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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Nice report and pictures Jedi.
  2. Wow great catch on those footballs.
  3. The Walleye in this lake seem to all fall in the restricted size. Decent smallmouth though.
  4. Good on you to keep trying, lets see some pictures of your successes!
  5. Fantastic report and pictures. I'm going to have to try Salmon cooked over an open fire like your picture.
  6. Intriguing.... however step 11) "Mapsend" should read "Mapsource" unless you're doing some sort of Garmin to Magellan conversion. I going to have a look at this - I just might have some bluechart data of inland lakes worthy of adding to my GPS.
  7. A diversion from another fishing story is ok especially when great shots like yours accompany it. Nice report.
  8. Another fine report JB and nice Pickeral. Hope you enjoyed your dinner.
  9. Welcome to the board and nice first post but where are the pictures?? We love pictures!
  10. Working plastics are kept, non-working go in the garbage.
  11. I'm also unimpressed! the MNR needs a MAJOR cash infusion, not meal money. The $100k is likely already gone with the press release intended to buy votes.
  12. A decent set of roof racks instead of the "foamies" and most should have little problem loading/unloading a canoe around 75lbs or so. I have an indestructible Coleman 15.5 that gave me trouble loading until I bought racks. Now solo trips are easy. I'm no longer lusting for Kevlar, especially after I spent a week in McConnell Lake beating the snot out of the Coleman. A little clean-up when I got home and it is still good as new. Like some have said, think about moving up to 17' and try before you buy. Deals should be plentiful around this time. Good luck, Barn
  13. Great report JohnnyB! You'd have to kill me to get me off the lake when the big bite is on.
  14. Really nice fish, good on you to not give up.
  15. Great pics and post - a place many would die for (me included).
  16. Hi Rana, have you tried Heart Lake conservation area. You have to pay for access but is rumoured to be good for trout.
  17. Wow, that Perch table looks yummy! and even better in the bags - only thing missing was the hot pan!
  18. Great shots, looks like everyone had a great time.
  19. Not suggesting a troll, but any response to this one could be like stepping on a land mine! I'll keep my comments to myself.
  20. Uncle Bob's recipe looks like a winner when I have more at my disposal than Original Fish Crisp.
  21. Hi Joey, Several years ago I cruised through Baptiste on a watercraft with very little draught and was still concerned about the many logs and stumps. I wasn't fishing back then but would think it was a structure fishing paradise. Good luck and let us know how you did. Barn
  22. Nice father/son report MTP, and a bonus that you got into some fish.
  23. Great report and pics Cliff, Always nice to see the family involved. Cheers, Barn
  24. another vote for Spray Nine, takes whatever the canoe picks up and makes it look like new again.
  25. Easy, Bay of Quinte.
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