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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Check with local tire shops. They will have to mount the new rubber anyways. Just make sure you get the correct load rating AND ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TIRE PRESSURE BEFORE HEADING OUT and make sure your bearings have grease in them and you shouldn't have problems.
  2. Congratulations on the addition of your next fishing partner!!! My two girls are 6 and 7 and can't wait to hit the water with daddy for some bassin'.
  3. Justin, check out Iboats.com. There is a section in the Forum for Johnson outboards. There are a few knowledgeable gurus on that board that should be able to point you in the right direction and you may be able to get the manuals for it there as well.
  4. What viscosity and specification does your lower unit require?? Brand doesn't matter too much.
  5. You'll notice it. It is almost like having an extra person in the boat. But, if you need some battery juice, there really isn't a way around it. Don't sweat it too much and just enjoy your tinny's new found capabilities.
  6. While towing a fairly heavy load, nothing will get much better than 15mpg other than a three quarter ton diesel. If you want to tow, you have to pay for fuel, that is the bottom line. Any of the midsize suv's should be able to do the job for you and shouldn't be too bad on gas while normal driving. Good luck, you are searching for the holy grail of tow vehicles, great fuel economy during towing and when not pulling a load.
  7. A couple of the gurus from Iboats don't recommend it for a stabilizer. I defer to their knowledge, they've been boat techs for over 30 yrs and know their stuff. As for ethanol, it doesn't pull moisture out of the air. The biggest problem with water mixing in the fuel is a bad seal on the gas cap on boats. That's straight from boating tv a couple weeks ago. They did a segment on ethanol fuels and basically said just run it like normal and put in an additive at the end of the season. Its here to stay and more and more fuel docks are pumping it. Its not great, don't get me wrong, but its the new reality so learn to work with it.
  8. It's good stuff. For a 4 stroke, run it at the beginning of the year to clean out the fuel system and engine. I wouldn't use it as a stabilizer, there's been tons of discussion on that in iboats. Use Stabil or the like at the end of the year. Ethanol isn't as bad as it's made out to be, it does act as a solvent and actually cleans out the fuel system in engines, the problem being with older boats and engines built pre 1999 or so is that the fuel lines are not ethanol resistant and it eats the fuel lines. All the new lines are ethanol resistant so with older motors, you may need to replace your lines.
  9. Jeez, I'm late on this one. I would have said pick him up at 7am, take the 401 to DVP to Don Mills Rd South, left on O'Connor to Woodbine, right on Woodbine (only way) down to Danforth, Left on Danforth to Main to Giffin Mack. (I grew up down there so Iknow the area well).
  10. Have at 'er!! My old boss is still working a reduced workweek at 40hrs per. He just turned 80 last month. Good luck to you.
  11. Great report Joey!! Looks like you guys had fun on your little fishing getaway. The Old Firehall is a great spot and you brought back a lot of memories. I used to go golfing down that way and ended off the day with dinner there many a time. Roy, nice Bow bud!!
  12. Congrats to you both!! Now repeat after me......YES DEAR. I'M SORRY HONEY. Those 2 phrases said the right way can get you out of a lot of hot water.
  13. Call the OPP and fling the poo on their door handles and boat winch. Jerks like that need to learn a lesson before they will adjust their behaviour. A ticket for tresspassing and an impound fee on their vehicle will hurt and inconvenience them a fair bit. They'll learn, the hard way which is exactly what they deserve Cliff.
  14. Its expensive this year!! At a 1.30/l for my boat will be around 160+ to fill. That's pump gas, not marina fuel. Marinas will be around 1.50 or so per litre. I will definitely go easier on the throttle this year.
  15. 30-30 will do the job on deer safely to around 100yds or so. Out past that and it really starts losing energy. But, its a bush gun so you'll be within that. I'm planning on getting back into hunting and am going true Canadian, a good old 303Brit. It'll take everything up to and including moose and elk. It will be my bush gun.
  16. I'd like to get one. I have some buddies that swear by theirs.
  17. Nice. Good for her. Now if only my numbers would come in for the lottery. I get all happy when I win a free ticket once every couple of months.
  18. It's unfortunate that our retailers can't compete with their brethren just south of the border. We need to get our act together here in North America. We are losing all of the good paying jobs to Asia. One of the big problems now is who in their right mind would want to TRY to build a manufacturing plant in North America, with all of the red tape, environmental regs, etc... the cost is way too prohibitive. Our bureaucracy has run amok and is hindering job growth. It has gotten to the point of waaaay too much regulation. I wonder how much radiation I take in now crossing the border. All of those x-ray machines, bomb sniffers, nuclear material detectors, etc.... can't be good for us. It's unfortunate that a few bad apples have ruined it for everyone.
  19. There is also a chip shield that you can attach to your trailer so the rocks don't beat up the pretty gel coat.
  20. Welcome to our little community.
  21. The 7000 is too big for an all purpose reel for a beginner. Stick to the C4, if you get bitten by th pesky musky bug, you'll end up getting a 7000i for burning Cowgirls and Showgirls.
  22. A basic C4 for musky fishing a couple of times a year will do you fine. If you plan on fishing hardcore, you'll need to upgrade.
  23. I have the 300E and a 200D. The new Curado doesn't hold a candle to either. They are trying to have something in every price point. Quantum is guilty of this as well.
  24. Don't forget, you still have to get the junker home so it has to be relatively safe. The buy a boat for the trailer idea is probably your best bet.
  25. You have to reassert yourself as the Alpha. Stick your hand in his food and if he so much as growls, take his food away until he is ready to be nice. We have to remember that dogs are animals and need to be treated as such. I'd also say to get him checked out by the vet because you never know if an issue has cropped up for an older dog.
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