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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Wayne-On all the past boards that I belonged to on the OFC since 2001 we were able to delete our accounts.
  2. Hi Sandy!!! Nice to hear from you!!
  3. Mods-Please explain to the board members why we cannot delete our accounts from the OFC board?
  4. Ahh no news yet there Wayne!! He is still a game time decision and it will not matter because he will not be 100% anyway. If he has the flu then he should have stayed away from the team.
  5. He's the best with Lowrance!!
  6. God- jealousy is ugly isn't it my HABS friends!! Welcome to the playoffs!! GO HABS GO Chara is done Lucic can't put one past Priceless Like a brick wall!! Marhand is an Thomas looks Horton is a
  7. This is sad!! My condolences to his family.
  8. Thanks guys, the lobster was awesome!
  9. Thanks Gang!! Just throwing the 2 lb lobsters in the water and getting the steaks ready for the BBQ!! Gonna be awesome!!!
  10. :clapping:Happy Birthday Buddy!!!
  11. So sorry to hear the news Cliff; Not easy saying goodbye to a friend who nver questioned you and was always there for you no matter how hurt he was. My Ben is 15 years old and he is a cross between Golden Retriever and Collie with a bit of Sheperd in him. He is 105 lbs and still kicking, well not kicking but still around. He has been having trouble standing up too and the day is coming when we will have to say goodbye to the most good natured, laid back, easy going intelligent dog I ever met or owned. I know in my heart that I have been blessed with the best luck a man could ever have, a dog that unequivocally loves me and anyone that comes to greet him. I believe that you and Sue had the exact same relationship with Andy, God bless him and he is in Dog heaven chasing after what ever he wants.
  12. Fish the big waters for big muskie, 54inches +
  13. Wow!! Thats Crazy Lew!!! Thank god he missed you and the truck!
  14. Well that is one of my days off on the Friday, 17th of June so I may just make the trek up to Lakair this year!
  15. Awesome songs guys!!! Some of my favs!!
  16. 11 years TJ where has the time gone man. I remember when the board was just one page. Avery was a little guy.
  17. Sorry to hear the news Rick, my condelences.
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