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Everything posted by hotsky

  1. Would like to go ice fishing tomorrow (Sun) but not sure how the recent thaw effected the ice. Im guessing it's still pretty safe but will be slushy. I'm in hamilton and there was about 18" of ice last Saturday, anyone fished today how much of the ice did we loose?
  2. I use hand sanitizer if I have it but it doesn't bother me even when I smoke lol
  3. Thanks for the info guys. Still not sure if I'll go thu with this but if I do I'll check with my insurance and wont go bigger than 14' tinnny, nothing too heavy or fancy. Wating for a bigger car may not even be an option since I dont know if my next vehicle is going to be anything much bigger but you never know!
  4. Thanks, does anyone here tow with a smaller car?
  5. My car is one of the reasons I dont have a boat yet. I have a Mazda 3; I love driving it, it even served me well on camping trips but not so great for towing... In fact in North America it has no towing rating capacity, although in other parts of th world they give it 1500lbs towing capacity. I dont plan on selling the Mazda for at least another 2 years, so I'll have to make due with what I have! Now what does 1500lbs mean when it comes to a boat size? I know trailer and motor would add some weight as well so lets say the motor would be a 10hp or 15hp max.
  6. Well alright went in to Can tire on my lunch and walked out with the 175PT fishfinder their price was $199.99 got them to price match down to $144!! Used $70 in gift cards and $20 free bonus for opening a store master card. Out of pocket price $73 and they gave me $6 in Can tire money lol edit: awesome to know I dont have to have an adapter, will give it a try this weekend.
  7. I have some Can tire gift cards that I want to put to use and finally get a fishfinder. Looking at PiranhaMax 175 portable but would really like something that I can use for ice fishing as well. (Cant justify getting a flasher since I only go ice fishing several to half dozen times a year, but once I'll start catching maybe I'll go more lol) I never really used a fishfinder so dont know what I would need but thought I read about ice fishing transducer for these fishfinders. btw it's either the 175PT or Lawrence X-4 portable. availability and price of the ice fishing accesories could be a deciding factor.
  8. My consern for not going lower was if there are weeds the bait would probably be unseen.
  9. After reading up about it it seams the noises are due to temperate changes which makes sense since it was just below 0 yesterday after having much colder temperatures. Kinda unrelated but tomorrow (Sat) should be +6C would it be bag idea to go on ice?
  10. I'm fishing for anything really but hoping to catch pike. I'm using 15lb ice braid and a short flouro or mono leader tied to a swivel clip. Weight was attached to the bait near the swivel. Would a weighted jig not look unnatural and spook the fish?
  11. I plan to, but the meanwhile what would you guys suggest?
  12. I'm still new to ice fishing and I only recently started to fish with minnows and while I had luck when it was warmer didn't catch anything today ice fishing. I dont have a fish finder and after cutting the hole in ice I attach the egg weight and drop it down to measure the depth, than attach a weight to the line about a foot or two above the hook to keep the bait in the desired depth and fish a few feet off the botttom. I just set the rod and let the minnow swim around, occasionally giving it a tug. Am I doing something wrong? What (else) should I be doing?
  13. Water pipes burst at my work so I got a day off and decided to do some ice fishing. Heard some really wierd noices that at first scared the crap out of me but since ice was ~10in I convinced myself it was ok. I started fishing a year ago and never heard anything like that before. I googled it and it sounds a lot like the clips in this link http://silentlistening.wordpress.com/2008/05/09/dispersion-of-sound-waves-in-ice-sheets/
  14. Nice! how think was the ice?
  15. Im in Hamilton and it's been below 0 for a while now... Everything has to be iced over by now. Any reports on the ice conditions of the lakes near by?
  16. Exactly how I feel. He's not fake like 99% of poloticians.
  17. I tend to leave at least one fishing rod in the car at pretty much year around. I recently started wondering if the summers heat or the winters cold temperatures can damage the durability of the rod. Does anyone know if that can do any damage?
  18. Binbrook has jon boats for rent but they are closed after Thanksgiving. No trolling motors but I usualy bring mine and use it. Actually going today since it's proably going to be th last time I can do it this year. They reopen May 1.
  19. I've been sick with pneumonia for last two weeks and haven't had a chance to go fishing for a couple of weeks before that. Anyways I'm getting a little better now and would like to go out this weekend so was wondeing if the salmon run on lake O has already started?
  20. How fast will it be going? I probably wouldn't go it, what happends i you brake an ancle?
  21. I'm looking to go camping this coming week and choseing between Byng Island on Lower Grand in Dunville or Chippawa creek concervation area. I'd be fishing off my campsite . I've been to Byng last September but never fished the Chippawa creek before. What can I expect to catch there? Which one would you go to?
  22. How about Mazda 3? Good on gas, sporty and has great handling. I have an '05 sadan and would get another one, been looking at hachback models lately....
  23. Nice carp! did you use a hair rig or corn on the hook??
  24. I used a float but the bait was on the bottom or inches away from it.
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