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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. I feel ya, when those little wee dipseys pop though you will feel more pull from your crankbait than the dipsey. Either way i hope your setup works
  2. Have you thought about trying a small dipsey diver with a long lead? It would help you get to the desired depth with a little more control. Plus they come with a chart to help with your depths.
  3. We have only used invader manuals and big jon electrics and the big jons have been good to us. All the other rigging equiptment is scotty gear with no complaints
  4. Caught a 4 lb pike with a jighead tipped with a piece of roast beef and a couple corn kernels. Ahh to be a kid again.
  5. Happy birthday. All the best
  6. I have a $40 one i got from bass pro, cant remember what its called but it makes for a nice decoration hanging in my truck mirror lol. If i was to get another one i would get a digital one.
  7. That is a great story! When i was a kid i was raised by my single mother with no help, before i had my first rod i used to fish with a piece of line and a hook tied to a stick. Well done
  8. I got to watch one of my best friends take a big cast and hook his hat right off the top of his head. I saw a couple buddies in a boat trolling slowly when the driver turned around and tried to kneel on the back of the boat to have a leak and the boat swamped, he fell out, and there was bits of floating debris everywhere. On our yearly pike trip three of us were trying to walk the tin boat up a shallow creek to attempt to locate a small back lake when suddenly the front man slipped on a log and fell under the boat. One of the funniest was again on a pike trip and there were 2 boats with the front one having three guys and the back one with me had two. We were running some rivers to a chain of lakes and i was driving the 2nd boat about 60-80 ft behind the first one. We came around a sharp 90degree corner and the front boat just drifted right up onto the mud bank and completely out of the water. I almost wet myself laughing seeing the prop spinning, the beached boat, and the bewildered looks on everyones faces. The story i got was that the driver had reached for his drink and slipped which caused him to get wedged between the motor and the side of the boat. Hahaha I have lots more but it takes a while on my phone so maybe later.
  9. I have fished quite a few lakes and only one has ever left me frustrated and its the one i live on. However my issue with simcoe is not usually the fishing, but the combination of ridiculous boat traffic and sometimes overzealous enforcement. Before last year i only had a 12 ft aluminum boat so i was restricted to cooks bay on nice weather days. One day i was out for a grand total of less than 2 hours and in that time i was nearly swamped a couple times by the same wakeboard boat flying past within 15 ft of my boat while trolling, i was stopped by THREE different police boats with the last one blowing by me with a 3 ft wake and than turning around to inspect my boat and licences, and i never really had a chance to catch a fish. I asked the last cop boat if they had radios so they know who had been checked that day because it was getting a little frustrating and he said thats not my problem just doing my job. Fair enough, i told him i was tired of this bull and i called it a day. I have a lot of respect for enforcement but sometimes enough is enough. Now i have a 20 ft bowrider and can do what i want so i can stay away from the weekend idiots on the lake.whew thats a long one!
  10. Sent you a pm.
  11. It would be a really nice trip, especially in the fall
  12. I have a ford ranger level 2 with a 6 inch body lift and 33 inch tires and it was sketchy the first time. I would be hard pressed to drive out by myself.
  13. Theres gonna be some fun treks into the bush this spring.
  14. I was out there a week and a half ago and there were some pretty serious drifts, i imagine they are a little deeper now. I tried to drive out on cooks bay monday but the snow was too deep for my truck so i had to take the trike. Call bonnies boats, they might be able to help you
  15. Braid i love the uni knot. Ive never had one let go Mono i use the improved clinch, and my heavy fluoro (40-60lb) for salmon i use a 6-7 twist regular old fishermans knot. Also never had one let go
  16. Ill take harper over some of the back assward folks we,ve had in there before. Paul martin comes to mind. His decisions arent always right( by a longshot) but at least he is not a waffling, finacial disaster waiting to happen. As for trudeau, i used to smoke pot sometimes years ago and i would rather ram my truck into a bridge abuttment Than vote for that tool.pick a side and stick too it man.
  17. Nicely done! The adventure is half the fun.
  18. Try a good ol mister twister style jig or even a big white salted tube. Ive used these when fishing is slow to pick up a couple wary gators.
  19. I had a barometric pressure sensor shipped from the states and didnt have to pay anything extra. Mind you it was only like 50 bucks frim bp
  20. Win the salmon derby Catch a 25+lb pike Catch a musky over 46" High expectations
  21. I got a go pro hero 3 black edition I cant wait to put that into action!
  22. Ahhh you got me, well done
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