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Everything posted by nofish4me

  1. All I'll say is, last time I answered a question like that, I was put on ModQ. Hahaha
  2. Maybe we could all just pay more taxes, that way they might have enough money to do more.
  3. I've spent $150 on things I nolonger have or remember. To me it would be a no brainer. Fly! Sometimes, Time is worth an awful lot more than that. Have a good trip.
  4. "Well, we'll just have to hear the rest of that story, another time..........."
  5. I love Canada Post. It's easy for me to get to and the Postmaster is a local person. I'll give my best Canada Post story. Well, it was coming up to Christmas time and the wife has family all across the country. She decides to send everyone a particular, framed (glass in), picture. Well, now I learned along time ago, not to ever criticize her (I've been making my own lunch for over 20 years). Off they all go, there was only one out of five that arrived with broken glass. They were wrapped with only one layer of bubble wrap, and brown paper. I figure Canada post did a good job! All the courrier companies have their particular boundries, etc.. There is a Purorlator Depot 30 min round trip from my house, but I fall into the zone that takes me 1.5 hour round trip. So, I definetly prefer Canada Post. I, just today, sent out a 1 lb package, that included some paperwork and some Beef Jerky from the Calgary area. I figure the $8.00 it cost me to send it, was money well spent. The feller that gets it won't have to drive 30 min's each way to pick it up at a depot of some sort (since he works away from home and can't answer the door bell). Just my take on things.
  6. Now, I heard some sort of Canadian expert say, that a person in the US can never be more than 20 miles from a road. He also stated that in Canada that a person could be 100's of miles from a road. Just repeatin' what I heard, from an expert.
  7. Very few people in this neck of the woods. Hahaha. Just a short plane ride and short drive. Picture taken Jan. 29/12, it was +12 degrees C. Had a smoke and never saw a vehicle in either direction. Hahaha
  8. If you are concerned about where to live in Barrie, just ask a local policeman. They all know where the crime infested areas are.
  9. I always had success at Moonlight Beach, especially after dark. Hehehe
  10. Now there's something you won't here often. Fish like that by taking the bus. I lived there for 4 years and that's one of the reasons I love the area, nature is not far away there. Hahaha
  11. I do what I do, because I love to be in the bush and hear the dogs, plus they make great couch potatoes. I don't hunt deer so I don't understand why someone would want a dog to do so, unless to track an injured animal. If that's the case, I can see why and how, but to just move the deer, I don't get it. The reason being, dogs cover ground real quick, and I figure the damned deer would be out of range by the time you could take it down. Just askin'.
  12. Better start working out. Deer run a long way, fast. Hahaha! If you have a Beagle that won't run Deer, shoot me a PM. Had five dogs on the ground today and they ran a rabbit for 1.5 hours, until we picked up the dogs and gave the bunny a break. This noisey chase (saw rabbit several times) only covered about 25 acres. Back and forth, around and around. If you can get where there is snow and set your dog on some fresh deer tracks, you'll see if it is willing. My beagle runs mostly with its nose on the ground (chasing rabbits), when it gets a good deer scent, it's head comes up and starts running flat out. Deer are stinky I guess. To make sure I get home with the dog, 'cause I'm not chasin' a deer anymore, I got an "E" Collar. She finally comes running looking for me and sits at my feet, if she starts running a deer. Now, if you hunt deer and are trying to find one you shot, go ahead and get the dog to track deer. If you don't hunt deer, I would strongy dissuade trying to get it to run on deer. There are also alot of regulations when a beagle (hunting dog) is running loose chasing game (permits required). Especially out of season, in season with license to hunt species, no problem.
  13. Got a welder for Christmas?
  14. I`ll start off by saying, I`m not a big CTC fan, but they have come through for me over the years. I went looking for something one time and found a $500 item on sale for $300, I asked the gal if she could give me the best CTC price for the item, or I wouldn`t take it. She got on the phone and came back with a price of $150, I bought it and another unit similar, but different for a total of $400. I figure they made money and I got a deal. Another time, I was heading north and started to smell gas around alliston. Well, I figured I might make Barrie before closing (friday of long weekend). By the time they got to me it was about 15 min. bafore closing. The manager explained to me that he could`nt get anyone to stay late, I said I completely understood that. Well, end result was he ordered lots of partes that he thought he might need and when the store closed, he put my camper van up on the hoist. Turns out he only needed some rubber fuel line and I was back on the road by 9:45 pm. This sure beat staying in hotel with wife and kids. I did write the store, but not sure if the `Good Samaratan`` would have actually caught hell for doing something after hours. Oh well.
  15. I don't use Bells, but some guys do (that I run with). I'm going out tomorrow, I'll let you know where they get them from, we run beagles. Most of the "dog stuff" I use is not found around here and I get it out of US, over the internet. Things have changed since my last order, but if you scroll down to page 14 of this website http://www.houndhunter.com/2011_Catalog_1.pdf you should find bells. Ive considered using my Tip-up bells.` Hope the link works for ya.
  16. I've been on the smart meter for over a year now. No problems like what you state. My cost actually went down for some months. "Time of Use" crap. Check out Hydro One website, you can track your usage. I wrote to MP and MPP, that I was concerned about time of use billing. I swear, I'm not ever going to tell my wife, when to run the dishwasher, wash my clothes, or run the clothes drier. Over 20 years ago I criticized a lunch she made for me, and I've been buying lunch ever since. So far I have no complaints about the smart meter. I can see the usage and determine the days my wife is home from work. Hahaha
  17. Farmers can shoot, dig, bury, almost anything they'd like to. Late goose season, no problem, just protecting crop. Gets around all laws (not allowed to discharge a firearm within the first 100 acres surrounding the village). Gotta like it. For those that are doubtful, repeated visits by OPP, MNR, local bylaw enfocement, have produced no charges(sad, Ron gets more problem for having a fishing line, than I do a shotgun). I guess the difference would be Rural vs Urban (no $ vs big $). Clear as a whistle. No more visits from anyone, since I call and give heads up what's happening, to the OPP. By the way, Lew, I'd love to have seen them birds here. The best I've seen here, was a Snow Bunting, lost I guess.
  18. Thanks. Now it'll be a wait and see what developes next summer.
  19. I'd rather fish the fall season, no bugs, but when is a good time to fish the area? I have no target fish, just never been to Yellowknife.
  20. There's a reason I said 10 seconds.....I'm involved with heavy rotating equipment and have timed sevearal different failures. For instance, a babbit bearing will fail, with no oil flow in 17 seconds. Hahaha
  21. In 10 seconds, give me a break. Obviously, I disagree. You may have been sold on this, somewhere down the line, but the term Destroy is a little harsh.
  22. Here's one I use : "I don't fish in the rain, I sure heck ain't workin' in the rain."
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