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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Buckle your seat belt....only 1 hour to kick off....my prediction is the Bills get a beating like no tomorrow....
  2. THAT'S A 2 THUMBS UP FISHING REPORT.... :thumbsup_anim:
  3. On the USA side of Erie we have been getting good catches at 50' and 70' so that tells me they are still out deep. However, I just dipped some bait from the Niagara River and there wasn't as many minnows as last week...took a while to get a bucket full....many guys were fishing off shore there but they weren't catching any fish....but another guy said he lost his dip net so I got him a bucket of bait....he said he was going to fish off shore at Wilson on Lake Ontario for perch. Good Luck, Bob
  4. So I pulled all the tomatoes from the back 40 and now have many green ones...anyone here tried frying them or any other good things to do with them...I'm all ears... Bob
  5. Well then....maybe someday well share a boat and a beer together...then you wouldn't mind trying to embarrass me...
  6. Irishcream, your the man....but you missed some...Timmy's has a senior discount on coffee, at least down here in the USA. Sprint gave me $20 off a MONTH for 24 months but it's going to expire in December. Harrah's Properties in VEGAS is giving us 5 night FREE (my favorite 4 letter word). The USA National Parks are FREE to me as I have a Golden Pass. Use to have a NYS free pass but Patterson revoked it because I'm not blind... Amtrak is free to me on home lines since I did 30 years on the railroad. I also get at least 10 percent off many business in my town because I'm a Volunteer Fire Fighter and my Fire Police badge gets me free launches at some boat launches. Now get back to work on those Toyota Dealers for me....my son is in the market for one....
  7. I'll tell you what (Hank from King of the Hill). Bring down any of the 3 and we'll see...
  8. I believe you might have something there....
  9. LOL...GOOD ONE... I don't always drive in the middle lane...but when I'm on vacation heading north to some God's country walleye grounds I'm in no hurry because I know I'll get my fair share of fish once I arrive... But Dana, keep up that sharp mind, I liked that post...
  10. Wouldn't that be a "bigger" bang for your buck...
  11. If the lonepaddler had a good deal advertised in the classified, then this thread wouldn't be here...or maybe it's just the wrong time of the year for such items....either way.....GOOD LUCK. BOb
  12. Get a 2007 or later Toyota Tundra 4.7L engine with 5 speed tranny and sit back and enjoy....towing rating is 8000 lbs... ...or get a 5.7L Toyota Tundra with it's 6 speed tranny and tow up to 10,800 lbs....and blow everything else off the road while towing....
  13. LOL :rofl2:
  14. Follow the MONEY Mike, always follow the MONEY...
  15. Hey C.C. I never mentioned any senior citizen discount...maybe you need thicker glasses old man...
  16. A water column can only support X amount of fish...if other fish are entered into that lake, then others fish species will suffer.
  17. I am heading south with my tin foil hat in place....
  18. Now there you go again.....taking all the fun out of this...
  19. NO NO NO and NO.....they had a model on sale I didn't want and asked if I could get some money off on a different manufactured gun safe....manager said he would check on what the store paid...came back a few minutes later and said if I purchased it today he would take off $75....done deal I said and he didn't lose a sale...smart manager because I wasn't really that interested until then and could of waited or went somewhere else....the buyer holds most of the cards, especially these days... When I purchased my chocolate lab from Pittsburgh, PA I made the offer if and ONLY IF the breeder would meet me more then half way to my liking... I have always taught my sons...."what do you have more of, money or time" then make your decision when you're going to purchase or do something that involves green backs.....my mother always taught me to watch my pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves...good advice even today. Bob
  20. Just purchased some Marine Sta-Bil and got $1 plus tax off the listed price because I asked for a discount...purchased a gun safe from Dick's Sporting Goods...got the manager to knock off $75
  21. All I know is my nephew who is a Major in the USA Air Force at the Pentagon said today would be a good day to day a LOOOOONG ride to the southern half of the USA...
  22. Have you ever purchased a new car and paid sticker price ??? Or how about a used vehicle and tell me you didn't try to get it at a less price....
  23. Retail (list) price is for suckers....I always negotiate before purchase almost anything....Remember it's the buyer that sets the price in the real world, not the seller. I guess you wouldn't be upset if no one made a offer. One bird in the hand is always better then two in the bush. Bob
  24. Cliff my friend Will and hunting/fishing partner for over 30 years writes for the Buffalo News Outdoors column. He is in the paper on Wed and Sundays every week plus a few other smaller papers and magazines. He's probably done hundreds of articles on what you are referring to over the years. Here's a sample of what he's written in recent articles....BTW the paper has over 300,000 readers daily. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/outdoors/ Bob
  25. You're drawn to water or is waterfowl drawn to you...
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