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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Did a time share presentation near Disney years ago....had a great breakfast there and then came the Bull...he kept telling me how great the golf course was going to be when finished.....he asked if I golfed...I said no but I hunt and fish....I said the lake didn't look big enough to fish in but I would love to shoot some of the waterfowl in there....he couldn't accomidate my wishes so he let us go with some FREE (my favorite 4 letter word) Universal Studious tickets... ...lesson learned...don't invite a Redneck to a time share presentation...
  2. Got out today.....my old fishing buddy Don called and invited me to hunt Canada geese at the last minute.....not great but pretty good....only 2 small flocks came over and we bagged 9 birds in all....1 had a leg tag. I actually got 3 birds and that's pretty good for me...
  3. I agree your in God's Country in northern Ontario but that don't stop bass from tasting like ass... ....think about that...remove the "b" from bass and you have
  4. Geese mate for life, so it looks like you're it..... :rofl2:
  5. How much is a hunting license and what kind of hassles is it to bring a shotgun over the boarder ???
  6. Don't tell me really ate them stinken bass... Bass or hot dogs......hot dogs win every time with or without flies.. Now go catch a edible tasting fish.....like a yellow pike...
  7. My Lowrance LMS 520C unit should be about the same...so are you zoomed in all the way
  8. Last August I found a credit card at the MGM Grand casino in Vegas....had a Asian name on it the best I could tell...turned it in at the front desk of the hotel. I hope that person got it back without having a heart attack first.
  9. Let's just say I wouldn't get any awards for live release on those puppies...
  10. I believe I recognize that spot in your first picture....Isn't that "Lake I Don't Know"...LOL..... GREAT NIGHT on the water....KEEP POSTING PICS. Bob
  11. STOP you 2.......you're killing me here...... Found out yesterday I and my partners were not picked AGAIN to hunt opening day on the federal reserve....FRUSTRATING.
  12. Looks like all young birds....but SWEET....... Our season doesn't start for over a month from now....
  13. Unfortunetelling that is why the nutcases are taking over..... ...it wasn't that way 30 years go.....
  14. THANKS guys and gals....but it's really nothing that special....more of a tease to get you out from behind them there computers and behind your gunnels to catch some fish.......now go CATCH a FISH... Bob
  15. I quite sure the old man can handle whatever is casted his way....
  16. When I went to high school we got one legal day off to hunt per year...all you had to do is bring your hunting license to the principals office and request what day off you needed...
  17. Rule #1 Call BILLY BOB....... that's what we call road kill pot luck dinner.. Our deer season using rifles/shotguns begins on Nov 19th and runs for about 3 weeks...but our deer season using Buicks runs all year long...
  18. I only wish they cold be in the playoffs. But within the AFC and especially in the AFC East I highly doubt we even make a wild card berth. Maybe once Brady retires we'll have a shot at it...until then look for about the same teams as last year from the AFC: NE, NY, Pitt and Balt....with San Diego taking the west and AFC south up for grabs.
  19. So.....how was the fishing...
  20. So did he use some scent on that bait...like mustard and relish....LOL...
  21. But they made us sweat it out until the LAST play of the game with a Hail Mary jump ball interception in the end zone...
  22. The week before I was off Waverly Shoals fishing not catching walleyes...this past Saturday I went out of the Catt....
  23. Don't know if they ship to CN but take a look here... http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tire-brand.jsp OR http://discounttires.com/?t=TNag1&gclid=CPiO_taoqasCFc465Qod4yza0Q
  24. Damn....I not suppose to reveal the lake....folks it's just a average lake somewhere on the planet...
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