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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Thanks to all for the kind words of understanding, it makes the healing that much easier.
  2. Thanks for the kind warm thoughts everyone.
  3. Yesterday was a very melancholy day in the Rajewski household. Our dear friend/brother Ben was laid to rest after 15 glorious years of friendship and laughter that was evident to the very end. He touched hundreds of people’s lives during his time with us and he was by far the best dog (friend) that we ever owned. Kind, gentle and calm to a fault. I recall when Ben was 3 a woman approached us and stated that Ben was very well behaved and calm for a 8 yr old dog. She was shocked when we informed her that he was only 3 years old. His greatest passion was chilling out. More of a speed bump than a dog. He guarded our family with ferocity if there was a stranger at the door so he was no push over, unless you threw him a rib bone. Rest in peace Ben, chase those squirrels in dog heaven and have lots of fun with your friends that passed before you.
  4. Yeah a few came to mind for me also,too funny for sure.
  5. Check this out!! http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/7646123/pro-staffer
  6. Happy birthday Sweetie!!! Hope you have a great one
  7. Welcome to the family!!
  8. Pete is there a link to where we can register complaints with the city of Oakville??
  9. Well said Aaron. I was going to get back into fishing for Salmon but for that price and the potential hassle no thanks. I can always launch out of Lasalle ou under the skyway.
  10. Paze, you go ahead and pay the 17 bucks, enjoy
  11. It has been a major problem with the marina folks,the launch and parking is owned by the city but the Marina folks believe that they own the land. The security would not even let us park down by the launch early in the morning. We had to park up at the grass parking. FF I believe that Lasalle is still free and there is the launch under the skyway which is 10-12 $ not sure though.
  12. Boy was I shocked today to find out that the parking at the Bronte Launch went from 5$ dollars last year to a whopping 17$ this year. Quite high for a municipal launch IMO. Must be a plan to limit the amount of fishermen that disturb the big boats docked at the harbor.
  13. Yep just what I thought. I will come back to this thread in a couple of months and see what has changed.
  14. Hey!! I thought that it was against the rules to post political threads on the board. Welcome to the tea party folks. Don't complain when you have to wait to go and see your doctors unless they work in the prison system or fly fighter jets. HMMM we need more hospitals and road work oh wait no we don't we need guns planes and prisons screw the old people that need to get to a hospital.Gays are out, drug injection sites are out, abortion centres out shall I go on!! What a bunch of fools for voting in the cons. Enjoy!!! the next four year folks. :asshatg:
  15. Very lucky indeed Wayne. My trick for keeping the critters out all year round is placing irish spring soap in all the storage spaces. Learned this from an old deck hand. I have never seen any critters in my boat.
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