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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Hey Clamp-it - we were out a couple miles and visibility towards shore was extremely limited. Upon coming in we did notice a few sailboats but not many really. Hey Johnny Bass - we actually only had three fish from 8AM to 2PM and yes that is a slow day but not completely unexpected. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to length and weight? I didn't record it.
  2. Launched at Port Whitby for a day out in the sun and on the water. Very quiet mostly with a Rainbow caught early then two Chinooks later on. Was pulling the lines in when this one took a shot at the Spin Doctor. Fishing in 125 - 200 feet of water with Spin Doctors/Spoons down 35, 45, 55 and 65. Rainbow hit a spoon at 35, the two Chinooks hit Spin Doctors at the deeper depths. Nice day to be out in spite of the slow action.
  3. I'm probably more cautious with my gas consumption but it will not change how often I fish nor how many fish I take. If I want fish and I want to save money I'll buy it at the grocery store!
  4. I drove by there not more than an hour ago and didn't even notice.
  5. Terriby sorry to hear Garry and know what you're going through having lost our beloved Fraser last week.
  6. Reefrunner was the first to reply and is welcome to the package (pachone sent a PM several minutes later). The lures will be available to pick-up as early as tomorrow. Send me a PM so we can arrange the handoff. Hey Stoty maybe your teammate will let you participate as well??
  7. I picked up my black lure package from the Purolator depot last night and they are beautiful (kudos to Ryan Landry's Hammerhead Lure company). However given the sudden passing of my beloved fishing buddy I don't believe I can give this experiment the effort it deserves. If you missed out on the offer and want to get in, here's your chance. First OFC'er to make arrangements to pick up the lures in Pickering or downtown Toronto (Bloor & Jarvis) - gets them. Of course you would need to be fully committed to participate in the experiment. My loss is your gain. Send me a PM if you are interested.
  8. I wasn't really paying attention when YET ANOTHER infomercial was being run on WFN. But to me it appeared that this product was being used as a spare wheel. They showed a wheel being taken off the trailer then this gadget being attached to the frame of the trailer behind where the original wheel was. Only reason I could think of using this would be if the axle had some type of problem that could not take the spare - otherwise just put on the spare. Like I said I wasn't really paying attention but that is what I got out of it.
  9. Thanks to everyone for your kind words. Fraser came to us as a reclamation project. He arrived leaderless, lacking structure and frustrated with that and his lack of belonging. All these things were changed and he blossomed. Everything we gave to him he gave back to us a million times over. We have started a memory book and it is filling fast. Fraser touched our lives in the most special way. The support of the OFC Community is appreciated.
  10. My fishing buddy and constant companion passed away suddenly and peacefully at home last Thursday. Fraser was a quirky gentle giant, misunderstood by some, loved by all. He will be greatly missed by all those that took the time to know him. April 1, 1996 - June 12, 2008 (came into our lives February 7, 2004) We will cherish his memory always. "If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever"
  11. Sorry can't help you with locations but was mildly surprised by the choice of specimen. Then again some chase Carp!! What's the attraction to Gar?
  12. Hi reefrunner, The basic blue Garmin is a fine unit - BUT - set your sights just a little higher and get a Garmin eTrex Venture HC. This is a colour unit that has 24mb of memory and a high sensitivity receiver (not that important on the water). The biggest feature is that it goes from a serial data connection to a USB. Most laptops today do not have a serial connection so having USB will make this a longer term investment. Check out www.radioworld.ca. The basic blue is $135 and the one I am suggesting is $150. Easy choice to jump to a more recent technology with colour, better battery life, etc. Cheers, Barnie
  13. bassfighter wrote a fantastic post. So Stoty it comes down to this. You need to determine if your query of separation is motivated by the prevalent "me" generation commonly found in society today. If it is, you need to realize that this could be a recurring theme without significant lifestyle changes and choices. If it isn't, then the absence of children and other entanglements make this the perfect time to make a clean break. Carefully review your motives while reading again what bassfighter has written. Life is full of sacrifices but when these sacrifices undermine your personality and values then it is time to check out. Good luck and wisdom in making a very important decision.
  14. ...and she was given the option to wear a wig (which she refused). The owner also indicates that she was not fired and is welcome back when her hair grows back or she dons the wig. The media is making this a much bigger deal than it really is.
  15. Great report, thanks for sharing. Makes me pine for my little getaway.
  16. Ain't that the truth!!
  17. Nice job. A bucket of Perch, a pitcher of ice cold ale. What more could you ask for?
  18. Worms, most evident under the mouth and at the tail. Perch's natural defence from being eaten (by man)
  19. Since this isn't about special spots or anything of that nature curious why you would select PM rather than enlighten all of us?
  20. Balsam and Mitchell restrictions on Walleye - 3 sport, 1 conservation and none between 14.6 and 21.7 inches (and they are all just over the minimum slot size, e.g. dinks! )
  21. Would help if you had the model number and what was included in the package. $400 seems a bit high unless the "package" includes detailed maps or bluecharts. Also depends on the model. You can buy a decent unit (example eTrex Legend HCX) for less than $200. Comes with a basemap and autorouting capability. Should you need more detailed maps they can be purchased and loaded to microSD cards. Garmin nomenclature is as follows - H = high sensitivity receiver, C = colour display and X = expandable memory (microSD). If your primary use is on open water the high sensitivity receiver is not required. Ditto for the expandable memory if you don't have any plans to loads lots of maps (even the basic units offer some level of internal memory). WHATEVER YOU DO - do not consider a Magellan of any model. Check out www.radioworld.ca for an idea of what is available from Garmin. They have an eTrex Legend CX PLUS that includes the unit, 64mb microSD card, detailed maps and dash mount for $230. I doubt what you see from CTC is anywhere close to this package/value. Good luck and WHATEVER YOU DO - do not consider a Magellan of any model.
  22. #14 Dave Keon
  23. Hurts me to see this post since I just turned down a trip to Simcoe (Sunday). Congrats on the great work.
  24. I just sent an email requesting an immediate webpage retraction and correction in tomorrow's paper and encourage everyone to do the same. We have far too many fishing violations already without the "help" of a widely read publication. Fight for your fishery!
  25. Always connected but I decide when to answer/reply (outside of office hours).
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