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Everything posted by hotsky

  1. Mepps syclops rainbow colour rapala lipless crankin rap twist tails plastics got the most fish with those so they are my favourite i guess. Lol
  2. Nice fish. What lake tho?
  3. I was actually hoping to catch pike... but I will go back again for sure trying to catch another one. I have to say i thought it was more than 6-8lbs why does everything look smaller on camara?
  4. here's the video. How heavy would you say it it?
  5. I watched it a few times but I sound like a kid on Christmas in it... I'll try editing it first lol
  6. I was there for maybe 20mins before I caught the fish, I looked at my broken rod after and left lol just glad it wasn't my expensive set up! next time I'll bring my net for sure
  7. Went fishing to the Harbour today, only had a couple hours to kill it was pretty windy and kinda chilly so I didn't feel like staying any longer. I've never had any luck there so didn't even bring a net, thinking I'm going to get skunnked again but still always willing to try. I started with a spinnerbait but no luck was going to try a crankbait but went for a spoon instead. After maybe 5 casts I had a fish on! I knew the fish was a decent size when it started to spool me haha - it really made a run for. I had the 2500 reel spooled with 110yards of 20lb braid in May and been using it all summer and after a bunch of snaggs and what not I only have about 60% of the line I stared with. I didn't want to overtighten the drag so as I was reeling it in it kept taking line. Standing on the rocks I had no way of landing the fish so I walked over to the beach area about 20 meters fighting the fish the same time but I managed to land it. I took a short video on the release and noticed my rod was snapped in half! It must've broke as it got in the shallows. All in all it was a cool experience, my first salmon and probbly largers fish I caught so far! I've never had a fish take up that much line on me thats for sure.
  8. Nice! I've never targeted walleye or caught any yet personally but one day.
  9. Nice but where are the pike pics?
  10. I was there on Tue hasn't really changed - maybe couple of inches higher, but that's it.
  11. Lots of good info appreciate it! I'll make sure to re-read the thread when I head down to pick up a few more. I'm guessing 3/8+ for pike and smaller 1/4-1/2 oz for bass? I started with spoons and they have worked well for me (most of the time) also had a decent results with spinners, lately I been using cranks a lot and again they worked quite well for me as well. I always try spinerbaits when fishing is going slow but like I said they never turned my luck around, maybe that's because there were no fish around, I don't know. If I'm fishing shallow (river) water twist tails have been productive for bass, after I got my inflatable and started trolling crankbaits and spinners have been my go to lures. Yet to get skunked when I take my boat, but now that it's cold I don't think I'll be using it till next year. It was mentioned that they work better in warmer weather. Any point stocking up now planning on using them this fall/winter or should I wait till spring?
  12. Thanks for the tips guys!
  13. Thanks guys. I have 4 right now white strike king with mith a silver willow and a small round one, small green one that i found and a couple from dollarstore... Ill get a few more next time im at sail or lebarons.
  14. I have a few in a tackle box, seems like everyone is using them but I'm still yet to catch anything on them, not even a bite! I've tried using them enough that I think it might be my technique. I usually retrieve them as I would a spinner, keeping the blade spinning but this way they don't stay too low. I've tried changing speeds as well but still nothing. I was hoping to get some tips on effective presentation/retrieval of spinner baits that work for pike and bass esp this time of the year.
  15. No flaming from me, I always release what I catch. I'd rather pay a few bucks and get (already dead) fish from a grocery store than kill fish that's been around for years and can live many many more. A week later I probably wont even remember what I had for dinner.
  16. Thanks for the read, I only started fishing this May and haven't spent too much time at the Grand yet but same experience so far just small bass. btw did you ever catch a pike in there?
  17. I was there about 1:30 - 4:30 pm...like I said lots of hits (from smaller fish) and caught a few but none in deeper water.
  18. I had a few hours free today so I went fishing Grand river for a few hours before having dinner with fiances family. I've only fished the river a couple of time and never that spot so wanted to give it another try. I didn't say at one place and covered a few hundred meter stretch wanting to explore and look for a decent hole. I caught 4 smallies on the way, nothing impressive (so didn't bother taking pics), all in the rather shallow spots where water wasn't moving too fast (I avoided rapids altogether). Than I found a section with deeper slow moving water and spend an hour there casting twist tails, spiners, spoons, crankbaits and never got a hit! On my way there in the shallows I constantly got hits from fish some barely twice the size of mrTwister on every cast, but no action at all in the deeper water. Why? Which is consistent with my experience at the Thames river. Why is that? I guess small fish tend to stay close to shore in the shallow to hide from larger fish but where is larger fish hiding and how do I get them to bite? I was hoping to get a pike, nice size bass or a walleye...
  19. I have an Abu Garcia Villain rod it's a 7'1" rod (my pike rod actually) just above your price range at ~$140-150 but so far has been great. Lots of backbone for a 8-14 test rod (it's MH) In fact it's actually stronger than my other 2 MH rods that are 8-17! It looks great too. Here's a 'catch' it's one piece only which I actually prefer now, but at at the the time I as looking for a 2 piece as well. Never have to realign the guides and it easily fits inside the cabin of my Mazda 3, I don't even fold any seats. Edit: I see you're from burlington check it out at SIAL, I'm sure you'll like it.
  20. Just looked at lake Ontario max depth which is 244 on the map, which has to be in meters sense lake O. is 244m deep.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if you could count all the walleye in there on your fingers.
  22. Stupid question but how do you read the depth? They're in feet im guessing? what does it mean when there are 2 numbers with one just below the other? Just looked up fathom.. 1 unit is 6 ft on those maps? Makes more sense i guess.
  23. No never caught walleye, I really don't think there are a lot of them there.
  24. I've spent a lot of time at Binbrook this summer, been to 50 point but only fished the pond there...never heard of waterford ponds until now and had to look it up. A bit father than half an hour but I'll add it to the list Hyper Active, so that's around Woodstock area? I did a quick search but didn't come up with anything by that name.
  25. Thanks guys. Any decent ponds that are worth checking out? PM me if you don't want to share out here.
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