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Everything posted by hotsky

  1. Same here but I usually catch a couple from shore. Water was pretty low esp late summer, last time I was there it was a little higher and I imagine after all the rain we had last week or so it's probably the highest it's been in months.
  2. lol I've never heard of the banana on the boat thing.
  3. That's awesome! I'm going to make it out there next summer for sure.
  4. Maybe i just never tried lol. I'll check it out sometime.
  5. Thanks for the link. I know about the toxins in the water and never kept a fish from there (I always release the fish I catch). Pretty sure hunting is only allowed in the conservation (hunting 'stalls' stay there all year) but didn't see any in the north/west side.
  6. I've caught bass, pike, carp, bullhead and quite a few crappies in the conservation area side. I assume I cant go there anymore now that it's closed till may, no? That's why I was asking about the other side of the lake?
  7. I had a season pass and spent a lot of time there in the summer both fishing off shore and from my inflatable. Never had a bad day with the boat, but got nothing off shore quite a few times. Now that the conservation area is closed I haven't been there in a month. Pretty sure I can't access the conservation side anymore but I can still fish from the other side of the lake. I tried there in the summer a couple of times but didn't catch anything. Remember reading that there aren't as many game fish in that section of the lake (it's separated by a wier) and I know it's pretty shallow in most parts but wanted to head from people who fished there in the fall/winter? Any point trying? Is it mostly panfish and bullheards? btw if anyone wants any info on fishing the main part of the lake PM me.
  8. Nice pics and great report!
  9. I what what you're talking about, I always look at it driving by... thought about parking on the side of the hwy and walking over to fish lol
  10. Thanks will keep that in mind. Does that apply to pike as well? Wonder why the fish go deeper?
  11. I haven't had much luck since Thanksgiving weekend when I got 4 bass on the Grand, other than my first and only chinook I haven't caught anything since. Got skunked at Mountsberg, Harbour and Grand river on total of 6 or 7 outing. At the Grand I would have small fish practically bouncing off my lure and last few times I was lucky if I get one hit, also always had decent luck at the Mountsberg but last two times nothing! not even a bite. Is this the change in weather or I'm just having a bad streak? I thought fish esp pike become more active when it gets a little colder but couple of other people mentioned having better luck with pike in the summer. Sorry for all the questions but I only started fishing in May so this is my fist fall fishing.
  12. Thanks ill check out those feels.
  13. Thanks ill check out those feels.
  14. I never used a baitcaster but been thinking about giving them a try, are they easier to retrieve big baits/lures with? (never thought of that). Also one thing I noticed is that they all (or most at least) seem to be right hand retrieve. I'm right handed and used to holding the rod with the dominant hand and retrieving with the left why are the casters the opposite??
  15. Just going thru a fishing catalog and noticed Okuma rods specifically a Celilo spinning 8'6" heavy rod 12-25 test line and rated for 1/2- 4oz lure. Right now I have 3 rods all 7ft (one of them is getting a ring fixed and waiting for a replacement on another that I broke in two). I was thinking I could probably use another longer/stronger rod. It supposed to be a salmon rod but I'm looking for something I can use for other fishing as well. If I spool it with heavy braid I was thinking I could try using it for muskie at some point as well as carp, pike and of course salmon. I've never handled one so not sure if I'd even like it or think it's appropriate for those applications after I see it, but what do you guys think?
  16. Sorry to hear that, I know it must be very hard for you. My condolences.
  17. Thanks guys. im wating to till i catch something report worthy pefore i post a report. Dont want to embaris myself posting about some small fish i caught ...i did post a couple before tho.
  18. Kemper im deciding on a body of water (river, lake etc) rather than asking for a spesific location. Notty? Im not sure i know what that is...
  19. this thread is getting kinda offtopic... anyone wants to help with post #7?
  20. I'm a little stumped about tomorrow lol... I got skunked at the Grand, Harbour even at Mountsberg last time I fished them Where should I go?
  21. Just looked up your thread, nice fish, but man that little stream in the background is Bronte everyoone talkes about?!
  22. I have a day off tomorrow and deciding where to go fishing. A budy of mine went to Bronte couple of times of times this past week and did well for salmon. I've never fished Bronte so thought about giving it try but wondering if it's too late for salmon now?
  23. I didnt have one till about 3 years ago. Its quite useful tho, i take pics with it when in fishing, i do my banking brouse the internet, heck im posting this from my phone lol.
  24. I broke a 30$ Quantum rod and im guetting a new one for free. I think ill be buying more from that company!
  25. Just came from the harbour in hamilton water is waay lower than it was last summer id say 5 feet less.
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