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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Awesome fish, i just tried the holland today but no luck. I would like to know the weight, id say it might be 30+ from what i can see. I cant wait till the ice is off and i can fish in my canal for them again!
  2. You have to be careful fishing the big o, a marine radio is an asset because you can listen for weather changes which happen fast. Keep your eyes and ears open always and you will be ok Check out the website weather underground for detailed wind and wave summarys Good luck
  3. Awesome as always, some beauty fish!
  4. I guess you must have forgot the case of a man on a bus who nearly cut a guys head off with a small knife eh? You never know what your dealing with. That being said the cop you are referring to will have his day, and rightfully so. There is no such thing as a small weapon they can all kill.
  5. I went past nicolston dam last sat and it didnt even look like a fall anymore, just a raging rapid
  6. I just pumped a bridge deck on the 6th line and west of 10 th sdrd. I know they have rehabbed a bunch of bridges in the area already and have more to do.
  7. My only issue with the cheaper lures is hooks. They snap way too easy, i have changed hooks out on a dollar store popper i got as a stocking stuffer and caught many fish on it.
  8. I have only bought salmon tackle online and that was fltackle for spoons and a-tom-ik for trolling flies. Im happy with both experiances Edit. I did buy something from bp online but only cause they didnt carry it at the vaughn store.
  9. I have no problem with an armoured vehicle for the force, i dont see the issue with police being properly equipped for whatever may arise. Im sure some people dont like that they have a helicopter either but its a necessary tool for the job.
  10. Did you smash his teeth down his throat? Cause threating to shoot someones dog is grounds for instant physical reaction in my book
  11. Jonathans on yonge st. Aurora, havent been there in years but the food was good. Fairly nice quiet spot.
  12. That sounds awesome, definitely on my bucket list to head that way for some trophy pike but im a few years from that dream yet.
  13. You could modify a spreader with swivels to seperate the lines.
  14. I think you want transport canada, im pretty sure thats where i got mine last year.
  15. I have done a few floats down the notty and its a blast, kinda sucks when the rafts all pop and u gotta swim the rest though...
  16. This is just upsetting to see and is a brief glimpse into society as a whole. People love to revel in the misery of others, karma has a funny way of coming back to get you so im sure she will get hers too.
  17. Have you cleaned the carb? New plugs? Test compression. So many places to look.
  18. Oh how i wish my fishing stuff could be in the house, we need the bedroom for the incoming baby though lol. Would free up some serious shed space if it was though... Come to think of it i guess i wouldnt need a shed then.
  19. Oh man those browns look nice, i cant wait for kings....
  20. Sorry for your loss, i have an american bulldog with a face just like hers.
  21. Rough man... My buddy got bit by a horsefly in a sensitive area during a nature calls moment on our pike trip. Ouch! Those buggers take chunks
  22. Beautiful fish and very nice work!
  23. You are going to want to know ways to bypass the 400 on a friday, your commute to markham "should" only take 40 min give or take depending on how you drive. I work out of innisfil and have to drive between barrie and toronto rather frequently. As for the boat ask 10 guys get 10 answears. I just bought a 20 ft chaparral off my buddy and i love it, however on a rough day it doesnt do me any good on simcoe. Good luck with your new home and hopefully we see some good simcoe reports!
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