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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Nice perch brian! Thanks for the report
  2. Wow thats insane! I wouldnt get much sleep that night!
  3. Sweet ride! nice fish too!
  4. Awesome! Sweet ride!
  5. Awesome as always simon, thats a sweeeet laker!
  6. I hope he scores lol
  7. There are already huts out off glenwoods smh, just because some of it is "safe" doesnt mean it all is. This happens every year and always will. If you have to go then take the necessary precautions, leave the machine at home for now.
  8. I would have watched the game if he went lol.
  9. Do a few water exchanges and keep it cold you should be fine. Trust me when i say those minnows arent too big for pike, ive seen a hammer handle try to eat a 10" sucker... Key word being try lol.
  10. I know you re a young fella and seeing 500 augers and going on road trips with your old man would be pretty cool. Save us a few woulda ya?
  11. Thin lol
  12. I like using a big sucker, ive used as big as 10-12" but i also prefer to go for big fish which means less hits. Suckers that size i usually have to catch myself in the spring and use as deadbait in winter. if you are only using one rod for pike id probably jig a good size spoon instead but since you can use 2 per person id try to have one going with a spoon and one with the biggest minnow in your pail. If you are fishing perch with a group of people you will usually see a pike or 2 come in through the day ( you might not see them but they are likely around) its usually pretty obvious a predator is around as the perch tend to get a little skittish, however sometimes a pike will fly in out of nowhere and those are the ones you will get on the spoon. Good luck, ill be doing the same thing!
  13. Ive run a pump for 11 years and my favourite crew is marrik floors, rick has been doing floors forever and would make short work of a garage floor. Concrete price depends on the mix, if you can get it for 100 bucks a metre thats not bad.
  14. Yes i guess i should have said stay off but i thought it was implied, i wouldnt be surprised to see some idiots out there today or tommorow. Just remember IF they save you in time you pay for it...
  15. Cooks bay is frozen over for now, was wide open 2 days ago, my guess would be just a skim right now.
  16. Nice trip, glad you made it in one piece! Man do i love the warning flash, thank you sir!
  17. Awesome ride chris! I already gouged my new truck going through the trees so my next trip in the bush will hurt less lol! At least you can fit in the tight spaces a little better haha! Enjoy the new ride buddy!
  18. Thats a sweet year on the river! Some beauty specimens all around!
  19. Nice dude, sweet whities!
  20. Awesome! Im waiting for my chance.
  21. Merry christmas everyone!
  22. As for timing, theres not much warning at least on any vehicle ive ever had, you just try to turn it over one day and it doesnt.
  23. Sounds like the starter, try taking a small hammer or big screwdriver and tapping on the cylindrical part of the starter, then turn the key. Its likely its developed a flat spot and will need to be changed. Tapping on it will get you to and from for a little while but eventually it will just give up.
  24. I like it! Real cool mike!
  25. Camel towing lol
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