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Everything posted by bbog

  1. 15,000L of fuel at $1.25 per ($18,750 for a fill-up) - I wonder how many gallons per hour at WOT?
  2. No question go with the 16.
  3. I had heard early production was prone to going cloudy and dark - but that the product was still ok. Don't know if this is fact since I have not used it myself. Sounds like the product is still working for TbayBoy, of course YMMV.
  4. bbog


    And while you're at it could you provide the "best" Pike, Bass and Walleye lakes! - actually forget the lake just send the GPS co-ords!!
  5. Tragic!
  6. Yes John has a great store and probably the best Salmon fishing selection in the area. Another one you may wish to investigate is LeBaron's. Located at 8365 Woodbine Ave Markham (905) 944-0682 Good luck.
  7. Hey Gerrit, brakes are pretty straight forward but there are a few details to be aware of (as others have said). Have a look at this link then decide for yourself. http://www.fordf150.net/howto/brakerepair.php Seems a little drastic that some are suggesting this is life and death. Are you really going screw up all 4 corners?
  8. Nissan Sentra 1.8l nets about 42MPG combined hwy/city. Bump that up about 3MPG for mostly hwy. These are good weather numbers and I have a light foot.
  9. Exactly what I was thinking! Not much above the waterline.
  10. And Canadian Tire has a 12V 1AMP charger on sale this week for $10. Great for this battery.
  11. Just switched mine over to right hand retrieve and set it up on the rod. Probably be going out for another one tomorrow!
  12. Hey UF, I just picked one up myself - nice reel and sweeter price. Don't worry about the handle - the picture is last years version with the rosewood handle. The reel you are getting is this years 502ALB. I'm thinking of going back and picking up another one or two...
  13. Here is my second rescue, shot taken about 4 1/2 years ago - 12 years old now and starting to have a bit of trouble with the stairs. I'll have to dig around for rescue #1. Lots of great "best friend" shots.
  14. bbog


    Hope nobody was in the backseat
  15. Follow your dreams - GO already!
  16. Not much left once the integrity is gone!!
  17. If that doesn't work and you know the owner, deposit the unwanted gifts (minus the plastic wrap of course) in their mailbox.
  18. bbog

    Hey Marty

    The Leafs stink because management have no idea how to trade, draft or sign free agents. Ottawa (in general) has a great assembly of draft picks, trade acquisitions and free agent signings - AND THEY STILL STINK! Why?
  19. Functionally the non-portable and portable are the same. Only difference is the battery box and a suction cup for the transducer. No installation is required for the portable unit - just adhere the suction cup where you wish to place the transducer and power up the unit. IMHO I would select another unit with a little more resolution unless you have a specific reason for wanting the Cuda 168 (or get it for $80 at Tromblys).
  20. It is not a one-way valve so it will release air when you take your mouth off the valve. Try closing the valve while still blowing. If it loses air AFTER closing the valve then it is indeed faulty. The fact that you were able to "blow" up a "self-inflating" mattress means it is not. These things will "self-inflate" much better if stored properly (which is not rolled up).
  21. We must be related! My t-shirt tag says M Sears
  22. I've got a Fenwick HMX and Shimano Convergence ultralight rods and love them both. CTC had a clearance sale recently including Bob Izumi Signature Series ultralight for $39 (1/2 regular price). Appear to be a decent rod at a fair price if you can find one.
  23. The refs certainly did their best to kill this game - but the expected outcome was the same.
  24. Good on you Dano! Your kindness will be paid back in spades.
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