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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Check with your local Ford dealer, they might be able to order one in for you OR at least steer you in the right direction, I know with GM, they give you the website for the printer and you get one directly from the printing company.
  2. I was going to suggest this, seeing if a marina will store your boat for the season and let you use the ramp for a fixed fee for the season. I know up in Honey Harbour there are a couple of marinas that do this and charge $250-300 for the season. As for having power at the dock, it will end up costing you more and it usually limited to marinas as trailer parks don't want to spend the big money involved in running electricity to a dock and having outlets at each slip. It's one of those it would be nice kinda things but not a necessity. I know, I have to pull my TM batteries out of the boat and bring them up to my trailer to charge them and it's a pain.
  3. No, that's why you use marine grade plywood which is nice and expensive but worth the price. Set it in place, fasten it and then carpet it and you are good to go.
  4. You are probably looking at about $500-800 for the season depending on where and what if any ammenities are offered. The trailer parks could be a good option since they usually have a park of some sort for the kiddies to entertain themselves while mom/dad get the boat uncovered, loaded, and fired up. Get on this quick because if the Kawartha's are anything like Honey Harbour, slips go real quick and are pretty much unobtainable once the boating season begins.
  5. As for hardcopies, there are a few different maps of LOTW when put together will give you the whole thing(8 I believe). 6216, 6217 and maybe 6212 are the ones you want.
  6. I usually try to make it out to both, the Spring Fishing and Boat show mainly for fishing and the Sportsmen's Show for fishing and outdoorsy stuff. Helps break up the doldrums of winter to spend a couple of days wandering around looking at the latest and greatest gear.
  7. Lake St Jo is on my bucket list, it is supposed to be a walleye and monster pike factory with limited fishing pressure. Good to hear you enjoyed it.
  8. Well, no more agonizing over which boat. Now to start thinking about the top and whatever else you want to do to it while you are basking in the Cuban sun. Congrats, enjoy the boat.
  9. Definitely Stateside. He should be able to find something in Wisconsin or Michigan without too much trouble.
  10. Keep the perch and whities boyz! I'm with BillyBob!!!!
  11. As long as she's free and clear, who cares about a few hours spent hurrying up and waiting.
  12. Its political brinkmanship. It will. happen, its just a matter of when. The US needs our stable supply of oil and the govt knows it. Its a political football being tossed around. It will create thousands of PRIVATE SECTOR jobs, the type that actually create wealth and not suck on the public teat. The environmental concerns will be dealt with, yes a leak can make a mess but the mess can be cleaned up, we need good paying jobs now, politics be damned.
  13. Why are you thinking to replace ALL the rivets??? Do the ones that are loose/leaking. Replace any damaged metal. A friend of mine rebuilt his Princecraft/Springbok this year (nicknamed the Titanic since it spent a lot of time under water), it cost him several hundred dollars and the whole summer getting patches welded on, rivets welded (I don't know why he had them welded but that's his business) and the thing still leaks. Mind you, for Musky fishing, it's a great boat but I won't go in it since he removed ALL of the flotation and didn't replace any at all, one big wave and it will founder and sink. Have you looked at all the new boats out there to see if any layouts could work better for you?? You may not be too happy with the final result is all I'm saying and you will still have an older boat that may have issues as opposed to a new boat with a warranty.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. YOU have the full warranty on the Princecraft, it has the full top which you need (how much will one cost for the Smokercraft?). The Smoker is a bit bigger with a bigger motor which is always nice but does not have what you need and canvas tops can get very expensive. Good luck and don't agonize too much, look at what fits your needs better and go with that, you won't regret either.
  16. Buy an RESP through a Financial Advisor or thru your bank. Use a well diversified balanced fund (stocks AND bonds) and set up a monthly plan. That way you are dollar cost averaging and if the market tanks along the way, better for you, the market is on special when it tanks. For every seller, someone is buying. Patience and intestinal fortitude is the name of the game when it comes to investing. Roy mentioned gold, its interesting and will probably continue to rise for a while but at some point will begin to fall. I wouldn't bet the farm at this point on precious metals. That said, 10-20 percent of a portfolio is ok. More than that, you are rolling the dice. Don't play with education funds, its your child's future. The reason I said to buy thru the bank or an advisor is this, a lot of the trusts out there are OK if your child goes to school and if life doesn't get in the way. I have had clients have to cash out early to pay the bills due to job loss, no problem. With the trusts, they are heavily front end loaded and you will lose a huge chunk if you cash out early (as much if not more as the first years contribution). Buyer beware. Another thing, most post secondary education qualifies for the grant, your child could go to university or hairdressing school, its pretty flexible.
  17. Which one has the better layout and rigging for your needs?? They are both great boats, they both are well built. Also, which works better for your wallet?? With 60hp 4strokes, they will be miserly with fuel. Whichever boat you decide on, enjoy it!!!
  18. I hear ya! Just go through some of the posts that have similarities to what you are undertaking so you can avoid some of the pitfalls and mistakes.
  19. Shop is looking good!! Just remember, we want pics of the boat resto. Don't forget that iboats.com is a great resource for your resto job whether it be mechanical structural or cosmetic. Lots of guys have done some pretty serious rebuilds of basketcase boats to like new condition.
  20. Wayne, that's where I go watch the sunset and smoke a nice cuban cigar. A lot of sledders aren't too thrilled about the lack of snow and ice this year. Last year, there was plenty of ice up on gbay but little snow.
  21. As long as the hull structure is relatively sound, ie the stringers and transom, you shouldn't have too many problems. Floor replacement can be done as can engine and drive. You going to upsize the engine?? Have fun, I'm sure she is going to be nice and shiny when you are done with her.
  22. Good for you. I never smoked professionally (only socially) and when I felt like having a smoke not in a social setting, I realized I was getting hooked. So, I stopped before I really started.
  23. If we see any appreciable inflation the price of precious metals will rise rapidly as a hedge. You don't need to buy physical gold and worry about storage. PM me if you want some ideas. I am a financial advisor and I'm not soliciting business.
  24. That is the way the game is played. Hire a lot more staff than you need, keep them on for a couple of months and then pare back. Hopefully the next job for you works out and good luck.
  25. Try your old charger on it. Sometimes the newfangled 'intelligent' chargers don't get a deep cycle fully charged. Your battery could also be on it's way out. How old is it?? One of the problems with the power convertor/chargers on trailers is that the charger can overcharge the battery.
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