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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Sorry bud.
  2. Werent you the guy who won the derby last year? If so that will definitely be a tough hill to climb, but were all chasin the same thing
  3. We had an awesome year last year, multiple fish over 30 lbs, 20+ fish days, one day with 8 or 9 fish over 20 lbs. mind you the first couple weeks of july were hit and miss but after that we slayed them till september. If this year is half the year 13 was ill be happy!
  4. I usually dont start going until the kings are puttin on weight. That being said this winter should lead to an interesting season. After we had two really good years i hope we can put a third in a row.
  5. Thats just terrible. It wouldnt be to hard to roll i was out there yesterday on my trike. The bare ice mixed with some small drifts means that if that the truck goes sideways and grips, its going over. My sympathy to the families.
  6. Unfortunatly i cant help with gilford, if you decide to come to the keswick side i live by some launchs and could help you out. Good luck
  7. Thanks for all the replies fellas, ill have to play it by ear for now.
  8. Which town? Bradford gilford or keswick?
  9. I would think its more of a guideline, if you are 500 ft away from a tip up that fish will suffer unnecessarily. Especially if you dont see it and it just flounders around for a while. If you have the line around your hand you should wake up when it gets pulled so you wouldnt think that would be an issue, however if you get a co on a bad day maybe he would say different.
  10. Awesome work guys! Nice fish
  11. Already considering my options, gotta wait and see how the weather goes i guess.
  12. I havent missed a trip in 10 years, if i cant fish in one spot ill fish another. As long as i have a week of fishing ill be fine! Especially now since my wife is pregnant and fishing might be tougher to come by in the future.
  13. Thanks man, but i use timmins as a loosely referenced area. Ill be fishing some backwoods lakes
  14. Thanks for the reply, all i gotta worry about now is finding some big spring gators!
  15. I cant either but with only two months to go i start finding things to worry about lol.
  16. Hey fellas, im leaving for my annual pike trip near the timmins area on may 15. I have never seen ice on the water that late but this year im having some concerns. Do you think ill be cuttin it close? Thanks a lot
  17. I have always bought a sportsman licence, even before going after muskie. I could think of worse ways to spend 30 bucks
  18. From what i could see you must be within 60m of any line ( 197ft) with an unobstructed view. That seems like a lot. Even when carp fishing or ice fishing i dont think i have ever been more than 20ft away frim a line.
  19. The steel barriers are pretty useless, i know i guy who blew a front drive tire on a mack cabover while in the middle lane of the 400. If there hadnt been a concrete barrier in the middle to prop up the truck he would have rolled into oncoming traffic. These steel fences should have been replaced long ago, especially along the bermuda triangle of the 400...
  20. For better or worse i choose to live here i wasnt born here...
  21. Do you drive a vehicle larger than a pickup truck? Do you know what its like to see your life flash before your eyes on a daily basis due to the stupidity and ignorance of the average driver? A lot of accidents involving tractor trailers and orher large straight trucks are caused by people in regular vehicles many of whom escape the scene with no damage and no clue. Look up the case of david virgo and let me know how you feel about them after. There a lot of bad drivers out there and that includes idiots driving large vehicles, try not to paint too broad a stroke because the people you are insulting might be the ones who make a sacrifice to save your ass one day.
  22. I hate to say it but i might still take part in that right now...let alone 10-15 years ago when it would have been a guarentee. Might have put a pfd on though
  23. Very sorry about your dog, i have had them all my life and it never gets easier. 18 is defintely a good run though.
  24. Awesome, sounds like a good time. Ive done some night fishing through the ice on cooks bay and theres something about seeing a big pike cruise through in the dark that gets the blood going.
  25. I think its a tricky situation for all parties involved. Best thing to do would be to administer his warning or punishment quickly before it drags on into some big production. I feel for the guy but i have witnessed so many poaching related offences both intended and otherwise( and lots in my own backyard when people come in for some spring bass on my canal) that i have to think he gets something. It would set a bad example if they dont.
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