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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. It seems he's anxious for the US dollar to go as he said "in the tank". He better hopes it doesn't because as the US dollar goes so does the Canadian Loony. Just today the US dollar is worth $1.26 in Canadian funds...
  2. Huh, and I've been listing to economist and financial consultants all these years when I all I needed to do was come this fishing site...... LOL
  3. It will remain low and might even drop a bit more until after Christmas. Then another bad report about the economy will drive the price even lower once retailers reveal how bad a Christmas year it was.
  4. Here in the Buffalo area there is a investigation going on because of price fixing among retailers. They are make more than twice the amount than everyone else makes per gallon. If weren't for one of the local TV stations getting everyone riled up I sure our crooked politicians would do anything like always. But anyways take a look at this article that is in today's Buffalo News. http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/buff...ory/514946.html
  5. Here's a LOT more info on the new Lowrance units that will be available come 2/09 with prices included. Of course these are US prices and I'm sure they will cost a bit more in Canada as everything else is. http://www.cascadegps.com/store/home.php?cat=89 Bob
  6. Can't you just remove the trailer fenders for the winter time to store the boat in the garage.
  7. Another thing to really get your computer to run faster is get rid of Microsoft Explorer and use Mozilla Firefox as your browser. That was the BEST thing I ever did to surf the web. Bob
  8. I went woodcock hunting Tuesday afternoon with a lower river guide. He had his clients limit out before noon and met us on Grand Island by 1:30pm for a great day hunting. Flushed 12 birds and came home with 8 BTW he said he hasn't even had to go up into Devil Hole for his limits. I can't give you exact area he was fishing as respect to him as a friend but at least that eliminates on area off the river.
  9. He doesn't fish and he doesn't hunt. He stands for socialism. NOT GOOD ! ! !
  10. Go back to Cabela's and get yourself a DUCK HUNTING Wading jacket. They are now on sale. Here's one that you might be interested in if not they have others. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...=0033659942921a
  11. I live right near the boarder and have NEVER had a problem coming and going into either country. But now come July 1st we will need either a passport or a enhanced driver's license which is what I will be getting soon.
  12. I have Cannon Mast that is in EXCELLENT shape I am willing to sell and I have boards for sale. The Cannon mast just like the Cannon downriggers are a cut above ANY others. They have a clutch system built into the reels so the handle does not spin while deploying the boards. Bob
  13. Here Kitty, kitty....................here kitty, kitty....................BANG ! ! !
  14. But this only applies to the Kawarthas and if you REALLY want to conserve then outlaw gill nets in Ontario waters of Lake Erie like we have done in NY, Pa and Ohio....
  15. Since the signs have come out now in the fall of the year it sounds to me like they are protecting that area for Duck Hunting for themselves. Bob
  16. WHY do they close down fishing in Kawarthas at all.
  17. SO, then you can't be cited for shooting one and have it stuff (or trapped) and shown, HOWEVER where are these specimens ? ? ? Oh, there are coming as evidence right after they process the Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot..............
  18. Well it's simply evidence. Have you trapped any or have you shot any. If not have any of your neighbors trapped any or shot any and if so do you have any pictures of said animals. This is WHY your DEC list them as a MAYBE for our discussion. UNTIL then they are just another BIGFOOT.
  19. I have to agree 100% with Sdog. NONE ever trapped, none ever shot, none ever REALLY photographed. Sounds more like another possible BIGFOOT legend developing with NOW a possible escaped illegal pet on the loose.
  20. The Humminbird Sidescan technology really has something over Lowrance. It's transom mount sidescan transducer that they got a patent on is what separates Hummingbird from ALL other 2D sonar units. If Lowrance could get around that patent you could bet your last nightcrawler they would have a sidescan unit on the market. You have to take a look at this post all the way down until you see member "Doug Vahrenberg" post the pictures from his sidescan unit. This is UNBELIEVABLE pictures to use while you are on the water and I'm a FULL TIME Lowrance guy......... CHECK THIS OUT....... http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zerothread/...-final-decision
  21. Do you have a remote start on this vehicle. Sometimes these remote starts are the leading problem with what you described. Bob
  22. Great, NO EXCELLENT report. I always LOVE the pictures you guys post here. This has to be the #1 report IMHO ! ! ! Now about that .300 Savage. That gun is a Savage Model 99 lever action that is probably worth some nice coin if you didn't know already. I have one in a .243 Win that is in MINT condition. Depending on the condition of that model 99 and it's serial number it could even be a collectors item. Here is a site that can answer all that. Not many guns have there own sites but the Savage Model 99 is a really sought after firearm from the past. http://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/u...Board/40/page/1
  23. You're on my Canadian brother. Sometime in late June or early July the water levels in the Kawarthas will be reduced because of the fish we catch Bob
  24. You got that RIGHT Wild Man................. However, I expect a Big Hurt on the walleyes next season............ the best part of fishing is the planning EH ! ! ! Bob
  25. Less than 10% of the Canadian or American public seriously fish so I don't see ANY difference. Now where did I put that other fillet knife...............
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