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Everything posted by mcdougy

  1. Thanks for the link. There is more to the story that may not have been released yet. Extremely sad.
  2. Not sure if it's in the press yet and I am unable to post links. But a extremely tragic accident in the costco parking lot today. The driver will have a tough time getting by this. And the family on the wrong end will never get past it. Absolutely tragic and words cannot display the sorrow that all will feel that know any of these people involved. Situations like these are when you wish you could truly turn back time. Condolences to all family members and friends. My wife who works at the hospital is very sad to say the least. And she is a complete stranger to all involved.
  3. Is the key to being a "good" fisherman putting yourself in situations where beer caps as bait would work? That's another amazing place. Thanks for taking the time to take all the photos and videos and posting them. Matt When you get sick of your current pals, I could make room for you.
  4. That's kinda funny. He's an excited mate.
  5. What kind of stuff are you talking about? How big of boat? A little more info would maybe help with recommendations Cheers MM
  6. Do you take a small motor with you? And is this what the op is doing? For the record I'm fine with that (respecting a cached boat for a day)
  7. Boat, canoe or shore? What's yer mode of attack?
  8. Nice!! Don't forget that those flippers are essential for your knee therapy also. cheers MM
  9. We took the train up from Cartier a few years ago and canoed a good chunk of the spanish. A very nice river. As with most our canoe trips, fishing is a bit secondary, so we did not spend a ton of time with the poles in our hands. I'm not exactly sure where you are going, but there was a bunch of smallmouth when we put in our efforts. My goto river tackle is usuallythrowing a #3 mepps fully dressed. I can't see any problems with getting on some fish on the spanish. There was a very large amish family that rented camps every year. I do not recall the camp they stayed at, but the head of the group said they always had good luck fishing and caught there fish quota for the entire year. And by large group I mean there must have been 60 people. I recall him saying he had 22 children. Expect a nice river that is meandering back and forth in sections, there is definetly a good chance you will end up "locked" between rapid sets if you are on the river. It is a very scenic area. BE CAREFUL for ground wasps. Personally it is the only area where I have come across these nasty guys. Get you in the lower leg usually and I associated it with being hit with a 30/06. They didnt swell much but boy they pretty much dropped you to your knees. They were present at all the camp sites. There was a few sites closed also due to black bears, so a bear banger or something may be something you would like to have? We went for the white water canoe experience vs fishing and i was very happy with our choice, and Im sure you will be also. Definetly a fishy looking river and we didnt try too hard. Enjoy MM
  10. Haha, that's a funny paddle for a canoe.
  11. It was not what I was expecting, went later last Sunday. I bought some fudge, it was good. Pralines was my favourite. Tried to find a silver minnow as I had lost one catching catfish on our holiday further north. I couldn't find one. I was disappointed.
  12. My search resulted in berkley sqwormers introduced in 1999 but were considered "too soft" by many and are now discontinued.....but I really have no idea.
  13. Yes you can get galvanized nails. The pl is good advice. Not a lot of holding power in those little finishing nails.
  14. No problem, they will get it fixed for you for sure.
  15. Looks like a fun time. Nice sheepshead
  16. That's great. Enjoy all the moments ahead
  17. Looks good, how far you spanning that 5/4 decking? Don't want any injuries as it sounds like there is a bunch of work coming up.
  18. also a friendly reminder: Apply sunscreen 1/2 before you apply bug spray. Sunscreen is absorbed into skin, bugspray designed to stay on top of skin. Absorbition of DEET is bad and thought to be cancerous. dont put them on in the wrong order or too quick in the proper order. This is also a health canada reccomendation.
  19. My assumption would be the carb also. If your not comfortable messing with it, any small engine guy can clean it for you, you don't need a marine mechanic for that. A carb is a carb is a carb.
  20. My experience is that cedar will not last any longer than the p.t. the cedar bought today is from young reforested trees. They do not have the tannens that an old growth cedar has, giving it a natural rot resistance. As far as sealers go, unless you have an old can that will do the job, 2 years or older, the new regulations have made the current products inferior. Gov't mandate of low VOC's has turned most products into latex based, and from what I have seen most will not last one winter. The old products you could get 2-3 years out of. As stated there are many other products than wood if desired, be prepared to pay for them. Some composite products are junk also, with a organic base and wax, which will mold and fade in a short time. Generally speaking you get what you are paying for in composite. Some, like trex, as stated have a wide range of product..junk to not to bad. As for the cedar, IMO i wouldnt pay the extra for it vs p.t. 12 years ago puts you right about when there was a change in p.t. also, may have some factor may not.
  21. They can not accept "wild game" due to liability issues. Ridiculous in my opinion and theres
  22. Sorry but I feel she is solely responsible. And the motorcycle driver is a victim of the unexpected due to no hazard lights.
  23. What an a s holder
  24. You need a carpenter to help ya for a bit? White rum for me, but can choke that amber back!
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