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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I have never heard of anyone getting sick or dying from eating fish from any body of water. Now red meat, that's another story. Do you think our governments are influenced by red meat lobbyist compared to where there are no lobbyist for the fishing industry.
  2. ALL vehicles that have a towing package from the factory have a extra tranny cooler included with the towing package. Think about it, it's for a good reason, to protect your EXPENSIVE transmission ! ! ! You have received several good tips here when towing long distances. May I add the following important and ofter overlooked items. * Towing vehicle tire pressure * Trailer tire pressure * A tow vehicle oil change may be in order * Check tow vehicle coolant levels * Take a extra quart of motor oil as you may consume more than you think towing long distances * A good wash job and interior cleaning always makes the vehicle run better
  3. Remember one thing "it's cheaper to keep her". Good Luck, Bob
  4. May I recommend a very good on-board charger that is waterproff and has performed without a problem. Now I have had this charger for about 5 or 6 years. READ the info on it and remember Cabela's name is on it so they will stand behind it. Here it is http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...600056&rid=
  5. ALL fishermen are LIER'S except you and me and I have my doubts about YOU (this is a OLD saying my friend's father would ofter repeat)
  6. You got that right MRM. Are any of you boys old enough to remember the '70's when they were preaching Global Cooling ? ? ? The earth is ALWAYS changing just ask the dinosaurs If Al Gore is so smart how come we are stuck with the nit wit BTW for those who believe in Global Warming how many bridges do you own Now back on topic. When it's hot, fish in early morning and drink Labatts Ice the rest of the day
  7. WHY do you say this. Do YOU have personal experience or are you just one of many who spread rumors from a friend who has a cousin that knows a guy that has a brother in-law that's a marine mechanic in his back yard and this guy said to take off the VRO system because it "COULD" fail and blow your motor. I have had this boat, motor and trailer for 23 years without a problem and the VRO is the reason I purchased this motor. It is the best thing since slice bread. I have a remote 1.8 gallon oil tank that I fill once a year and never think about it again. Motor purrs like a kitten. Trolls down to 1.5 mph and has a top speed of 32 mph. I get 30 miles to a 6 gallon tank while trolling and 42 miles to 6 gallon tank while cruising. Bob
  8. When my motor was new many moons ago the dealer/mechanic told me to use Johnson's oil while under warranty because of the dye in the oil and if anything went wrong Johnson could tell right away. When the motor was about 6-7 years old I stopped going all the way down to the dealer to pay lots of money for Johnson oil and started using LubriMatic oil. I used this oil for MANY years without a problem. Then all of a sudden Walmart and other stores here stop carrying it. So I tried Walmart's Super Tech oil. It looked, smelled and felt the same as the LubriMatic oil and I believe it might be the same dang oil. Bottom line it meets or exceeds my motor needs and the motor runs just the same as if I was using Johnson oil from over 20 years ago. But if you like spending a LOT more money on a name brand oil go for it. I myself need every extra dollar I can muster together for expensive gasoline Now since a good fishing buddy has moved on to a 4 stroker he has given me some FREE (my favorite word) 2 cycle oil. One unopened gallon of oil from Mercury and one 3/4 full 2.5 gallon container of Johnson's oil plus the 2 gallons of Super Tech of I still have it will be a LONG time until I need to purchase any 2 cycle oil. If I could only find some FREE gasoline I could go fishing
  9. Who hates the Yankees (and I don't mean me) but rather the NY Yankees GO RED SOX
  10. My trailer came with regular wood bunks that lasted only about 6-7 years. I replaced with pressure treated 2x4's and of course wrapped them with carpet. Now about 15-16 years later the wood is hold up very nice with some of the carpet showing wear near the ends at the water end of the bunk. I NEVER put my hubs in the water so I don't have to worry about my wheel bearing. So I spray silicone on the bunks once a year and this works VERY well but I also grease my rollers. I took off the one pressed cap and drill a hole in each roller shaft and put in cotter pins for easy removal to grease them when needed. They should be greased sometime this year as it hasn't been done in several years.
  11. WHAT more can be said that hasn't already been said other than if you don't tip don't ever use that charter boat again, cheapskate You asked
  12. HUH, I have seen, experience and heard the complete opposite. And in Europe I hear that you can't squeeze out a nickel from them folks. Maybe their service is not up to standards to the those Yanks who are not tipping well. Are you referring to restaurant people or some other kind of service ?
  13. I have a 1985 50 hp Johnson with VRO and it runs great and no smoke
  14. Ethanol has been in our fuels for the last few years. ANYONE having problems up until now with the fuels we have been using ? ? ? I didn't think so. Use it if it makes you feel better. Some like a lighter pocket book. Me, I'm going to just follow the course I set with my outboard that is 23 years old and running just like the day I purchased it BTW there are also fuel additives out there for your towing machine you can waste your money on. NOT me, I already spend enough money on fuel. OH, almost forgot to mention you can also waste a ton of hard earned cash on motor oil additives that will really mess up your engine.
  15. I have a Hbird unit now for 25 years and it works like the day I purchased it. However, I like my Lowrance LMS 520C unit better
  16. OK, I think you all know I am a Yankee and we are at times known to be big tippers, at least that is what I have heard. I myself have my own standards that I was taught. TIPPING is at most times used to add income to a minimum wage employee like a waitress. However, that does not guarantee a tip from me. For good service from a waitress a 15% tip is what I give. Anything less than good service the tip could go down to 10% or ZERO. Now at a classy restaurant 20% if the waiter is pouring our wine and doing the other services that is expected from a classy restaurant. We have a coffee shop diner that the wife and I occasionally have breakfast at. That restaurant now has a 20% recommend tip calculation figured in at the bottom of the bill. I think it is a INSULT to me and have expressed my views to the restaurant about it. I am NOT going to pay 20% at a coffee shop and if the waitress think they should be getting more money then go to college and earn it as I am still paying my sons college bills. Now with all that said, if the first mate is working his butt off I wouldn't hesitate to tip 15-20% to him. If no first mate then I would tip the captain. If you EVER expect to use that charter boat again and don't tip, believe me they will remember you and you will NOT get the extra effort that is sometimes need to have a special day on the water. A captain will remember the better customers and make special arrangements to accommodate this customer the next time he calls at the spur of the moment for reservations. It might be YES I think I can make a opening for you if I can switch a few things around. OR it might be call me back in 3 weeks when the fishing is better. Both time you will appreciate his extra efforts as he appreciate your gratitude the last time you spent time together on the water. BTW Stoty, you're young and you will see the light as time goes on. If not you will be labeled as a cheap dude by many and not only by charter captains. Bob
  17. When you asked "what color bucktail" I immediately thought BLACK Bucktail JIGS but then I see you are referring to muskie fishing where I am NOT a good source of info. Walleye BLACK, smallmouth BLACK, largemouth BLACK, pike BLACK, muskie ????? I would try black but other muskie guys might have better info. Good Luck, Bob
  18. Pictures, I need to see pictures of this project
  19. Ya see old man this is where you are all wrong. If you tell the cashier that you intend to eat said bait you will not have to pay sales tax because you are now purchasing food, at least that is what I tell my bait dealer when I need some nightcrawlers
  20. I built about a dozen custom rods and I would just wind them by hand (no cardboard v's) but like they have already mentioned use a phone book to run you thread thru using a bobbin. Now for forming the handle here is a neat and FAST way. Make your own lathe using a drill motor. Just take a pencil or drill bit and add some duct tape to it so it fits well into the rod blank. Then clamp motor into your vise and on the other end use a cardboard box with a hole thru it for the tip end but MAKE sure you but some tape on the rod blank that will ride thru the cardboard box or you will burn the finish off the blank. Now you only need some rough and smooth sand paper to shape the cork handle the way you like. This only takes minutes and you get a real nice round handle with this method. I gave up rod building when everyone said I was more expensive then buying a store bought graphite rod and they were right
  21. I would talk around town and see if someone in your area has some room for your trailer. I have stored my boat in somebody's garage for YEARS without having to pay a dime. This past winter I found a guy that I use to work with that goes to Florida for the whole winter with his wife. I store my boat in his heated garage and look after the house while they are gone. I put the boat in there after they left for Florida and get it out before they come home. It's a WIN - WIN situation for both of us. Good Luck Searching, Bob
  22. YES, you can use automotive gear oil for your lower unit. I have been doing it for MANY years. Same stuff just easier to get and it cost less. It will NOT hurt a thing because it's the same stuff.
  23. WOW, after reading this post I have to ask, are you a VERY LIBERAL politician or belong to the LIBERAL party because this is basically how their thinking goes. Have you ever heard of Adolf Hitler. One the first things he did was take disarm the German people and then get them to conform to his way of thinking. In all communist countries the government has disarmed the people and enforced the so called "police" and "military" to keep their citizens in line. Canada like the USA is a GREAT country as we speak. However, there are MANY among us who want the government to control the people and not the people to control the government. VERY dangerous thing that must be kept at bay. Bob
  24. What ? ? ? What is wrong with grammar and spelling considering this is from someone in India that has never spoken English/Canadian before this week
  25. I agree with one exception and that would be on overcast days use a GOLD color lure. This has worked time and time again over the years for me
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