14" leader.
  16. Nailed two nice LM though the ice a few years back on Cook's- popping a small spoon I think in about 7 fow for perch.
  17. Run it- all that should happen might be increased slider wear in that area. Check out sled salvage yards and replace the rail if it cant be fixed.
  18. Musky Hunter and the now defunct Esox Angler.
  19. Could try carrying nail polish or super glue and if you notice any teeth holes- coat them to prevent leakage. X Raps have been great for Pike in the Muskokas. Smithwick Rogues outperform all others when I troll for Walleye at dusk! I agree though- the Storm swimbaits look great- but have produced nothing for me!
  20. Sticky subject. Costs for everything go up every year, I believe insurance rates probably drive permit costs more than anything. You gotta know when you put a name on something ( trails) no matter what paperwork you have in place- you are going to be responsible for any accidents or issue son that trail. Now if everyone drove nice, obeyed the speed limits, never came around blind corners on the wrong side etc., it might not be such an issue. Back when my buddy and I rode- we avoided weekend trail riding like the plague. We rode on MOndays and put up with the beaten trails in order to avoid the weekend warriors. It is always a gamble, but you don't hear people offering to pay more for permits after a really good snow season, just complaining about the price after a really poor one. Overall, the sport is very expensive and very regulated= mostly due to the popularity= more yahoos- more problems- more need for government involvement to protect us from ourselves, and to cover their butts. Remember when we didn't need a boaters card- same thing. SO many fools on the water that the government had to show they were doing something to ensure our safety.
  21. Should be able to hold the fish in your avatar!
  22. What else can you say? It happens far too often- especially with the young. So sad.
  23. Those things are great but still too pricey for me. Bought a couple for work- not as nice as yours but still auto inflatable, for working around the pool as they are lighter and cooler. Will keep wearing my normal pfd for a while yet.
  24. My sons and mine toy.
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