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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. I have never met anyone on here in person, but i am happy to be a part of this community. I particularily like the ones who will correct me when needed because someone has to:) Merry christmas and tight lines
  2. That sucks hard man, my favourite outboard was ruined due to a half frozen lower unit that had sucked up a little water before winter, i would take it to someone who knows what they are doing to get an honest assesment of its condition. Also the sooner you get it warmed up the less damage it can do
  3. Damn those rich people!
  4. Beautiful. Looks like a good year. When that salmon bug hits it hits hard and stays I started fishin lake o kings about 5 years ago and now july and august are nothin but silver
  5. Agreed i like using the big white one for picky pike in shallow water in spring time. Its not my go to lure but it has its uses
  6. I am a humminbird guy and have been happy with everyone i have had. This year my buddy bought the 385 ci i believe, with gps built in for 350 bucks This was a most useful unit for salmon fishing. My aluminum has a cheaper 500 series and my chapparal has a 700 series and i personly wont buy another make.they are all very accurate and i have never had an issue with any of them
  7. I wish my canal had 5" of ice for the rink:)
  8. I might suggest picking up one of the backroad mapbooks for the general area you like. It will give you a basic description of whats in the lakes and show you how to get there. If your willing to drive 10 hours there are probably 1000 pike and walleye lakes you could choose from
  9. X 100 on the forty creek creme. Fanatastic fishing, camping, holiday treat in the coffee As for beer i always drank canadian till i found a beer on canada day weekend called schnieder weisse. Tap 7. It only comes in 500 ml single bottles at a few lcbo but is worth the look. Very nice flavour with zero aftertaste, and i used to tease all my buddies about their fancy beers from the lc
  10. Agreed, at least from what i have tried it would be fairly easy. Try teachers union whiskey, and than some gibsons rare and a non whiskey drinker could probably tell you which one costs more. If the differnce was a couple bucks however...
  11. Looks a little fancy but i might give it a go. by far the best is gibsons finest 18 year rare used to be 40 somethin for a 26 er... Now its 70+ So i drink crown
  12. I have never lost the desire to fish ever. I hope i never do because fishing has always been the one constant in my life. The one thing i can put all my focus into without distraction. The one thing i feel i understand better than anything else in this crazy world. Everybody has something, this is mine
  13. Nice fish man. First winter fish always feels good
  14. All Bull Aside if this fish is anywhere near 59" by 34" it is a picture i would love to see. Its nice to hear it lived to swim another day especially since a replica can be produced to remember it forever.
  15. I agree with the ugly stiks for rods I might recommend the shimano 2000 for a cheap and effective reel. I used one for years when i was a kid and i have a cheap buddy who uses the shimano 4000 to this day and has boated multiple 15-20 lb pike with it.
  16. Good luck with that, I mean it. They can, do and WILL take as much cash as they can from you as long as they can so the discount train is not coming any time soon. If thats the case i will wait longer. As long as i have it when nhl 15 comes out in sept. Im good
  17. I must say that if you are spending the money you should get the xbox 1, mainly because in two years or so the 360 will be obsolete and you would than have to buy the new system anyways. I would imagine your son would be upgrading in the near future as well. I personally will be getting one after christmas sometime when the price comes down a bit. I also must agree with eb games, these people know their stuff. Lastly, assuming you buy any system (especially the x box 1) i would at least consider the warrantys that are offered because frankly 500 is a good chunk of change. Good luck.
  18. Im just glad someone got caught. Somewhat stiffer penalties would be welcome though
  19. New axle for the snowblower, tranny on the three wheeler, build the boards for the backyard rink, and tune up a buddys 340 enticer. Whew. Also just cleaned entire garage and a couple of us fixed my buddys banshee.
  20. Ive been a couple times and we ran a live minnow on a small hook with 1 small split shot. We just let the line drift out with the current 50-100 ft and just wait. Prob caught 60-80 drum and a few smallmouth
  21. That fish is awesome. Also i would gladly put a replica of that on my wall Nice conversation piece
  22. Awesome. I want to get a pike as well but ive seen some bad ones. That looks pretty nice
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