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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Thanks for the response ccmtcanada. I would fully agree with you on an isolated purchase. What has me concerned is the attitude of the manufacturer. If this is the grief over the small stuff what happens when the big stuff fails?
  2. Hey Roy - thought it would be courteous in the event that I was off base.
  3. WTG Jen, nice fish (and well equipped shelter!)
  4. ***The manufacturer and brand names have been altered in this story*** I had emailed the manufacturer with some concerns over what I considered to be inappropriate breakage of premium mono (4lb) and fluro (6lb) line. I re-spool all my reels each spring and am careful to cut-off and re-tie at the slightest sign of damage. All knots are Palomar and moistened prior to cinching. I was looking for confirmation that my application was correct and/or some indication of flaws in the product. Obviously I also wanted replacement if the breakages were of no fault of mine. The response back was prompt and cordial and requested that I mail the product boxes OR “detailed” sales receipt. I got lucky as I still had the premium mono box. Snapped a quick picture of the box AND the empty spool label and sent it off. The response back was again prompt but this time was a request for a line sample, the manufacturing details (that were already provided) and a “dated” not “detailed” receipt. Now I'm a little pi**ed off as the initial requirement for replacement had been met (for premium mono) but now changed and I don't have the line sample requested. Those of you that shop at a famous Ontario outdoors store will know that they do not provide “detailed” receipts. Besides who keeps receipts of low cost items and product packaging of consumed items – let alone discarded line? No replies from the manufacturer since I responded with this information and my complete dissatisfaction with their customer service. The runaround over a couple spools of line is a little disconcerting as I have a fair amount of this manufacturers large line-up. If this is the treatment for little stuff, what should I expect on the larger, more costlier items? I'm very interested in the insight and opinions of my fellow anglers. Would you (and should I): 1. Escalate the problem to the manufacturers management? 2. Save it if/when I have difficulties with rods or reels? 3. Move on to another line of products? 4. Say nothing further and live with much less than stellar customer service? 5. Other suggestion? Thanks for taking the time to read and possibly respond.
  5. Thanks for sharing a fantastic "blast to the past". Interesting to see, in the third picture, that not much has changed in over 50 years. One guy working and whole bunch watching
  6. Pretty cool, looked like the fish was going to take the boat under - gotta work the gearing just right to maximize the drama. Like others have said - the kids could be doing worse.
  7. I was told there was no such thing as "a free launch" Nice catch there - can't wait for my shot at the softwater crappie again! WTG
  8. Take 'em home and store in the freezer until garbage pickup then put them in the green (compost) bin.
  9. I got my account information seconds after registering. Did a quick look around and found one lake about 75 miles West of where it really is All in all looks to be a pretty good source of information.
  10. I hope I display the courage you did to do "the right thing, at the right time" for the pets that depend on us. I have two Golden Retrievers 9 and 12 that can sometimes be a royal pain in the but my life would be empty without them. If I may suggest you take the appropriate time before getting a new dog. I think you will know the right time. Peace.
  11. The venison stew was a fantastic recipe - enjoyed it so much I made the Fish Cake recipe that followed in the next issue (and now can't wait to see the recipe in the next issue). OOD Of course I'd rather be out fishing.
  12. Great news on the lowered prices at LeBarons. I certainly prefer shopping there over the larger selection and convenience of BPS. Better prices, friendly staff (some of them) and a home town feel as others have said. Now where did I put my spring shopping list
  13. Hung up the blades two years ago as a result of an eye injury. Had taken up coaching when along came a surprise chance to play at the ACC - not with the Maple Leafs . I'll be making my third skate in two years tonight to play with my 24 year old son and his buddies. If it goes as expected it will become a regular thing again. Wish me well!
  14. Fantastic Crappies there guys!
  15. Firing Ferguson won't change a thing with the clowns above him still in place. MLSE has the most dysfunctional organizational structure if you believe winning is the goal. Clearly making money is the only priority and has been for the last 40 years. Adopt another team if you want to support a winner.
  16. Fishing buddy has one (a Fulton I believe) and it is sagging noticeably. Don't know if it's a bad install or what.
  17. Hey Bill I feel your pain. Many years ago I lived in a less than desirable area of Toronto and found my car broken into on a regular basis. EVEN WHEN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WAS AVAILABLE TO STEAL! At this point I took to leaving the car UNLOCKED - come on in have a look around and then leave. This violation of my personal property was less traumatic then finding a punched door lock or broken window. Finally I moved and am so paranoid now that the car is always locked in my garage or that of my employer. Wish we could take the action described by GCD but the law is on the side of the law breakers.
  18. WTG rangervx520 Should be a great day for everyone!
  19. Fantastic day out - always happy to read the father/son reports>
  20. 4-1 and a couple minutes to go. WTG Canada!!
  21. Anyone looking for a manual auger with fold down handle should check out this weeks CTC flyer. 2 Normark models being offered at 40% off ($45 for 6" and $50 for 8"). Happy drilling...
  22. CTC is offering a couple Normark augers this week at 40% off. 6" for $44.99 and 8" for $49.99. Both have fold down handle for those tight on space.
  23. Nicely done. My favourite species ANYTIME!
  24. A "tough guy" faces his willing adversary face-to-face. This act was from a cheapshot artist whose time in the NHL is way past overtime! The league does have to take some responsibility for allowing him to play after his last major infraction AND for allowing the RUUTUs of the game to s**t disturb and then turtle.
  25. Even Grandpa says "Oh God, here we go again." - lets hope this is the end of hockey for this over-indulged goof.
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