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Everything posted by hotsky

  1. I never carry cash on me so use my cards daily. I think years ago they replaced my card (not sure of credit or debit) because of suspected comrpomise. My sister actually had someone buy a train ticken on her card in Spain! She got the money back but they investigate it first.
  2. Thanks for the beedback guys.
  3. So Binbrook oppened for ice fishing this past weekend, and had a durby on Sunday. Anyone been there yet? I've only fished there in the summer before.
  4. Renewed last week of December and nothing yet..
  5. btw there was at least +5 today here. hope it didn't do too much danage...
  6. I have a day off tomorrow and deciding what to do. I'd like to go ice fishing but unsure how Fridays snow and todays warm weather effected the ice conditions? I was at a place last Tue where ice was 8" would it still be safe tomorrow?
  7. I got a bag of frozen sardines at a grocery store thinking of using them as bait. They are about 5" so thought they're perfrct size for pike ice fishing and under a float after ice out. Anyone had luck using them?
  8. I never really consider/realized before that small slow creeks may never get safe for ice fishing but rather was wonderiring if it would be ok to go before it warms up again later this week. Unlikely I suppose.
  9. Main reason I was thinking of going there was assuming it would be the first place to freeze up and be safe since it's the first place I saw ice forming some 6 weeks ago. Glad I posted this I'll take more caution.
  10. Another member told me he caught pike in there before, even when ice fishing. I was surprised they would be in there since it's a small creek but gets much wider at this one point. I tried it a couple of times in a fall with no sucsess but noticed some angler activity there so I'm taking his word for it. It's pretty close to me so if I can get into some fish there I'd be awesome. I'll test the ice next time I'm out, i it's thin I just wont go on it.
  11. Really? I always thought shallow water would freeze up more/faster...hmm
  12. Dont know how deep is it but doubt it's 6ft deep, I'd guess 4-5 but could be 6. I'd feel safer if it wasn't lol. It runs thru farmfields, I remember there was a skim of ice on parts of a month and a half ago when it was only about 0 degrees out. Was surprices to see it starting to freeze up so doubt it gets any warm water inflow.
  13. I haven't been near any water/ice sinse ice fishing the Hamilton harbour last Sunday. Now I'm itching for more! I know larger lakes wont be ready for a while and with a forcasted warm up who knows when it'll be safe again. I was wonering tho would a small creek be safe for ice fishing? The spot I want to go to is pretty still, so current is not an issue. Is it worth going there to at least check the ice tomorrow or would it be unsafe for sure?
  14. I'm looking for a portable unit, new 176i model looks pretty cool but about $200 (online). He's asking $90 btw...
  15. I have a chance to pick up few years old Hummingbird PirhanaMax 150 Portable fishfinder. Guy says he never used it. Weather it's true or not assuming it works ok how much would you pay if you can get one new for $130+tax?
  16. Congrats, hope you got your restricted too. I did mine 8 years ago.
  17. I ended up going to the Pier 4 today for a couple of hours, would've stayed longer but my friend started complaining he was cold lol. Didn't catch anything but still had fun standing on top of (23ft of) water for the first time. Ice was about 5" where I was. Saw people skating way out there and a couple of people ice saling hundreds of meters from shore - I wouldn't go that far if you paid me!
  18. I was thinking back of the lake which is not part of the the concervation area but it's pretty shalow there...
  19. My buddy and I are going ice fishing tomorrow for the first time. Picked up an auger today and a few ice fishing lures. Already have a couple of rods...Excited to get out there! Anyways we're deciding between 3 spots close to home (Hamilton) - Binbrook (back of the lake), Harbour/Pier 4 or Coots Paradise. I was driving on 403 today and saw people scating on Coots so thats a good sign. Ice safety is number one concern; would ice thinkness be the same everwhere? Would also like to catch something but dont want to risk out lives. So safety and best potential catch in mind where would you go?
  20. So grizzly bear is just a dirty polar bear? lol
  21. I hope so because it's going to warm up again on Monday and Tuesday :/
  22. Nice video. Was that around london?
  23. So would you say the trip was fairly uneventful? Looks like fun times!
  24. Crazy! I wish the camera guy actually filmed it going down. I thought the guy was dead for sure.
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