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Everything posted by musky66

  1. Finally found my next jeep after over two weeks of online searching an test drives. 2011 Jeep GC Limited with the 5.7 Hemi- amazing vehicle so far ( a few weeks) and the Hemi power is smoother and faster than my 07 Overland. Hope she serves me well for many years to come.
  2. I have owned three Jeeps and looking for another- bullet-proof engines although older trannies were not the best, my son owned a 98 5.9 that he beat on hard- awesome! My father has had three and currently has a 2012 Limited with the new V6- loves it. My 2007 Overland was just written off last Thursday. not my fault but now I need to find another- hesitant about the diesels however as out of my comfort zone- loved the 5.7 Hemi!!!
  3. I might be interested, could never get down to Toronto when I was a member, and Peterborough is too far, I am in Keswick so Barrie isn't too bad.
  4. naddles Really deep- was on Muskoka two weeks back and surface temps were close to 79 F- not even hammer handles were shallow. All pIke came at least 15' down. I troll deep diving cranks with the best being the older Berkley Frenzy's- although a tough old Pike can wreck one of those pretty good. I troll the breakline around 20' but also catch them suspended over 40' depths or more. If I wanted a real 30 lber out of Muskoka I would be working big shiners on bottom in 40' ( Gravenhurst Bay)- would be slow but I have seen some big hooks right on bottom....
  5. Spoons and minnow baits when I am out, when they are shallow and active I have had great success with Rapala spoons, Husky Jerks and Smithwick Rogues
  6. I like it, I have a 98 Superfisherman 17' with a Yamaha 115 and it is a great package- easily towable and handles pretty rough water to boot. Good luck.
  7. Just don't over grease them- I blew the rear seals out on mine from being overzealous.
  8. Just south of Coby, there is good fishing for Pike, work areas around the red bouys and you will find them. Good to keep some pike if you connect and eat them- they are really delicious and may help in the fight against pike- the thought is they will have a detrimental effect on Musky in time.
  9. There are more Walleye than people know- troll shorelines with minnow baits in the evening- you will get a few that way. There are Pike there pushing 30 lbs believe it or not, although my largest were in the low 20's- like I said before, my largest Pike come in the hottest summers. The best lure for some reason has been a deep down Berkley Frenzy in Crawdad- but after a bruiser or two the hook hangers will likely fail- not meant for large fish. PLease be courteous around docks- nothing upsets cottagers more than some guy leaving tackle on there docks, props or ringing jigs off their boats.
  10. For BIG pike in the summer- troll DEEP- 20' at least, they are there.
  11. Caught my first two Musky on a frog crackle Dardvle in the Kawarthas, and a few years later I got my father into his first 'ski as well.
  12. Just like a group of people- the second horse from the left did all the work, and the others just loafed....
  13. Have seen them in Keswick on the flooded field on Ravenshoe. ALso seen flocks of Sandhills in a field while migrating I guess Watched two Sandhills flying over Balsam once in perfect unison of turns- amazing.
  14. Need some help- my 19 year old son is taking my boat to Kenissis LAke, and little Kenissis next week for a nice vacation in haliburton. He is very responsible and I have heard it is a fairly deep lake and the hazards are marked for the most part. I'm looking for a general map, or better of the lake for some guidance for him.
  15. I'm sure some folk spent more in line idling than they saved at the pumps.
  16. NIce fish and report
  17. I think they should be worn at all times, moving or not- I always showed my kids that by example.
  18. Leader loop with a drop of super glue- works great on 130 lb floro- no issues ever.
  19. Cool fish, that dude is a better angler than I am- he is able to switch back and forth between a spinning rod and reel and a casting rod and reel while fighting the same fish!
  20. Very funny story, I am not a hunter but appreciate the fact that I have no doubt hunters were partially responsible for the re-introduction of Turkey to Ontario. I really enjoy seeing them around.
  21. He took her along in case the fish weren't biting..............
  22. What about a small trailer?
  23. As I remember, the lake is not that large- think there is a north, and south access road. Maybe drive them and see what you can find. I remember one for sure at a resort of some sort. Pretty sure I've seen a fishing show about panfish from Kashe in the past.
  24. I have a beauty Knipex unit- loved it until the one end of the cutter broke off on a treble last season- really ticked me off as they cost about $80 when I bought them. Looking for another pair and hoping they are better quality than the first pair.
  25. Love it- use 80 and 100 on my Muskie reels.
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