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Everything posted by bbog

  1. Took me a moment to remember pictures taken at my first ice fishing outing and a LIFETIME to find them and get it on-line Really need to invest in a new computer... (moved to another computer to do this edit) Thanks to Cliff for the donation!
  2. I want in - if not too late. Impulse would be my choice to test/provide feedback.
  3. That is one beauty Pike. That would be a thrill to get over the tap, tap of Perch. WTG
  4. The bait suppliers are goin' be pi**ed at you for letting out the secret
  5. First is a beauty! the second has a nasty looking scar. But two more than I got today
  6. "White-fish"
  7. I caught a fishing rod once (by the top eyelet while trolling) - but a BIKE - you get first prize
  8. All the more for us!
  9. WOOHOO!! I'm on the list! for Black Crappie of course.
  10. Another predator for Black Crappie You'll have many sleepless nights dreaming about your next Crappie! I know I have.
  11. Great work on the boathouse, another example of being in the right place at the right time. Can't wait to see the restoration on the cottage.
  12. Was I the only one scouring the parking lot looking for a shopping cart I did find one eventually - man what a crowd. Few things I came for were out of stock such as the Berkeley Gulp Alive spray, but got most of what I wanted. Now hoping the items catch the fish like they caught me!!
  13. Your buddy knowingly has an item that was not sold or "given" to him - clearly a definition of THEFT! What he chooses to do now is a definition of his CHARACTER. Since most of us have character flaws of one type or another - only the individual can decide what he/she is comfortable with. Conducting a poll in the hopes that many have this same character flaw does not change the moral, ethical and legal truths. And that is, your buddy is in the possession of stolen merchandise. How would this story change if you were the party out the inventory or proper compensation?
  14. Obviously, since Elephants never forget
  15. bbog


    Welcome back!
  16. My thoughts exactly!
  17. Based on your question I downloaded and gave StudioTax a shot. Provided the same results as UFile. Looks like a decent product at the right price.
  18. Impressive shots, worthy of the 16 hours spent by the photographer.
  19. If Montreal needs a backup they are welcome to Raycroft!
  20. Fantastic job! I'm sure an appreciative wife will now allow you to spend the money you saved on whatever you want!!
  21. I'd love to find new (to me) quiet back lakes suitable for camping/canoeing/fishing.
  22. Saw them at the show yesterday and they look GREAT! A bit pricey however at around $12-13/each (Musky guys are having a laugh right now considering the price of their baits!!)
  23. Darwin was right!
  24. Worth going if you had a shopping list or were looking to get a boat. Also good to meet old friends and possibly make some new ones - but besides that a quick in and out. Hoping it will be bigger and better next year with more time to plan.
  25. I've got the Fish Mark 320 portable as well and am happy with it. You may wish to revisit your budget if you need colour. Colour units in your price range will offer very small screens (3.5"). Check out Radioworld for a wide selection at great prices.)
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