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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I have been making my own Bucktail jigs for over 30 years. I go to where someone butchers deer during the hunting season and get them there. I like ALL BLACK bucktail jigs for walleye and smallmouth bass so I boil the tails in a black dye. Remember when you tie the jigs up DON'T cut off the ends to adjust the size. You must cut the other end that was attached to the tail itself to adjust the length. And no eyes are need if you make black jigs. Bob
  2. I hate to say it, but they are STICKING IT to you guys. Our prices as of 7pm are still holding at $3.80 per US gallon.
  3. Lowrance has MUCH better customer service than HB. Just take a look at this Bass Boat Central site and see what some have had to say about HB and Lowrance. HB Customer Service complaint thread http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zerothread/300659 Lowrance Customer Service thread http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zerothread/...ustomer-service Edited to add: This customer service person Linda Colt sent me a new LMS 520c unit within a week after emailing her that my unit was having problems locking onto the bottom in shallow soft bottom. And also included a postage paid sticker to send back my old unit after I received the new one from her. ALL FOR FREE OF CHARGE. Bob
  4. Our gas in the Buffalo area is about $3.80 per gallon. It has gone down each and every week since the 4th of July. Here is a Buffalo Gas Station Site where you can find gas even cheaper. http://www.buffalogasprices.com/
  5. I am hoping on a June/July trip on Stoney Lake next year. Can anyone give me places to stay. I am interested in a cottage with a dock for my boat. Thanks for your time, Bob
  6. Believe it or not I had a 1980 Ford Pinto Wagon. It lasted me 12 years and over 100,000 miles without any trouble at all. I even used it to tow my boat.
  7. I'm going to buy a few lawn mowers now and they will be worth more money in the future resale market
  8. I really like the Food Saver way but before this came about I use to freeze fish in square qt. containers with water added. You just fit in the amount of fish you want and then fill up the container with water. Once frozen for a day or two you then turn the container upside down in the sink and hit it with HOT water. The ice block with the fish will drop right out and then you can just drop that ice block into a a paper lunch bag, fold over the end and tape it closed. Now mark the bag with a marker giving the date, fish and amount. These square qt. containers stack up real nice in the freezer without using up wasted space. You can reuse the plastic qt. containers over and over to freeze fish. I have a friend that still does this and measures his fishing outings by how many quarts of fish he came home with. As far as the Food Saver way, the bags are VERY VERY expensive. You cannot use just any bags, the bags must have ribs on the inside for the air to be sucked out. Bob
  9. I read nowhere that older motors cannot be used any longer. Please correct me if I am wrong but I think this new standard only will apply to motors sold starting in 2010. Just like older cars don't have to conform to the newer pollution standards, neither will outboards or lawn mowers. Bob
  10. That is how MOST walleye are caught on riggers, they just don't hit it hard enough to trip the release. I use releases similar to the single Invader releases as shown here. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true But you should twist the line about 5 times before placing it into the release or the line will just slide through without ever releasing. Bob
  11. Actually the report says it was a "TRUCK" that was involved not a rail car. As far as the railroad (30 year retired railroader) crap happens.
  12. This fall the Crappie fishing should be the best ever :<)
  13. When even NOT is use my motor is vertical for the last 23 years on my boat. It's a 50 hp Johnson. It is tilted about 45 degrees with a piece of wood to block it up while towing. A 50 hp is not that heavy of a motor on the transom unless you have a bad transom to begin with. Bob
  14. You asked and here is the info. It has LOTS of walleye, pike and bass. http://www.kirkkovecottages.com/ P.S. Don't tell anyone else. Bob
  15. Tongue weight should be between 10-15%. A light tongue weight will give you fish tailing. If that Johnson is like mine it needs back pressure to run right. Mine will not run smooth with the ear muffler / hose attachment on it. But at least I know it runs before it's spring yearly maiden voyage. Bob
  16. You are going to get wet and cold in the spring. You will be bounced around a LOT because it is a light boat. How wide is the beam. I have a 16'-4" Grumman that has a 84 inch beam with a side console that has a windshield and I get wet on rough days. If you're thinking I just wouldn't go out on rough days you will not be fishing Ontario much. I can't say "DON'T buy it but just be prepared to be bounced around a LOT on Ontario and Erie :<(
  17. Definitely worth the asking price. As far as a Lake Ontario salmon troller, just marginal. Better suited for smaller lakes as it is a light boat. Does it have power trim and tilt ? ? ? I have a '85 50 hp Johnson with Oil Injection and LOVE it. It has performed flawlessly for 23 years now (knock on wood).
  18. * Coho * Brown * Steelhead * Chinook * Ling (fresh water cod)
  19. Have you noticed that the lake isn't that rough when the fishing is good
  20. Boats that are stored inside all the time don't show their age. However, boats that are outside even only during the boating seasons that are covered hold in moisture and REALLY take a beating in the flooring, etc...... I have a fishing buddy that stores his outside while mine is stored inside and he has replaced the flooring and MANY other items while mine is only 1 year newer (23 years old) it looks like it is 15 years newer. He also has electrical problems that I don't have. Good Luck on your purchase venture, Bob
  21. VERY nice fish. I have 3 hours tomorrow to catch a couple while drifting some worm harness. I hope to I can do half as good as you did.
  22. From the pics they look normal to me, but if not I believe it's because they are moving a lot (not holding in one area).
  23. I never use the fish mark but rather look and have seen MANY hooks that are fish.
  24. HEY, I resemble this thread
  25. BINGO ! ! ! Now let's start the regular NFL season
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