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Everything posted by lew

  1. Yup, their there Raf but I don't know what the prices were like.
  2. Sorry Chris, we were posting at the same time. Ya, it looked similar to that but the snow was much thicker. Pretty interesting thing to watch.
  3. Yup, exactly the same thing, or even the mini water spouts. Just never saw one with snow before.
  4. Like probably everywhere else in Ontario, it's very windy here and we just had a heavy snow flurry go thru. I happened to be looking out the patio doors to the back yard watching the world go by and saw a mini tornado about 15 feet high made outta snow travel across the area. It wasn't just blowing snow, but and actual mini tornado that lasted about 10 seconds as it crossed the yard......pretty kool stuff Never saw one before so I Googled it and it seems there not really that unusual.
  5. Have a great day Bruce, it's a good fishing show this year as usual !!
  6. Thanks for that Craig, some crazy nice stuff there !!
  7. The "Will Call" booth is just inside the main doors of building 5, just to the right of the ticket booths.
  8. Congrats on the new ride, she looks like a beaut !!
  9. Thanks again Brian, always good hooking up with you. I knew going down there today that I didn't need anything and that's exactly what I bought....nothing. Always good to come home with the same amount of $$$$ I left the house with It's a good show this year and I spent 3 hours just wandering around looking at stuff and yakking with folks I know down there. Anyone heading there this weekend should really enjoy themselves.
  10. Nope, it'll be a black jacket Brian, leaving here in 2 hours and looking forward to it.
  11. Please keep us informed as to how this plays out Randy, there's nuthin worse than a cop on a power trip.
  12. I'll be there about 11:30 today Brian
  13. Very nice indeed !!
  14. Your right !!
  15. Me and the pooch just got back in awhile ago after wandering thru the woods enjoying this beautiful 50 degree weather !! C'mon springtime
  16. As we speak Dan, there's 3 deer walking down the road towards the lake and none appear to be pi$$ed off
  17. Get yourself a Calcutta TE now and you'll never need to look back and wish you had. Lotsa $$$$ but worth every penny. And I'll also suggest you pair it up with a 7 1/2 or 8' Compre rod.
  18. That'll be 41 years and 3 months after MY retirement. Jeeeez, I suddenly feel VERY old
  19. Mornin boyz, spring is in the air and I've been putzing around the house since 2:00. It's a bit early for the deer yet Mike but perhaps it's time I went and got them up
  20. That rig takes "boyz & their toys" to a whole new level Craig
  21. Always on duty.
  22. You'll probably be outta luck Eric.
  23. The Canadian justice system is nothing but a farce !!
  24. Absolutely Phil, it was at the top of my list.
  25. I wasn't gonna go this year but have changed my mind and should be there Friday morning around 11:30 or so.
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