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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Sorry Joey but you missed dinner Ice cold beer, homemade french fries and a garden salad - along with Crappie filets in Fish Crisp. It was heaven!!
  2. Thought I would load up the canoe (last Saturday) and take my last shot at Crappie in the shallows. Much to my horror I arrived at my favourite Kawartha lake to find the bay taken over by Carp. The Carp were jumping and splashing and frollicking and well you get the picture!! Combine this with 68.3 degree water and the Crappie were long gone. Turned our misfortune into a nice little paddle around. The lake was very calm and a gorgeous day. Tossed the micro tube out along an open water weedbed to see what was around and lo and behold - Crappie! Nothing of any size but they were fairly predictable. Kept a dozen or so around 10 inches and released all the others. Hooked into a number of OOS Largemouth ranging a great deal in size (of course these will be no where to find when the season opens. Caught a number of great fighting Sunnys and Rock Bass to complete the outing. Sadly I left the camera in the car when I saw the courting Carp. What looked to be a bad day turned out to be fantastic. I guess I'll have to travel much further North now to get my next Crappie fix. Or set my sights on a Whitefish outing to Simcoe (in a boat of course and not the canoe) Thanks for reading and hope everyone had a great weekend.
  3. Wow great pictures, typical Parry Sound area. Good on you for the clean-up, karma should have provided you with less bugs and more fish
  4. Thanks for the tips MTP - I'll certainly give them a try if I get back to Quinte in the near future.
  5. Hey "icefisherman" I wish I had seen your offer. In the absence of anywhere to go I was stuck at home painting the kitchen cabinets. Would have much preferred FISHING.
  6. Great looking Wally! WTG!!
  7. Great report and work on the "tastiest" fresh water fish - the Crappie! We haven't had any numbers in our favourite spots this year so took a break to chase Walleye yesterday. Hope to resume my quest of this tasty fish in the next several days.
  8. Left the big smoke at 6:15 and was on the water in Picton by 8:30 or so. Tried Reef Runners off in-line planers boards but couldn't get any takers. Trolled for several hours, changing colours from time to time. Didn't see any action from the boats around us so headed back to shore. While on shore another boat arrived that had gone 4/7 ranging from 4-9lbs. Their success came from using smaller body baits less deep than the Reef Runners. So we change it up and head back out back out again for another 4 hours. NADA once again. Sometimes you win, sometimes the fish win! Nice day on the water anyway. We'll have to give it another go later. Cheers, Barnie
  9. bbog

    New Here

    Welcome to the board Peps, I too enjoy fishing the Parry Sound area for Bass and Pike. Discovered Crappie in my favourite lake so will be heading back up on the long weekend (hope the water is warm enough!) Enjoy the zoo
  10. Congrats on the new fishing partner. Trust everyone is doing fine.
  11. Thanks for the intro and welcome to the board Cheers, Barnie
  12. Welcome to the board and thanks for the great intro! GO Sens Go! NOT!!!
  13. I'm also interested in finding some new spots for crown land camping - but the spots I have tried will be packed on the long weekend. Any suggestions 2-3 hours from Toronto that don't require a 4x4. I'll be bringing a canoe.
  14. Anyone but Ottawa
  15. I fish out of my buddies boat and he tells me that anything I find belongs to the Captain. Of course this revelation wasn't uttered until I found a Rainbow struggling to get back down with a new spoon and flasher attached! Kinda kills the joys of finding "free stuff".
  16. The Crappie are starting to show up in the shallows but not in great numbers or schools yet. This could change quite quickly with the great weather the last few days and that forecasted for the next couple. Good luck.
  17. Oh that hurts!!! A reminder to everyone to be safe out there.
  18. The last two years I have bought the Abu combo as a back-up rod. SUPER deal at $30 bucks and has brought in some decent fish.
  19. This guy got caugh cheating in a fishing tournament - SO WHAT - Right? He only got CAUGHT cheating in a fishing tournament - but what else has his reduced moral fibre allowed him to do and get away with? We often take a sympathetic view of first timers - but should this be first time cheater or long time cheater, first time caught?? Something to think about when trying to determine the appropriate punishment.
  20. I have a Lowrance unit and like it fine. It was a gift so I didn't have a say in which type (I would have looked closely at Garmin because of my GPS experience with them). The unit works fine, customer service is great in answering newbie questions. I am also not sponsored by Lowrance!!
  21. Great looking catch. We got a few more yesterday than we did a week ago. They're started to come in but not in great numbers yet. I'm gonna try again tomorrow and will post pictures of my results.
  22. I've got a few of these lures myself. A lot of this collection appears to be rather recent - but what would I know, I'm new to the game myself.
  23. Congrats on your purchase, sounds like a sweet little deal!
  24. Just add a bit of original flavour Fish Crisp and all these delicate panfish are fantastic!!
  25. Husky Jerk
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