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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Normal gas stations are around $3.55 a gallon. HOWEVER, I fish out of Cattaraugus Creek (boat launch) when perch fishing Lake Erie and the Seneca Nation gas stations are down to $2.88 per US gallon. YES, you read it right under $3 per gallon here BTW the perch fishing is pretty good in 72 feet of water. Got 25 Wed and another 30 today. Going out again in the morning while this GREAT fall weather holds.
  2. Actually hunting is at the top of the list for safety stats when it comes to recreation. But you asked for some stats so here's what I found. http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hs/Briefs/recdths.pdf
  3. The jig just helps present the minnow to the walleye. Once water temperatures go below 50 degrees walleyes will start to head into the deepest holes looking to feed on bait fish to fatten up for the winter. We have our best luck using a ice fishing Rapala tipped with a large minnow from the treble hook. Here's what we like in COLD fall water walleye fishing. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...la-search_redir
  4. MANY more people drown while fishing than being shot while hunting so I guess you better play it safe, sell that boat and take up Bingo with the old ladies LOL
  5. Does this mean Alabama type skin LOL..................
  6. Charlie has the dates correct on our NYS fishing licenses. Oct 1 to Sept 30th. I was at the Catt yesterday but only to launch and motor out for perch fishing which I prefer. HOWEVER, I always check on what is going on as far as trout/salmon fishing at the Catt. NOW is PRIME for the Catt. I talked to one local while getting my minnows for perch fishing and he said he already got his limit that morning (I talked to him at 8:00am) with skein. One the way back in at 11:30am there were still some boat fishing in the creek and just outside the mouth of it. When I motioned how they were doing they gave me the THUMBS UP. BTW the perch fishing is EXCELLENT (25 perch) and was hoping to return on Friday but I see the winds are going to be high, however Saturday is looking better.
  7. I am very versed in sonar/GPS units and the Lowrance LMS 520 or 522 unit is probably not only your best buy but also the best choice. The 520c has a optional GPS antenna that I prefer. The 522c unit is the EXACT unit but has a built in GPS antenna that "could" present reception problems depending on the units installation. Also with the 522 unit you CANNOT link multiple unit together to share the same GPS antenna. This could be a HUGE disadvantage down the line because the units cost the exact same in the initial investment. Take a good look here at Lowrance units. You may even decide to get a LARGER screen unit. http://www.lowrance.com/en/Products/Marine...plotter-Combos/ Don't forget the unlimited mapping card available for all of these units. I have 3 different mapping cards and they are INCREDIBLE for detail, especially on lakes you have never been on. This really evens the playing field with the locals.
  8. You HEARD it my friend................... P. S. Bernie answer the question ?? ?? ??
  9. I read about HALF of the responses and seen ENOUGH. Why do we have to justify EVERYTHING we do as hunters or fishermen. We have been living this lifestyle for about a hundred years at least my family has, BUT now because the LIBERALS don't approve it's wrong. Why is it that the same LIBERALS accept the SAME practices that the so called Native American's do as OK but when I or you do it it's not OK. Someone PLEASE explain this to me. How is it that they can hunt and fish in ANY SEASON or OUT of SEASON using any method it's OK but when we do it in VERY restricted fashion it's not acceptable. SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME ! ! !
  10. Nice to know. Here is a site that has actual cameras on many of the Great Lakes showing live coverage of different areas. I have been using this site for MANY years but now with fall coming some cameras may be shut down. Also if you go to say the Toronto pier look below that picture (as all others) and their will be the links for NEAR SHORE and OFF SHORE weather links. This is sometimes the best part. http://www.lakevision.com/index.html Bob
  11. I have been using Walmart's SuperTech 2 cycle oil for almost 15 years now. No problems and seems like the same as Johnson's 2 cycle oil that cost twice as much. It probably is the same stuff.
  12. Tuesday they finally sent me a brand new on-board charger for my boat. The one I sent back to them was 4.5 years old and 2.5 years out of manufacture warranty. I only called them to find out the manufacture so I could contact them. Instead Cabela's insisted that I sent it back to them because it had their name on it. Bottom line Cabela's sent me a new $139.99 charger FREE of charge. Wednesday I installed it and my boat batteries are happy again Bob
  13. Easy on this guy. Just because he a so called newbie doesn't warrant the disrespect some have show here. It's this what this forum is for. I see MANY non fishing post and those posters have never been scolded like this. Simply put, if you don't like the post don't respond. I have had to take that approach MANY times. Now reading that the MNR officer said that he would consider himself molested but nothing is illegal about stripping the eggs and now the fish will die. Isn't this EXACTLY what takes place for stocking programs all around the world. Fish of all species are caught to have their eggs stripped and let loose to live again. Of course pacific salmon do not survive their spawning ritual.
  14. 6 gauge for the trolling motor is recommended. You should be able to get that at any good hardware store. Most here have it on bulk reels. I wouldn't move the starting motor battery forward.
  15. "Drop Shotting" is nothing new except for it's name. Why a simple crappie rig is basically the same thing and they have been around forever. Bob
  16. Do you play football up there ? ? ? What's the name of the team and league Now about the BUFFALO BILLS, yes they are looking much better than the last 5 years or so. BUT they need to work on two key areas, RUN the ball and STOP THE RUN. I am not convinced they can do that consistently enough to win the big games needed to advance deep into the playoff if they even make the playoffs. The Bill's defensive line is small in comparison to other NFL teams. Their defense ends have brilliant moments but nowhere enough to stop a great running team. The "Hit and Run" running back doesn't look as good as last year. He now is studder stepping at the line of scrimmage and his legs don't keep going unlike when he was a rookie. When they drafted Trent Edwards I knew he would overtake Lostman at the QB position. We still need a TOP receiver like Andre Reed was. Evans shows signs of greatness sometimes but mostly just above average play most times. Go Bills and take the Sabres with you
  17. Once all our domestic manufactures sell everything off to China so nothing is longer made here and nobody has any jobs to purchase any of the junk that comes from China, then what. Not everyone can have a job that requires the saying "sir do you want fries with that"
  18. Here in the states one word......................... radar detector.....................OK two words
  19. I replaced exactly what you are doing a few years ago. It not that hard and I am sure you will handle it without any problems. My only problem was to remove/replace the rod end at the motor I had to unbolt the outboard and move it over a few inches for clearance and then put the motor back into it's original position (centered). When you do this make sure you re-caulk the bolts going through the transom to seal out water. One other helpful hint............. I see you are going to store your boat in a barn. Get yourself some moth balls and but them in small bags with holes cut into them. Now but four or five of these small bags in the boat compartments AND one under the outboard cowling to keep mice out. Mice can do hundreds of dollars of damage chewing wiring etc..................... Bob
  20. If you're referring to the one rod rule in some of the Great Lake waters in Canadian waters while Canada still allows gill net fishing for commercial fishermen. That's one of the reasons it's IMHO a dumb rule. The US outlawed gill netting YEARS ago on the Great Lakes. Here in NYS most waters have a 15" minimum rule for walleye. But while deep water jigging during the LATE fall walleye bite I catch many fish just under 15". Since they are caught in very deep water, sometimes as deep as 70' the release survival rate is low. It would be much better to just have a 5 fish limit of any size during this time of the year. That way I wouldn't catch 15-20 fish to get five keepers. Another dumb rule IMHO. Bob
  21. OH, we have MANY dumb rules here, too many to list. But when you are trolling the Great Lakes you really need a presentation of many lures/baits in the water column. I myself only use more than one rod while Great Lake trolling. Even though we can use two rods in our inland lakes I find it a hindrance more than helpful while for example crappie fishing. Even when I am perch fishing on Lake Erie I only use one rod because I can better concentrate on the light biters and I don't want to make fishing a chore. When I was younger I always used two rods but I think I catch more fish using only one now.
  22. PM sent
  23. DUMB rule you have there. We can fish two rods anywhere. Bob
  24. Navionics 2008 Premium HotMaps have a $50 rebate going on until the end of the year. I just order mine from Cabela's for next year's trip. I am sure Navionics must have something new coming out for next year if there is a $50 rebate offer, but I checked out the lake list and it covers all the lakes I intend to fish for the foreseeable future
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