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Everything posted by bbog

  1. The usual ones, such as: Buckhorn Scugog Simcoe Lake O Rice and another 10 or so in the Parry Sound area
  2. It would be walleye if I knew what I was doing :LOL
  3. The process varies depending on what GPS unit you wish to upload the POI file. Here is a link to Garmin's website that provides free software and the process for their units. Garmin custom POI loader Here is another link for a shareware program that speaks to many different devices (warning - I haven't used this one). POIedit Good luck.
  4. No video output and high pitch whine sure sounds like a flyback transformer issue. Not a big deal to replace (after you discharge the stored energy in the set) and costs less than $100 for a do it yourselfer. Personally I would fix it only because I prefer to repair than replace BUT since you did say RCA... it wouldn't be long before something else went wrong. Treat yourself to something newer.
  5. The invisible boot solutions are great for protection from salt but are no help when the dog is just standing around on the cold ice. For this situation you need something like muttluks. We have them for our Golden and they are fantastic. We also use invisible boot for walking around the subdivision when alot of salt has been used. Now if I could just get my dog to pull the sled!
  6. If it is broken off at the nail bed it will need a trip to the vet. It is tough to stop the bleeding with the remedies listed here and there is a risk of infection with an open wound. Quickstop will stop minor bleeding and breaks close to the quick but will do nothing (lasting) where the nail is broken close to the paw. I'm sure it is quite painfull.
  7. Was at the local Wal-Mart yesterday and noticed they were clearing out some older GPS units. Of note were these two: 2 x Garmin eTrex Legend Cx (colour with expanded memory capability) $100 ea. 1 x Garmin eTrex H (high sensitivity receiver) $93. Some other non-notable units were available as well. These would be great to mark favorite fishing or hunting spots. Cheers, Barnie
  8. Got mine a week or so ago and am slowly getting through it. Enjoying it alot since targeting Bass more this year. My OOoDs magazine arrived this week but I have yet to unwrap it.
  9. those that can play...play those that can't...turn into Sean Avery
  10. Looks like a great outing - lots of nice fish. Thanks for posting.
  11. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! A rod replaced under warranty and upgraded to boot - worth a try.
  12. If I'm not mistaken the Bob Izumi signature series also came with a lifetime warranty. Be interesting to see what the replacement would be given that these rods are no longer available.
  13. You gotta learn to play the game. FS and BB are the same but have different sales. Each will price match the other and give an additional 10% of the difference. SO.... when you find a sale item in one flyer go to the other store. 1. It will more likely be in stock and 2. It will be cheaper than the sale price. As for CTC. Some stores are good and others not. When you figure out which then getting the sale items is not a problem.
  14. There are three sides to every story! If any of this is remotely true then all involved in the exploitation of this poor woman should be SHOT.
  15. Nice fish. Looks like you have a few dead pixels in your camera though.
  16. Do you want to be one of those guys disabled at the side of the road? You took the time to jack it up to check - doesn't take all that much longer to fix. Think of it as an investment - in a carefree trip up. You'll certainly be kicking yourself if you lose fishing time over putting it off. Do the wise thing.
  17. Have you had a look at Tent City? Their website shows a featured tent that may suit your needs. Tent City Special I may have to check this one out myself..
  18. Actually the advice is excellent. You want to get the puppy used to baths, paw handling, nail clipping, teeth brushing, ear cleaning, etc. Nothing worse than a large ill mannered dog when trying to do the basic things that will ensure a long and healthy life. Edited to add ear cleaning - how could I forget having a GR.
  19. That is one beauty you picked Gerritt. I'm a Golden Retriever guy myself but the Labrador Retriever is an extremely close second!! Treat Hunter well and you'll get it back in spades.
  20. Trust it so much I posted twice
  21. You didn't say what size this fish was - but anything in moderation "should" be ok. Consult the guide (Terry provided the link). I have a few fillets in my freezer right now but like some others have said prefer the smaller ones.
  22. Save yourself some grief and always replace the race when changing bearings.
  23. So far this year? or so far EVER? This year - Smallmouth, Largemouth, Rockbass, Northern Pike, Perch, Crappie, Bluegill, Sunfish, Lake Trout, Salmon, Rainbow and snapping turtle Except for Walleye I have caught most of the things that I'm looking for.
  24. Swapping is not so easy - Bluechart and Metroguide is locked to the device it was installed on.
  25. ..purchaser will need to obtain better tie-downs :lol:
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