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Everything posted by musky66

  1. I used to fish Otter Lake nearby- tons of Smallies, and some huge Pike as well, used to be a Speckled Trout fishery in the 'old days' I would think Kawagama would be similar.
  2. Took us three years of camping at Massassauga to get a couple of skis in the boat- well worth it though! Don't overlook trolling with blade baits- produces for me all season long.
  3. Wow, pretty harsh stuff. Nice catch, and even better from the Moon to boot- took me three years of off and on camping on Blackstone to get 2 in the boat one trip. Both fish were sub legals- 39" and 48"- I damn well took the time for photo's and a healthy release and would do so again. Would love the chance of playing, and releasing a sweet fish from shore like you did. Good going!
  4. Spoons work for sure- my first two 'ski came on a crackle frog Daredevil with a single Siwash hook I dressed with deer hair. A few years later my father got his first on the same spoon. I have a hard time throwing spoons though as for the correct action- you need to swim them kind of slow. Mine came while working it high and hard- the fish were on that day!
  5. Exactly the reason why you shouldn't use SS props- an aluminum one would have bent the prop and maybe not the shaft. But if hole shot and top end are important.....
  6. Yep- happens later on- wont stop the fish from hitting though. May put them off for a few days- but I catch right until November 15!
  7. I would say Togo Rock is around K-8, right next to (on the outside of) the buoy.
  8. Watch out for Togo rock- right to the East of a buoy on the channel just South of Rosedale- right around the waterline and not usually marked. Also a few rocks north of Grand Island to watch for. Pick up the chart for Balsam- plenty of info; part of the Trent/Severn series.
  9. Used to be a small bait shop right at the top of the falls in Bala- if they are still there I think they could help you out.
  10. Yep- weed edges are always good. What are you targeting? Just about everything in there can be found near the Park. Lots of good deep weeds as well.
  11. Been there once in a friends boat- watch out for the current change as the demand for power varies- they let more or less water through the power dam. Just upstream of the launch is a narrow(ish) channel and it can really get rolling through there.
  12. Too bad, my three favorite species! Not quite as high on itself as Musky Hunter I think, but I bought both...
  13. Looks like he might have a hook and swivel up higher on his leg as well as line. What is in the water in the second shot?- its not in the first one
  14. Great shots! HAve had them walk up between the cottages years back to chase and eat red squirrels!
  15. Rapala, Smithwick Rogues, and Bombers.
  16. Brookies can be pretty aggressive and might swallow a natural bait- hence the warning about using barbless artificial. Just remember this and handle them gently. A longer shankd small hook with pinched down barbs should be fine. Don't forget to try grasshoppers!
  17. Well, the sun will certainly dry out the rubber in a tire for sure. I have a poor opinion of Carlisle tires in general- have gone through several over the years. Will ante up for Goodyear Marathon radial next time around.
  18. Personally I don't care for any of the fishing shows on TV right now. Blatant advertising for lodges and tackle, not enough info or tips, etc. Pretty lame stuff.
  19. I used to be able to catch small specks in the local streams in Aurora as a kid- doubt there are any left now. We would get dropped off at the outskirts of town- me with my CTC cane fly pole with 8' of line tied to it and a can of worms and walk the creeks back home. Simpler, better times.
  20. Wish we had some of those kinds of 'chip trucks' round here- no Pickerel or Walleye- we need to run to Henry's South in Midland for a fix- love their 'battered Pickerel! When I was a kid growing up and reading fish books- they were called a Walleyed Pike Perch- pretty descriptive name for sure, but I still like it.
  21. Good stuff, I have been a huge fan since the late 70's, met most of them a few times to boot, pretty nice guys (for Rock Stars!) My 17 year old son is a fan as well- hoping they play more Ontario dates as I didn't want the hassle of trying to get him into Rama.
  22. Nice report, but I'm not crazy about the 'ski pictures, can't stand to see them lying on a probably very hot vinyl like that, Why not wait until you catch a really nice sized ski before worrying about photo's? I have learned to put my camera on a timed delay shot so I can be in my pic with the fish- better for the fish I think. Just my 2 cents- not trying to diss you.
  23. Hey Skud, good to hear from you- mid week fishing is the way to go! I have been out a few times already this spring and done fairly well. Saving my vacation time for the fall though! Good luck- post some pics.
  24. Love the KD Moose tracks! DQ rocks too!
  25. My Yamy 115 cuts out at 6100rpm, rev limiter for safety I guess.
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