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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Nice pictures and a good sized walleye to boot. Going to the Franny on Friday, can't wait and I hope that the big girls are hungry.
  2. Sorry to hear that Winston is gone Darren. My condolences to you and your family.
  3. Thoughts and prayers are with you Mike,praying that everything works out.
  4. Awesome fishing gang!! The Muskies look really healthy and clean Lew, WTG!!!
  5. Sounds to me like he had a great life, one to be celebrated!!
  6. My favorite moment came when a friend of mine was fishing with me for walleyes up north, He hooked into what he thought was a huge walleye which ended up being a 14 inch FAT perch. He grabbed the fish and showed it to me and said "look at the size of this perch, its HUGE!" I agreed and he turned the fish towards him belly facing and the perch proceeded to milk him in the face the mouth and down his shirt. He screamed and at this point I was on the floor of my boat holding my stomach from laughing so hard. He then asks me if there is any "stuff" left on his face or around his mouth!!! Has to be the funniest moment of my life while fishing.
  7. Yes I never did mention that I would wake up with headaches Lew. It was a common occurence for me due to the lack of oxygen to the brain. I am also a 95 times an hour waking up level with 20 secs or so of no oxygen to the brain. To be clear, the CPAC machine provides the patient with Continous Positive Air Pressure. THis is just filtered air and not oxygen. I am sure that the CPAC machine will help Sherrie tremendously.
  8. Queenston launch for the lower and all kinds of places on the upper to fish from shore.
  9. Great report Mike, way to show the old guy up!!
  10. So sorry to hear, prayers go out to your dad.
  11. Wayne you are whacked out and need some serious rest. As a pilot you know that contrails will linger in the sky when the humidity levels are high and take a long time to dissipate. When the air is dry they dissipate much faster. Chemtrails is a hoax.
  12. Nice fish Mike!!! Iam jonsing to get back up to the St.Lawrence. Plan on visitin my mom in the old folks home in Lancaster and then heading to the river to fish for mooskies. Now I just need to pick a weekend.
  13. Our thoughts and prayers to your entire family Wayne.
  14. Nice fish and I just love the hat!!
  15. As already mentioned take some moth balls and throw them down the den hole. They will leave and not come back.
  16. Awesome report and pictures Joey!!
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