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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Should you be changing the oil at only 6hrs???? Stick to the manufacturers recommendations, if they say 20 hrs, that's when you change it. The reason being that the oil that is in there has all the assembly lube in it that helps to make sure everything seats properly. Don't worry about it now, if it smells strongly of gas later on, check the oil level, if it's 'making oil' in other words, gas is thinning the oil and increasing the amount in the crankcase then yes, you have problems. This early on, don't worry too much. Keep an eye on it.
  2. I know where you are. I go up that channel on occasion going to or coming back from North Bay. We' have to wet a line sometime. We are up pretty much every weekend from may twofer till thanksgiving.
  3. The one right across from marina row towards the bottleneck??
  4. Tossing one of those will end up pulling the boat towards it. Great colour.
  5. You don't need trim tabs on an aluminum fishing boat. There is other factors at play here. The issue is either weight distribution or its motor height. DON'T let your dealer give you the runaround either. Take their mechanic for a test ride so he can see for himself. A 20ft+ fibreglass boat having problems with planing and stability I can see, not in your case.
  6. Good for you on the PB!!!! It's always nice to get out and wet a line with your dad. I'm trying to get my dad up to HH for a day of fishing.
  7. Congratulations to you and your family. You'll enjoy the area. There's plenty to do within a very short distance. Which cottage on Mermaid? I'm always tooling around on the weekends. Beige Larson fishn'ski w/ a green top.
  8. NICE!! Life's tough when you can catch pickeral while sitting on a Muskoka chair in your backyard. Beautiful piece of heaven you have there. Good job on the swingset, they are a big job but worth it for the kiddies.
  9. We've got plenty of laws and don't really need more of them. We just need to work with what we have and enforce them properly. If there is a lack of enforcement staff, hire some more, the fines they generate will propbably pay their wages and also take a chunk out of the deficit (or end up in someone's pocket LOL).
  10. There's muskies there but not in great numbers like the Kawarthas.
  11. Contact the outfitter. I'm pretty sure that a couple of deep cycles with an invertor should keep it going for the week as long as you don't use the humidifier. Check to see what the power usage is, there should be something on the bottom of the machine or in the owner's manual. I don't go anywhere without mine any more. I've forgotten it a couple of times and those were not fun weekends.
  12. Nice way to do it. I'm partial to my Stowmaster.
  13. Maybe check with Tightlines. There's a tackle shop on Shepard by Midland, you could try there as well.
  14. Need more info. 8hrs gets you into some pretty good waters BUT what exactly are you looking for? A shack with no running water might be fine for some but others want 5star cuisine and accomodations.
  15. I've got a buddy who's already landed 5 as of last weekend. They are there, I'm not sure about how big they are but there is numbers.
  16. Nice 'skis!!! I guess the Kawartha muskies are on fire. I can't wait for GBay opener.
  17. Don't go messing with the setup of the boat until you have it rigged the way you want. Changing the height of the motor now is premature. As for trim, on a tiller it's used very little if I remember correctly. Enjoy the new ride.
  18. Salty's Down Easters have clamps that would work on a tinny. As for a boat with deeper and thicker gunnels, drilling is the only way to go. I'm resisting too, because I don't want to drill a bunch of holes in my fish'n ski bowrider.
  19. Once you start getting into mods to tow, they get expensive quick. Get the proper tow vehicle for whatever it is you are towing. Unfortunately, there is no 'Holy Grail' ie. plenty of towing capacity, room, power and 25mmpg while towing.
  20. Thanks Lew. I'm done with the thread. If the OP wants or needs any more info on the area, he can PM, we are headed up tonight for an extended weekend.
  21. Beautiful fish. I'm partial to the 78deg water myself, ice in June, no thanks.
  22. The whole saying for salespeople goes like this 'They're liars till they're buyers and it's all bull until the cheque clears'. Put yourself in their shoes, someone comes and says they are going to buy something everyday, but 99.9% of them don't come back to buy the item. Soooooo, if you really want something and are serious about it, put down a deposit. They are trying to do something for you to get your business. See if you can squeeze them a bit more, a few bucks saved is better in your pocket than the dealer's. That doesn't mean making outrageous demands but that has it's place in negotiating too.
  23. GBAy, if you have a problem, PM me. I don't know you from a hole in the ground and you don't know me either. Those that do know me know that I'm not full of bull. The 'fabled' fish was caught by someone other than myself, if it were me and I had a pic, I'd post it, but it wasn't and he does not want his pic plastered all over the web. I'm not confused, halftimers has not set in yet.
  24. Do you know the CO's in the area, if so, ask Bruce about Gerry's monster. I'm respecting a friend's wishes, that's all. Lew has seen the pic. Don't go bashing, its not appreciated.
  25. I've got one but he doesn't want it floating around the web. It was a beast that's for sure.
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