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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Is it true that the mosquito is the Canadian national bird. I know I have seen a few that were bigger than our bald eagle
  2. Sweet ride. There is nothing like towing with a full size truck especially on long road trips. Now if only the gas prices will come down (not holding my breath).
  3. Roy, do you have a Lowrance LMS 520c unit because the instructions warns you about this fact. Other units I have installed for people also didn't have to worry about this like in the 480 unit and LCX 19 unit. But now as always Lowrance has made some changes again.
  4. It cost more but usually you can get in lodges that have American plans at the last minute. I am leaving Monday for Sand Beach Lodge on the French River. Here's their website if you interested. I haven't been there for over 20 years but I know you get what you pay for there and the food/service was second to none. http://www.sandbeachlodge.com/ It load slow so just give it minute. Also when you call a lodge and they are full ask then if they know anyone that might have a opening. Long story short but this worked for me a few years ago when we went all the way to Quebec for a family fishing trip. Left after one hour because the place was a scam and stayed one night in North Bay. Called a couple of places so we could salvage the vacation and one place said call this women because she cleans for many lodges and she would know if someone has a opening. She ended up hooking us up with a very nice cottage on Big Caribou Lake where I caught some of my biggest walleyes in Ontario and it was on the way home Bob
  5. The thing with Lowrance is they keep changing what they include in the box when you purchase the unit. IF you have the correct 15' extension with the proper ends to connect the unit to the antenna puck go ahead and do it and everything will be fine. If they sent you the 15' extension without the proper ends (can't remember how mine came, but I think it had like male ends on both ends of the extension) then you MUST run it through the T connector and block off the unused ends of the T connector with terminators. I hope this makes sense for you. You may have a OLD new unit that sat on the shelf somewhere before it got to where you purchased it. You can check by seeing what software version it has. There are 2.1v, 2.3v and now Lowrance is going to release a 2.4v software that can be downloaded from their website. If you have the 2.1v download the 2.3v into your unit so when the 2.4v is released your unit will accept it. The LMS 520c unit does NOT come with a water speed paddle wheel. You will have speed over ground because of the GPS but if you really want water speed you must purchase that separately as I did. One other VERY important thing is make sure you have a cut off switch installed for the GPS antenna or it will drain your battery because the unit's power switch does NOT cut power to the antenna AND you will burn out the antenna after awhile because it will be continuously powered. Bob
  6. A properly set up side console is much more versatile than a tiller. With a 40-60 hp outboard side console and a foot control electric trolling motor you can do everything a tiller can and more. A side console has the benefits of jigging and RIGGING downriggers with Great Lakes planer boards at a much more easy and convenience. The windshield is the icing on the cake in cold, rain or buggy days. However, tillers are less expensive but who wants to skimp on fishing toys
  7. I see both health care plans (US & CAN) have there pluses and minuses but TennGuy think about this for one minute. You feel the US government shouldn't be liable to take care of your basic needs but if fact the US government already does. It supplies the US population with police protection, fire protection, schooling, hospitals, military, and many other numerous agencies to protect the welfare of it's people. Why not health care ? ? ? And JohnnyBass, are you serious about your post that our best doctors come from Canada and it's our worse doctors that just graduated from med school. How do your doctors become doctors. Don't they also graduate from medical schools ? ? ? The reason doctors head south from the frozen north is because Canada doesn't compensate them more. I never hear of any of our doctors heading north unless it was to fish. As a matter of fact I have never heard of any US doctor leaving for another country because he thought health care was better elsewhere and wanted to be part of it Just as we hear horror stories about the Canadian health care system, you hear horror stories about ours. I don't believe either are true. I have never seen or hear anyone here denied health care. BTW since I pay high Canadian taxes when I am fishing Ontario (best fishing in the world) shouldn't I be entitled to FREE health care. After all your government discontinued the GST tax rebate last April
  8. I can't access your video either. Years ago I flew out of Nakina and the fishing was second to none. However it was on hell of a long drive to Nakina from the Buffalo area but we had 8 guys and a 40 ft motor home that made it nice.
  9. I am a little confused. Write off what to who ? ? ? The tax payers make up for lost revenue already as all hospitals at least in NY are subsidized by the state. I believe we do need to get the lawyers out of our health care systems. Doctors are only human and rarely make mistakes. But because of the lawyers we are sent for unneeded blood test several times a year not to mention all the other test. Also our prescriptions are way over priced. It's funny how this administration will accept imported goods of any kind from anywhere in the world but when it comes to importing prescription drugs from Canada at a great savings that where actually in some cases from the US we can't because all a sudden our government is concerned with safety. The pharmaceutical industry is way too powerful for our own good. Many people are fast to put the blame on doctors for high costs but sometimes I wonder how they even break even. A GP is a fading practice and only specialist are making money and both deserve to make a VERY good living considering how much schooling doctors need to get a medical license in this country. Bob
  10. Scotty's are good but if you want the best get yourself some Big John's. However, at $55 each it's out of my price range for a rod holder. Bob
  11. I cashed in on this rebate. I sent in all my proofs of purchase in mid April and FINALLY received the map card yesterday. The funny thing is I purchased a Navionics card for $149 for the eastern US and a week later I heard about this deal so I put in for the south of US. Now I think I will sell it on Ebay.
  12. See if you can get a reasonable Toyota Tacoma. I don't have one but have read numerous accounts that they are one of the best small trucks on the road. I have it's BIG brother, a 2007 Toyota Tundra and so far (one year) it's the best truck I have owned. Just don't ask about the gas mileage. Good Luck truck fishing, Bob
  13. Three hundred dollars for a fillet knife ? ? ? My first boat didn't cost that much. Three hundred dollars for a piece of art that looks like a fillet knife ? ? ? Then it get hung on the wall to admire not clean fish ! ! ! I have much better ways to spend three hundred dollars, like for expensive gasoline to go fishing and then I get to use my Rapala fillet knife (cost $6.99)
  14. One other unit you should consider is the Eagle (Lowrance) FishMark 480 unit. It sells in the $200 range you looking in. Here's the website for it. http://www.eaglenav.com/en/Products/Fishfi...s/FishMark-480/
  15. As many might know I have a 1985 50hp Johnson VRO outboard on my 16' Grumman. I am very satisfied with my mileage but of course more would always be better. I have tracked my mileage for years using my odometer on my fish finder and here is what I get. Cruising = 40-42 miles per 6 gallon can Trolling = 30 miles per 6 gallon can Since I have two 6 gallon tanks (portables) I have more than enough for any one day of fishing. Only once when I use to compete in Walleye tournaments on Lake Erie did I have to tap the other tank and even then I was on my way in only about 2 miles from the harbor.
  16. None of them ever appealed to me. I have a small tool box in my truck that I can do almost anything with and just a few hand tools in the boat. There is not too much you can do on the water anyways so I have no need for a lot of tools aboard. A good knife is always a must. I have three in the truck and 5 in the boat
  17. What I am saying is a column of water will only support so much life. If it is over run by bass there will be other species that will suffer. How long did it take for Fish and Wildlife Departments realize a slot limit is more beneficial than have a minimum length ? ? ? The biggest problem with Fish and Wildlife Departments is that it ALWAYS involves politics and that is never a good way to manage anything. Bob
  18. Group 24 is the standard size battery and the smallest. The larger the group number the longer the battery is with I believe Group 31 being the largest in length and weight. The larger the battery the larger the plates meaning more cranking amps and more reserve power. Only thing is your battery compartment might not allow a lager group battery to fit.
  19. I find at least here and I am sure elsewhere that our government sponsored Fish and Wildlife agencies are WAY too slow to act in the best interest of us or the fisheries. Just because they set up game laws from years ago doesn't make it the correct thing to do. Only through lobbying from our gun/fishing clubs that some outdated game laws here have finally been changed. Many more are being discussed today to benefit our wildlife/fishery populations. Without our club Federation we would be still governed by ancient law set up in the 1940's. Get involved with a hunting / fishing club for a better tomorrow on your lakes, rivers and streams. Bob
  20. The crankin battery is the one you will have the least amount of problems with. Save you money on a gel battery for EXPENSIVE gasoline, you don't need a gel for starting battery (they are overrated and overpriced).
  21. Here is a simple method I have used for over 20 years without fail. Jack up trailer and spin tire. Does is spin real good and continue to spin. Is it spinning quietly with no rough bearing sound coming from the hub. If OK now grab the tire with one hand on each side and try to twist the tire. It should only have just a little bit of back and forth play, but not too much. If each tire passes this test jack it down and go catch a fish
  22. I don't think you're getting my point. More people suffer from eating red meat than almost anything else out there. Do you see warning labels when you purchase a steak at your local butcher ? ? ? I will bet a dozen night crawlers that eating fish from the Great Lakes will have more health benefits than a daily diet of beef. Thousands of people suffer from harding of the arteries, heart attacks and yes cancer from eating red meat, yet no warning labels on the beef you purchase. The Japanese people eat a LOT more seafood than Canadians or Americans and are consider more health overall. However, they are now starting to follow our bad habits and more and more fat Japanese people are seen walking the streets in Tokyo.
  23. I'll second the Delco Voyager battery. I have one now for about 8 years as my starting / powering everything else but the trolling motor. Every year I think I will have to replace it but it still lives on without any sign of failing. These batteries are maintenance free and I think that really makes a difference with a on-board charger that is ALWAYS on. Bob
  24. 1/8 oz and 1/4 oz BLACK bucktail jigs. If your bringing your own boat a extra prop. That area can be very dangerous.
  25. Here in NY we now allow fishing for out of season bass on a catch and release only not to mention our trophy season on Lake Erie Bass starting in May. Our bass fishing has never been better. Maybe Ontario should take another look on how bass should be regulated. However, I must add most anglers here do not keep bass even when in season. Why eat a crummy hot dog when there are steaks and juicy pork chops swimming the waters.
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