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Everything posted by hotsky

  1. LOL that was awesome! Anyone else noticed it said BASS Elevator? so it is fishing related after all
  2. Thanks guys. Would dead bate or cut bait work too? what about plastic imitations under float?
  3. Only fish I ever got at the Harbour in Hamilton was a salmon. I've been spending a lot of gas lately going to other spots so will likely be spending more time fishing close to home. What fish can be caught there this time of the year from shore? Do carp stay there all year long? Any chance of getting a pike? what lures or bait work the best? Thanks
  4. I tried it this summer, seemed really shallow, weedy and muddy only stayed there for an hour. What's the secret species? Walleye?
  5. I just checked out some reviews on that portable Lawrence fishfinder and the 3 I found at Cabelas side are negative. but they paid $250 for it. Anyone actually used one before are they any good? Optimal speed is 14km/h would it still work on my inflatable cruising around with my 30lb trolling motor on a low speed? Don't want to waste money on something I cant use.
  6. I had that at a sushi place once. never again lol.
  7. I've caught bass on spinners and spoons, but never had luck with spinnerbaits (and not just with bass).
  8. Nice Carp! I'll be fishing the harbour tomorrow I'll make sure to bring some corn!
  9. Nice report! I lived in Timmins for a year and a half too bad I didn't care about fishing then
  10. I know about Georgan bay, Kawarthas, Lake Ontario around Kingston, Niagara river (but seem like they got caught there accidentally more than anything). I've also heard them being caught at long point but I need a boat for that one. Closest one is Niagara but just don't know if I'd be wasting my time if I went there targeting them. If someone doesn't want to share anything on the forum feel free to PM me. Edit Rizzo I'm guessing you're talking about Niagara? or I wasn't supposed to say that
  11. Seeing all the Musky reports is driving me insane! lol. I've never caught one and it's quickly becoming a goal in my life to catch one of those beasts. For now I'm limited to shore fishing since I don't have a boat (unless you count my 9ft inflatable). Someday I'll get a proper fishing boat, but than I'll need to upgrade my vehicle since I don't think I can tow anything with my Mazda 3. So it might be a while.... I live in Hamilton which is not really close to any good musky spots either... I was wondering since LSC is knows for those giants and Thames river is is connected to the lake I was wondering how far up the river can muskys be found? And does that chance depending on the time of the year?
  12. Thanks for the advice guys. I might hold off the purchase till spring than.
  13. Nice report! Do musky's stay at the Thames all year or just in the fall? For some reason never thought they would be there but it makes sense. How far down the river can they be found?
  14. I'm sure it is! but with the wedding on the way funds are limited. I'm thinking of selling my SKS and ammo for it to buy the new rod. If I do I'll have about $350 to work with. I was looking at Compre or Mojo Muskie rods and no idea on the reels although leaning towards Abu or Shimano. It has to be left hand retrieve tho. I only have 2 reels right now; both spinning (Siena and Symere) and right hand retrieve feels awkward to me.
  15. I'm sure it's a nice combo Lew, but at ~$700 I'd have to sell one of my guns to afford that lol
  16. Eventually (soon probably) I'll be ready to pick up a musky rod and reel and was wondering what some of the members were using? Rod make, model, length? Reel model, make. Left or right retrieve? thanks
  17. When I took got my G1 I only had to wait 8 months (instead of 12) to take G2 exam because I took the driving course. Not sure if that changed, but that was in 2001.
  18. Anyone been there lately, just wondering if the fishing picked up a little or if it's still slow?
  19. This is my first year so I guess it was good. Spend a lot of time fishing, learned a lot (started with nothing) and lots more to learn. So far I have caught crappie, largemouth, smallmouth, white bass, carp, bullhead, channel cat, pike and salmon.
  20. I have their Villian Rod and it's awesome; sensitive, light, handle feels great (love the length) and it looks great too.
  21. Just came from Binbrook a little earlier and man the water was like pea soup! Zero viability couldn't even see my lure inches under water. Not surprising after all the rain we had I guess... Does everything look like that right now? I was planning on trying out a new lake about an hour away and would hate to go there for nothing.
  22. I looked at a couple of Walmart and Canadian Tire stores, Fishing World, cant even find them in LeBaron's catalog! They all seem to have regular nightcrawlers (sinking), I'm looking for Floating ones.... no one stocks them?
  23. I was looking for Berkley Gulp Floating Nighcrawlers but can't find anyone selling them. Any idea where to find it? http://www.berkley-fishing.com/products/soft-bait/gulp/floating-nightcrawler-gulp Thanks
  24. I fished the Grand several times this year. I've had good luck with plastics (twist tails) but didn't catch anything big. After Thanksgiving when it got a bit colder I was there twice nothing showed any interest in my offerings.
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