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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. GREAT POST IDEA... I always have my boat hook to the truck the night before but still in the garage (sticking out).... Coffee is made the night before and all bait is ready to go unless I'm perch fishing on Erie and need to purchase or dip my own. On the way home I fuel up so I'm ready to go for the next time out. Bob
  2. Your going to love Nakina.....went there to Lake Aba years ago. Eight men flew in with the aid of a otter for 7 days... 1080 walleyes came out of the lake with a additional 243 pike...
  3. Not cheap....FRUGAL.... I don't believe there is a outdoor splitter available....at least there wasn't when I did mine about 2 years ago when the USA went all digital...you guys are way behind us....
  4. My fellow Canadian friends....you need to contact the NRA for advise to start a similar organization...your rights are being eroded ever so slowly...this is how the tree huggers make your firearms useless all while collecting fees on them. Good Luck, Bob
  5. Our old Analog system most channels were on VHF but now with digital systems everything is using UHF which is basically a weaker signal, so keep that in mind. Now how do you improve with out a huge rotary antenna...EASY PEASY...get yourself 1 - 2 or 3 UHF antennas and mount on your roof with each pointing in a different direction (towards your TV stations) but the antennas need to be combined with a simple indoor coax splitter....BUT you should cover the whole splitter with silicone caulking to protect it from the elements. (I could not find a outdoor grade splitter when I did this.) DO NOT use a VHF / UHF combinder as this will kill any signal coming in from the VHF side of that combinder. This is how my house gets ALL the free stations on all 4 of my TV's... Bob
  6. Wait until the Texas Size Timmy's coffee.........
  7. Less filling and taste great....
  8. Dumbest question I ever had while entering Ontario while towing my fishing boat was "do you have any knifes" and I said NO.....I was waved through...I got about 100 yards away and thought to myself that I have 4 knifes on the boat and 3 in the truck......who goes fishing without a knife.....
  9. I take them up to the China man (Chinese Restaurant) and he uses them to attract the daily special.......and I get a 20% discount....
  10. I hope that's going to be a Blonde Canadian.... HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tybo........
  11. OK Paul, now what ear do I probe on the dog....
  12. :rofl2:
  13. I get a kick out of it, when we go to a out of town restaurant and on the menu they list "Buffalo Wings"......I didn't even realize Buffalo's had wings....
  14. For you young wiper snappers that can still eat these things, it don't get no better then this. http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article539170.ece
  15. I have had a Gmail account for YEARS......but I use a elaborate password...now a friend of mine used his address for his password and he got hacked.
  16. YEP, I agree....taking into consideration that Med School is about $250K a doctor is a pretty good deal compared to a plumber. And Roy, I twice went to a plastic surgeon....that's why I'm so damn pretty... But you could use a plastic surgeon if you have PVC pipes in the house...LOL...
  17. Randy, excellently done and PERFECTLY cooked....you can be my chief any day of the week and twice on Sundays.... :clapping: Edited to say CHEF....not "chief"...LOL... :rofl2:
  18. If a plumber is making $200 per hour why would anyone want to be a doctor...
  19. Cyrstal Beach "had" one of the best launches on Lake Erie 30 years ago when it was FREE and no one ever used it, making parking a breeze. Now it's way too much trouble for me since 9/11. Bob
  20. Sounds a LOT like.....if you don't fish my way and have my ethics YOU'RE A JERK... Fishing for perch makes life so much simpler and better eating...
  21. The second most important thing after the correct mixture is keep everything as CLEAN as possible....before and after you mix your gas/oil.
  22. Only stable people feel earthquakes..... BTW I didn't feel it either....
  23. WOW.........one of the best muskie guys and one of the best salmon guys get together and produce on the big lake....tougher then most think....LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of water out there for fish to hide... GREAT JOB BOYS.... Bob
  24. GREAT REPORT....... More picture........MORE PICTURES.....(i have a hard time reading)... BTW it Bin Dead.....
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