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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. I went up fishing pike for 6 days near timmins, tons of fish caught from hammer handles up to 40+ inchers. I dont have the time for a big spiel so ill just post a couple pics.
  2. Gnote


    This big girl pulled my rod right off the dock, i had to drag a treble hook on bottom with another rod to hook the line and get it back. I was sittin in my chair arms reach from the rod and never had a chance!
  3. Sweet gator! I just got back from my pike trip up north, i might have to get out for some simcoe gators after some carpin.
  4. That was a fun read, i love getting my hands on older tackle
  5. Any new weed growth areas are key this time of year, especially near an outflow and on a dropoff. Sounds like the spot is good you may need to swich up tactics to eliminate other species from biting. Try huckin a big williams whitefish in silver or other flashy spoons, if that doesnt work then throw on a big floating rapala or jake and start jerkin. I wanna see some pics though...
  6. Awful, i used to go down pretty far for a lure myself when i was a kid. Just a terrible thing.
  7. Wow, one more reason to hate the liberals, and i thought i had enough already...
  8. Disgusting, if only the offenders recieved the same treatment as these poor fish. That would probably cut back on the senseless slaughter of wildlife of any variety...
  9. Awesome.
  10. As i rarely panfish when i was fishing crappie in my backyard i tied a small swivel to my braid and then tied about 3 feet of 4lb mono to that. After it had a couple cuts i pulled it of and tied a new piece to the swivel. I only broke off once
  11. Went down to bp and sail with some old gift cards and stocked up for my pike trip starting next fri. Also picked up some things to get a little more serious on my backyard carpin. Im hoping to test some stuff out saturday after work( i tied my first hair rig today
  12. Any lake with no houses boats cottages docks or people.ill take the hot cold bugs rain and other natural forces. Edit, it would be nice if it had fish too...
  13. Awesome... Cept fer the honda part
  14. They definitly have nicotine, i smoked two packs a day before i got mine, not a puff since
  15. Scary stuff, with a late spring this should serve as a reminder to be careful out in the bush. I know i will be keeping my eyes and ears open and so should eveyone else. My sympathies to the family.
  16. I just got mine a few weeks ago, i got it at a place called e-vape. I love it, i never intended on quitting but my wife insisted. I havent touched a smoke sine.
  17. I also know nothing of the area, usually the first place i check is the fish on-line feature on the mnr website. Good luck
  18. I gotta say whatever it is i disagree with it. Leave the fish alone until the season opens, imagine people throwing plastics with no hooks to bass. They wont let go till halfway into the boat.
  19. Nice to hear somebody cared enough to save some pike.
  20. I couldnt wait to get out of cooks bay once i got a big enough boat, there are some decent sized pike but the numbers are rough. I can catch tons of bass and panfish but these species generally dont interest me. If thats all you want you can pm me anytime for field day locations:) I live on simcoe and fish many other lakes, Probably not a coincidence.
  21. Not as many pike as there used to be but tons of largemouth, perch, and panfish.
  22. I wouldnt eat suckers but i sure can attest to their aggresiveness, last year while pike fishing near a river mouth my buddy caught two back to back on a 6 inch williams whitefish. The first one was a surprise the second one we watched it follow and continue to try smacking the spoon till it got hooked. I cant imagine it was trying to eat a spoon like that so i guess they are just feisty. As for pike bait...
  23. I had a buddy who stored at the bluffers compound for a while, no problems no complaints Easy in and out to launch as well
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