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Everything posted by motion

  1. Thank-you for sharing this with us Lew. It is quite the tribute for your son. I will be looking at those buildings here in Toronto with a much different perspective now. God bless.
  2. I'm so sorry to hear what has happened to your Peanut. I can tell by the images that is was a severe attack that could have ended up much worse. I unfortunately had a similar (though not nearly as severe)attack on my poor little lab pup when he was 9 months old. We own a place up north and my next door neighbour owns a wonderful 7 year old King Sheppard. He is one of the most well behaved, good natured dog I have ever met. He has been a mentor to my lab since he was just a wee thing. Hilarious to watch him teaching my little guy. Three doors down lives the complete opposite in a very mean King Shepard. One day while playing with the next door neighbour's dog, the other Sheppard showed up and proceeded to chop on my much smaller Lab pump piercing his shoulder and drawing blood. Luckily I was close by as was my neighbour and the other dogs owner. I am afraid to think of what may have happened if we didn't intervene as quickly as we did. My pup learned a valuable lesson in not trusting all dogs. Hes a very friendly dog but is much more cautious when approaching new dogs now. Hoping Peanut has a speeding and full recovery. Cheers.
  3. I was going to mention Sail as well as Jose (OFC member) has them every year for $5.00/bag. He has a good selection but they sell quickly. Keep an eye out for them in the classified section.
  4. So many bass but NO pictures. Interesting...............
  5. Congrats on the new pup. He looks beautiful!! Boy does it bring back memories from not so long ago when my Toby was that small. He is now an almost full grown Lab but looked a lot like yours does just a year ago. I'll keep saying it, they grow up way to fast. Enjoy, they are great dogs.
  6. Congrats on the new pup Maureen! He looks amazing. Hope your other dog accepts him quicker than my little guy did. Brody get my vote on a name.
  7. Man I miss that feeling. That's great to see at such a young age. You'll see that they will amaze you everyday! Enjoy them while they are young, they grow up way too fast. Cheers.
  8. Enjoy your time down there. Just don't be in too much of a hurry. They do everything in "Cuban" time..........its a lot slower. Wonderful people that are always there to help out.
  9. Nice vid bud. The ice can't come fast enough!
  10. Hey Wayne. Nice to see Jen making progress. Her determination and drive serves as an inspiration to all of us.
  11. Mike, I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad over ten years ago and still miss him. Be strong for your mom.
  12. Funny, I was thinking the same thing,
  13. Make that 3X on the H2O. Too bad that Lowrance discontinued them. I take my Hotmaps from my HDS7 boat unit and use it in my H2O for hard water. Check out Kijiji, thats where I found mine
  14. Very nice.
  15. I have the Helly Hansen Delta II from Lebarons thats now a couple of years old. Its a very warm suit and has many usefull pockets. It is a little bulky and heavier than the Mustangs but I love it and would buy it again. Its well built and well priced at $288.00. Cant go wrong with the HH. IMO.
  16. Thank you Roy, and the others, for all the hard work that goes into providing us with this forum. It is truly appreciated by us.
  17. X2 on the 500cc minimum. I've always looked at the Bravo as a kids machine. They are great machines, however, go big or go home!
  18. Nice going Jacques! Always good when you can share your passion with friends and family. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Joey, I'd be looking to replace the tstat (thermostat) based on what has happened to you. I agree that most tstats are powered by a 24v transformer in the furnace. The battery normally is used to retain the program in programable tstats. It sounds like you have a tstat that is powered by a battery only. These stats are noramlly designed to fail open causing the furnace to shutdown. Yours stuck closed. If its an older tstat I would replace it. Just my $0.02 worth.
  20. Well congrats on the new family member. I have a 14 month old chocolate lab as well, named Toby.Thats him at 13 months in my avatar. They can be a handful at times but it’s all worth it. He is a good fishing companion for me and my son. As others have already told you, they grow up way too fast. My guy is already pushing 75 lbs. They are also an efficient vacuum cleaner so watch out for ANYTHING you leave lying around the floor. We have a 12 year old Shih Tzu that is more like a cat than a dog. Our Toby has learned to accept that the Shih Tzu (Ozzie) is the boss. Its funny watching the 9 lb Ozzie put the big guy in his place. They have been together now almost a year now and they are finally able to be in the same room together. Enjoy your new little guy!
  21. He looks like a Mack to me.
  22. Be strong. Hope everything works out for your mom.
  23. You're ok to store them as long as you don't plan on charging them in the basement. Charging a battery can omit hydrogen gas that is higly flamible. I had a battery charging in my RV once that kept setting of my CO detector. Won't be doing that again.
  24. Hey Dana, I just did the same thing and bought this from our local CTC. Had to convince them that it was the exact same item. Hard to believe they had it on for $299.00 and we ended up paying $152.00. I had my son print out the on-line flyer from Lebaron as proof. The store still called LeBarons to double check the price. We had it set up out on our lawn the other night. It set up very quick and looks reasonable in over all quality. I figure its more a comfortable 2-man than a 3-4 man hut with gear. They claim to have a 90" X 90" set up size (well thats the outer most points of the cube)and a base size of 70" X 70" and a full 84" in the center for head room. We are planning on using this for our early ice perch fishing rather than dragging out our flip-overs. Cheers.
  25. If only they had a 10" version I'm crossing my fingers that either Costco or another store will offer a good price on a 10" auger. As for the 8" auger, $329.00 to your door is a great price. I also agree that Costco is great for returns if your not happy.
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