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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Nice of you to help out your neighbours, i wish you all the best of luck.
  2. Trying to get sat to tues off... Already have a cottage booked
  3. This makes me sick, people should have to fill out a skill testing question to see if they are smart enough to vote. Goodbye hard earned money...
  4. Sweet deal, side of the road fishing brings me back.
  5. Sounds like a good time nice fishin
  6. Thats hard to look at but far from surprising, dont worry im sure they will get a new net out there asap.
  7. I keep seeing three parties, are the greens not running? If you dont want to vote for the other three vote green. Not like they are going to win but maybe it will send the message you are looking for. I wont be voting liberal im generally a blue guy but no route looks promising right now.
  8. My priorities are fine, i live on a canal and am forced to watch these rapists day in and day out, i do not attack or sabotoge people either you tool. I have nothing else to say.
  9. Id like to add to arts comment. If you think its ridiculous somebody would get hurt standing up for a fish how stupid do you think i feel it is that somebody would pull a gun and shoot you over one??? I love canada!!!!
  10. Everybody has something or a few things that they are passionate about and are willing stand up and fight for. To some these things may seem petty and small but to the person standing up it may mean a lot more. I will always stand up against the abuse of resources the same way i stand up against the abuse of other animals or people. If i get hurt standing up for what i believe in so be it, id rather be physically hurt from standing up than be unharmed from turning my back on what im passionate about. For the record, i dont even really like bass fishing But if i dont say or do something no one will
  11. Beautiful gator, nice to see guys with the passion for big pike(not those other long fish)
  12. Good fishin, im sure the next big pike is right around the corner
  13. Ofc and lake ont united
  14. I have gotten in "confrontations" before over far less(not in a long time) if im going to go to bat over something im fine with it being against these idiots.
  15. I see it from march till june around my place, last guy tried to back talk me while hauling in a bass from under my dock, i made a quick movement towards his boat and he almost fell out lol. I call people out on it constantly so they at the very least know that someones watching. I threaten to call mnr, i call mnr, i pretend im taking pics and sometimes do. My new favourite is having my gopro on my head and pushing record as they go by, sure makes them hustle out of my neck of the woods. Why cant people wait??? Is there no other fish you can catch?? No other place to go?? They should all be kicked square in the arse with a steel toed boot
  16. Well done! And expensive doesnt begin to describe it, i have dumped more money into salmon trolling in the last few years then i have on all other fishing gear combined for double that time span.
  17. Gnote


    I used to fish them all over the holland river but dont really anymore for obvious reasons
  18. Gnote


    Hahaha, the dock is on the list
  19. Beautiful fish for sure, good work!
  20. Gnote


    Funny thing is i went out of my way to tie special hair rigs and buy/make fancy carp baits, and yet i always end up back to a single hook with corn and a weight
  21. Thanks fellas, it was an awesome trip all blackflies aside. Most fish came on a stop and go retrieve in 1ft to 15ft of water. I caught the only nice fish trolling and that was with a big rapala off a 20 ft ledge. It was a weird year where spots that usually held fish were empty and spots that were barren held BIG fish. As usual the long wait to go back commences...
  22. Pike whities lakers Only ever seen pike though
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