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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. In a way I agree and then in a way I DON'T........we are giving way too much of OUR RIGHTS to the nut cases......OH....there are many who will say I'm the Redneck nut case but in Arizona where they passed a LAW to check "ILLEGALS" when stopped for a routine traffic infraction, then that's wrong.... How we bend over backwards to those who haven't built either of our GREAT COUNTRIES.... And YES you can THANK ME for the cause of this thread closing.... Bob
  2. YEP....ME TOO....sometime TOO OFTEN then we like to admit....
  3. Errrr....ahhhhh.....the lake calmed down as the morning went on but it wasn't really that bad at all.......fished Waverly Shoal which is about 5 miles out from where I launch....didn't do great but at least OK on walleyes....talked to a couple of Canadians that were fishing for bass but they weren't having any luck today... Here's what I mustered up before it got TOO hot for this old timer....LOL...
  4. In March 2006 the wife and I purchased a new pop up tent trailer for a trip out west....we travel through 17 states and Ontario for a distance of 6,500 miles in 30 days. I did extensive research on modifications to the trailer to make life more enjoyable. I found a Pop Up Trailer forum similar to this one for most of my ideas. We crossed the Continental Divide twice reaching peaks over 11,000 feet. If you have any intentions of traveling with your tent trailer make sure your tow vehicle is up to it and is 100% mechanically sound. If you have any specific questions I will try to answer them. Here's what we owned back in 2006.
  5. BINGO.....
  6. Yea......that's probably me holding my cell phone camera....the parking lot is level there.
  7. Cliff, I always wonder how restaurants have those little creamers out on tables that say half/half but are not kept cold...I always thought half/half was half milk and half cream...
  8. Dude, Nice looking fish but your girlfriend needs to shave....
  9. I do that every Tuesday already as I drive our town senior van once a week taking the seniors shopping. to the senior center and doctor appointments....that's why I think this lady needs to surrender her drivers license.
  10. We are having a family picnic so I had to pick up a big bottle of Jose'...
  11. I think you're right....Oba....something...
  12. Cliff, did you wash them down with a Lancaster Ice Tea....
  13. Went to Lowes and here's how this OLD woman parked her car....I think she should rethink about driving any longer.
  14. Timmy's coffee - Good Dognuts - Bad Bagels - Pretty good to Good Sandwiches - Good but way over priced
  15. Why are you butting in here......
  16. So 32 posts later and we still don't know what kind of oil to use......winter must be setting in around Ontario....
  17. Portugal Hot Peppers.
  18. Oh....OK.......but on to more important dog matters....which ear do I probe with my finger...the left or right.... :rofl2:
  19. I have been growing hot peppers for a few years now and these babies are the biggest yet, with the largest being 8.5".... They were great stuffed.......
  20. Mickey D's actually won the taste testing by Consumer Reports a few years ago....last place was Starbuck's that I like....I guess it depends on how strong you like your java....
  21. I heard they just do that to vehicles with Canadian plates....
  22. Ah.....NO......it's.............. TUNDRA
  23. Love Timmy's coffee but I noticed a medium in Canada is the same as our small here in the USA for about the same amount of money....does CN Timmy's have a small because if they do it can't be more then 4 or 5 ounces... BTW I notice a small difference in price here depending on what Timmy's you go to....best bargain is getting a "Senior" coffee with your own mug....
  24. Many many fishing season ago when I was a young tad pole I had a Cockapoo named Chico. GREAT DOG.
  25. PSlayer........great 500 post.....Looking forward the the 1K post.....now about the money flowing in.....get a BIG grill and sell some NP Chicken.... Bob
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