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Everything posted by Joey

  1. RIP Rob Ford
  2. Joey

    Goose Fight

    Angry Birds
  3. Well that is outrageous. I agree with the above comments, call back, ask for the manager, if no one can put you on the line with your bro, call the police and then call City TV. Get this investigated and out there to the public. I'd be fuming too and this is just not right!
  4. Joey

    Icy Soul

    So cool
  5. Cool, I'm jealous
  6. Cool, thanks, that's close by
  7. Sweet, can't wait to see the update!
  8. Wow, that's more than I would have thought too!
  9. Okay, thanks guys. I'll look up the Richmond Hill website and see if they have a landfill site.
  10. Hey, can't go fishing now, hard water is too dangerous Soooo, I was cleaning today and have been moving around two of the fluorescent bulbs that have recently burned out on me, not knowing what to do with them. I looked online and it's very vague what to do with them. It is, on the other hand, not vague on what not to do with them, like throw them out, break them, or put them in the recycle bin in case they break and mercury gets released. What do you guys do with them, I'd like them gone! Thanks Joey
  11. It's Humminbird (no G) and we prefer that to the Lowrance. We had such a hard time with the Lowrance that came with our boat we ditched it and got a few Humminbirds instead and are very happy with them. Easy to use and much better digital IMO.
  12. Very cool Simon. Jack has just been a gem in all your videos. Very cool to watch him grow up and take to the elements. He's probably done more than I have in all my life He's a very lucky boy and you two have a bond that is super fantastic. Keep the vids and pics coming bud
  13. Was talking to my sister about this thread as she has had alot of dogs. She told me her white Shepherd ate everything and also used to steal the bagels from the counter and hide them in the couch, under the cushions. She said one time she put all the groceries on the floor to put away and got distracted. The dog ate a whole lb of butter and a whole raw chicken, bones and all. Lived through it all, but had a few "moments" outside
  14. Well so glad to hear your pooch will be okay. Ralphie only taunts us with stuff mostly. He'll steal anything he knows he is not supposed to have (tissue paper, empty toilet rolls from the bathroom garbage, pieces of plants that have dropped off.) Then he stands there to show us and when we try to get it out of his mouth he runs. He'll only drop it if I offer him a treat (smart dog). I'm sure that's why he does it. I did have a cat who used to eat the tinsel off the Christmas tree and as terry said, you have to pull it out of their butt. Fun times
  15. I am just watching the news now and they are saying it was a full red alert and seen on all tv channels and it should not have been. They apologized for the error. I had no problem with it interrupting my "Walking Dead" and it gave me a thump in my heart worrying about the child. I was glad to see he was found safe and sound so do not understand the complainers. Imagine if it were your child!!!! Can't fix stupid!!
  16. Well that's a brute !!!
  17. That's brutal, what a nosy nelly. Some cats just like to be outside, as my Felix did, rest his soul He was a great cat and for some reason, loved to be outside on the worst days. Thunderstorms with torrential downpours were his fave Just ignore her ignorant statements and continue on with your happy family and life. Hope she doesn't cause too much more trouble in the future.
  18. Awesome!!
  19. Congrats Chris, looks like a fun day
  20. Well that sounds like a much better day than I had at work Well done Cliff!!
  21. Very cool photo
  22. Nicely done Emil!
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