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Everything posted by musky66

  1. Second on the pee thing!
  2. No ice to speak of, water seemed pretty green- visibility at about 4' maybe? did see a shore angler pull in a nice fish as we arrived- that was it for the action we saw today. Seemed like the speed of the backdift picked up noticeably in the afternoon- does the volume of water coming through the narrows vary due to power requirements or something??
  3. I agree- the doubles feel much smoother on the retrieve. I have made several double bladed spinnerbaits however and had success on Musky, and they are raving about the DC-10's etc for big ski south of the border. Must be something to them but I think I prefer the 'thrum' of an unbalanced shaft.
  4. Thanks to all for the helpful hints and map links for Queenston. My buddy and I had a great day on the water- no fish, but great to try somewhere new nevertheless!
  5. We've had ours for 2 years and everything everyone has said is the truth- good and bad. Wouldn't trade her for the world- she has been a great companion for my wife the last year during her illness. Yes she chews (loves socks!) and digs, maybe its just us but she always makes us laugh- and I think that is what is important.
  6. Didn't say hello to either- water was still too high and fast to see much.
  7. Probably stopping in today to see 'em- I will say hello to Wally.
  8. If you go out of Sibbalds Pt. in the fall- you will see just how many Perch are in this lake! There will be literally tens of thousands in the shallows (maybe more!)- all fairly small....for now.
  9. well I hate most fishing shows now- really liked the old In-fisherman! I have been shooting some short vid clips the last few seasons- my daughter is taking film media in school so I will be coercing her into going on some day trips with me and shooting my day, I can edit etc on Mac at home. even if no-one but myself watches 'em- they will still be better than most. I can't stand watching the whole damn fight of a fish- rig up, present, hook-set, land it, release it- simple! Keep talking to a minimum while holding fish out of water!!!!
  10. Experiment! If you know the depth of an area- troll certain baits and see when they start ticking bottom, try to make note of the amount of line out for that lure, for that depth. Sounds hard, but if you stick to just a couple of types of lures it will become clear. If you run braided or super-lines, they transmit bottom contact much better than mono. I know I can run deep down Rapala Husky jerks and touch the high spots over 20' of water with about 150' of line out- killer for summer Pike; therefore most long lipped diving cranks ( Smithwick Rogues etc.) will be in the same ballpark.
  11. Made it down to the Niagara today to scout the Queenston launch. Stopped off at Peter's in St. Catherine's for some tackle and tips- nice store and decent prices from what I saw. I think I got the basic set-up- main line to three way swivel,leader to the bait ( roe bag, egg sucking minnow, or kwickfish) and a drop line to a slinkee or pencil lead ( lightest line of all) Need to drift so the line is perpendicular or slightly upstream of boat. My real question is- where to drift? We are hoping to get out nice and early Monday morning, so we will watch the other boats, but since this will be our first trip down, I was hoping some of the river veterans could shed some light on the drifts near Queenston?
  12. Can anyone tell me if the ice is breaking up or off of Lake Muskoka yet? my folks used to live in Gravenhurst and we used to bet when it would be off. I used to say April 17 every year, but thinking it might be early this year?
  13. I spend most of my time flatlining as well and haven't yet bothered with trolling 'accessories', Planer boards move your bait to the sides- targeting fish not spooked by the boat passage or that have moved to the sides due to the boat overhead. Dipsey divers perform similar to down-rigging but can also be set up to take the baits out the sides somewhat as well. Most of my trolling involves hugging weed-lines so I don't think this stuff would apply. But I can think of a few Walleye shoals that I could troll from deeper water that I could use a planer board for. I think I will eventually rig up to run planer boards off a main line attached to my side cleats and clip my line to them. It is something to see though when a Musky boat goes speed trolling by with a centre mast and boards out each side!
  14. Stopped by today and the water flow was massive- once in a while an 'eye would boil up in the current.
  15. They are parasitic and feed by sucking fluids out of trout and salmon by attaching to them with their sucker mouth and rows of teeth. They almost decimated the fisheries in the great lakes many years back. Much money has ben and will be spent to control their numbers.
  16. I enjoy the run every year- the size of the fish are amazing.
  17. A buddy and I may be heading down to Queenston on Sunday- first time there for both of us. I think we will just try to woek the Queenston drift and stay out of everyones way. I need a place to pick up some tackle as we are not set up for this. I think I'm looking for Slinkee's and weights, hooks and roe. Were in the Keswick, Newmarket area so I may need to hit a place up closer to the Niagra- any suggestions for a tackle store?
  18. I have an aluminum Starcraft 17' side console with a Yamaha 115 4 stroke- no problem trolling for Walleye and Musky. Haven't had to but I could throw out a bucket or sock for a slower troll for 'eyes. I generally kick it up to about 900 rpm for 'Ski, and it runs at 700 rpm or so dead slow.
  19. Our Beagle likes to play with her poop. If she is in the yard alone- she will pick it up and flick it several feet into the air just for fun.
  20. Red Barchetta
  21. Yep, that motor looks grungy to me too, looks like the prop has been recently painted to hide the fact it's had hard use. Bunks should normally be at or near the transom, not stopping short- hard to tell from pics.
  22. Oh yea, they work wonders! Fish em like any other topwater, and don't forget trolling them as well!
  23. Don't do it Irish, can't replace old school! They are pretty sweet though!
  24. Not a ford or chevy guy but you gotta hand it to ford for keeping the 'stang goin strong all these years. Love my 66 too Outdoor.
  25. I like it! I want to do the same thing- I do not sit and fish much at all, but would like a seat to lean on while running the bowmount and casting. Need to make sure the pedestal matches the base, or may need to replace the base as well- boat is from '98
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