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Everything posted by hotsky

  1. Shimano compre baitcaster rod View Advert Shimano Compre baitcaster rod. model is CO-76XH. 7.5 feet long $50 firm pick up in Hamilton Advertiser hotsky Date 05/26/2019 Price Category Fishing Classifieds
  2. Sorry for the noob question , but Im looking for some into on a Shimano compre baitcaster rod. model is CO-76XH. I know it 7.5 feet...extra heavy? whats the ideal use? too thin for musky I think, too short for salmon... and is this something of any value or is it a walmart special cheapo rod?
  3. oh I just meant I installed a compact rod holder haha, mine didn't come with it. I got it on sale at Costco last year for $325 ($399 reg) and can't complain!! awesome deal for the price (comes with a peddle and rooftop kit). The rod holder is scotties compact kayak rod holder.
  4. I have a 10' Pelican Kayak from Costco. it weights 40lbs, and I dont really want any heavier. I carry it with one arm with hand just over the shoulder. I made a couple mods: side paddle holder/clamp and a compact rod holder (must for fishing). Also got a J stand for the roof rack. Over all pretty happy with a set up.
  5. I was out kayaking on Monday and if I didn't know about the eclipse I would have not even noticed anything. :/
  6. Thanks for the replies guys. Monday I ended up heading over to Guelph lake and spent 7 hours cruising around the lake. Got a couple crappies, pike, perch and lost 3 bass. Was pretty sore next day form all the paddling lol. Tomorrow might hit up Mountsberg (hopefully). Old Ironmaker are you talking about lake Eire near Selkirk? I'll actually be staying at a cottage there Fri/Sat and thinking of grabbing a kayak too. Looks like all the water front is private property so not sure where would be a good spot to lunch? I only found Hoovers Marina.
  7. Haven't been able to get out much to fish this year; became a dad 8 weeks go so me time went on backburner lol. buuuut have this week off and would like to take my kayak out and do some fishing. Im in Hamilton and last year I fished off my kayak at Binbrook conservation (lake Niapenko?), Guelph lake, Mountsberg, Grand River and Bellwood lake. I remember water is being really low last year so some places were a bust fishing wise. How are those placed doing this year? which would be the best bet? OR another one with in 45mins of Hamilton. thanks
  8. Merry Christmas everyone!
  9. I went fishing off a kayak there In September, that was my first time at Belwood ever actually and I could tell the water was extremely low, I did not catch a single fish that day. :/ I was kinda looking forward to going ice fishing there this winter but I guess not if the lake needs a break, that's fine with me.
  10. +1 for Symetre
  11. Still waiting for things to freeze up Any ice south of Barrie?
  12. No experience with all weather tires but I have noticed them on the market. As someone who enjoys a drive of a decent performance tires for 3 seasons and the added safety of a winter tire I wouldn't get or recommend the 'all weather' tire unless the alternative was to keep all season tire year long. I would recommend not going with a different size unless the overall diameter stays the same, depending on the car going with a taller tire will cause tire rubbing esp when turning, and speedometer and odometer will not be as accurate.
  13. Thanks! Rainbow was my guess but wasn't 100% sure. So they're from Lake Eire I'm guessing, how much longer will they hang around before returning to the lake? I read the trout like the cold and come in after salmon run.
  14. Went fishing with the wife this past weekend at a lower Grand River. Bites seemed often but light, very light! When I hoocked this fish the bobber didn't even submerg completely, I was expecing a small perch picking at the worm. Turned out to be my first trout! Never really fished for them so dont even know what it is... Also cought a perch and bullhead, wife cought a bullhead and a sheephead/drum all on a worm under a bobber (except my catfish). Probably going back this weekend
  15. Why someone would vote for Liberals is beyond me.
  16. Thats awesome! Wish I could carry when I go fishing
  17. I'm guessing he meant to post that in a Jeep thread.
  18. That would make an awesome day for me! This is in ON? which part?
  19. Looked up that place I see the OP is in GTA, 11h from Hamilton that's a long drive!
  20. If you're you're talking about Lake Niapenco in Binbrook conservation I've been fishing there for a couple of years now. IT had some good and bad days, better from a boat.
  21. I always enjoy Long Point great for families (beach/swimming) as well as fishing.
  22. It is usually a certain temp when it happens?
  23. I would like to do some fishing for cats next weekend in Dunville if the weather is nice. Tried a local spot today and didn't get anything. Has anyone tried this year?
  24. Thats what I have in mind I guess I can do that.
  25. I was thinking of doing to Byng Island conservation area in the spring and fishing there if they're open before the the official May 1st caming opening. Does anyone know if they keep it locked up, open it up like some other places or just charge day fee for admission?
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