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Everything posted by G.mech

  1. From the proper angle, the camera is in fact partly over the glass (i.e above the ice surface) as you can see below.. Obviously, had it not been there, the puck would have gone out but I think the officials made the correct call despite the rule being a little weird.
  2. He apologized so it's all okay now....that's how it works in this country right???
  3. The kids said they wanted a cat for Christmas so I got them one. It didn't taste as good as turkey though and it was kind of dry....😀
  4. Or, if you really wanted to, you could print the license summary and carry that until your new card comes like you're supposed to but you seem to prefer the JOP option so fill yer boots.
  5. Both my kids licenses expire this year so guess what they're getting for Christmas...
  6. You can argue with the JoP if you want but it's pretty clear you are required to carry the card so I'm going to avoid the hassle in the future https://www.ontario.ca/page/get-outdoors-card#section-0 https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-fishing-regulations-summary/recreational-fishing-licence-information
  7. CO told me that was no good last year. You have to carry the card but you can use an electronic version of your license, tag, or license summary. I actually thought he was going to give me a ticket but my charming personality must have won him over.
  8. Apparently some musky do travel great distances: https://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/international-study-shows-muskies-on-the-move?fbclid=IwAR2H8vrm5XL_QF-RBZ2c06STVR8AbYLUGwHIbxgEYG80DUFizHlzjiE49MQ
  9. The ramp was repaired yesterday so I guess they can cancel the tender call and WHIMIS training. Hopefully your taxes won't go up too much....
  10. It's surprising but everyone seems to get along okay as you drift downstream, at least for the most part. If anybody gets out of line they just get a walleye tossed into their boat to help sooth them. It's the knobs that drive upstream though the pack at half throttle that upset people. It's a total sh!t show at times but it's actually kind of fun once in a while. The freighters get on their horn and are pretty intimidating so everybody seems to give them adequate distance as they steam through the fleet. Note I didn't say safe distance, only adequate....
  11. The middle of the freighter channel on the Detroit River can get busy at times.
  12. Both Nanticoke and Burwell are on fire and I hear Maitland is good too but I haven't been myself. I've been fishing Nanticoke south of the shoal the last few weeks with quick limits every trip and some nice sized fish. Most fish are 20" or so with a few in the 7lb range but not much in between. There are some smaller ones too but they get released for next year. They are moving deeper now and my last two trips this week we did best in 75-100 fow with 6,7,8 colour lead cores. Others prefer dipsy divers or downriggers and they are all working too. Crankbaits such as ripplin redfins (darker patterns) or spoons (greasy chicken wing, pink panties, blueberry muffin etc) are both producing, I don't think I've changed a lure in 4 trips. You can launch in Port Dover or Nanticoke, it's a bit further to Dover but the ramps are far better; both are $20 bucks.
  13. Studs are galvanized (zinc) and should not be heated or used for cooking....get some bent up out of stainless at Walker's or Cooks sheet metal in Simcoe or somewhere to be sure and they'll outlast your bbq.. https://www.hunker.com/13419206/what-are-the-dangers-of-cooking-with-galvanized-steel
  14. And they were commercially caught fish so recreational limits do not apply.
  15. Only partly true OI, it is illegal to transport live fish over land without a permit. Many of these tourneys get permits and take special precautions to ensure the fish survive.
  16. Beach Road Steel at 1900 Brampton Street (in the north end) will give you a way better price than Metal supermarkets and cut you whatever length you want. 2x2x.12 or 2x2x.188 HSS would be fine for this purpose, I'd think the lighter the better.
  17. No need to apologize, it's often used interchangeably so I thought is was worth pointing out. Tight lines!
  18. Regarding Pleasure Craft Licensing here is the Transport Canada link with all the gory details of 'how to' and expiry info. Just for clarity, vessel Registration is a totally separate thing normally reserved for big boats, small private craft are usually Licensed : http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-paperwork-paperwork_boat_licence-1898.htm
  19. Kind of nice to see the Bruins taking it on the chin for once (PUN intended).
  20. If you're worried about your boat catching on fire, you maybe should re-think the 'no fuse/no breaker' idea....I get the argument about the plug but this is really stretching the safety thing.
  21. I don't know what that wire is (or was) but it certainly doesn't look like marine grade wire nor does it look of adequate size but it's kind of hard to tell. There are lots of options for plugs if you want the ability to remove the motor but starting with the right materials in the first place can't be a bad thing....
  22. Even the cartoon characters are taking shots at the Sens now: https://youtu.be/Yae81MsS5-w
  23. Did find this when I was digging a bit more into this topic....It does explain the problem and gives you links to the update/patch but it seems to be the same software version so I'm not sure what's up or why they would do a patch/update with the same version numbers. Anyway, I guess I'm lucky, my gen 2 unit is still working fine but maybe others are not. Sorry to @Steve Piggott for being a non-believer....: https://assetbank.navico.com/assetbank-navico/assetfile/36949.pdf?_cldee=bWF0dEB3aW50cm9uZWxlY3Ryb25pY3MuY29t&recipientid=contact-f8932a0cf2dbe61180fd5065f38b41f1-33b189b57e95458b8196daebaf1ba929&esid=7b207d7d-1861-e911-a97c-000d3a33085c
  24. Okay thanks. Didn't come for an argument. My units are working hopefully others have no issues either.
  25. That release referenced on April 12 is the V6.0.54.2 which was released in 2016. If you didn't already have it, you may have problems but it took care of the GPS Rollover problem already. You can read more here: http://www.oceannavigator.com/Web-Exclusives-2019/Lowrance-Simrad-and-B-G-Announce-Products-Will-Not-Be-Affected-By-GPS-Week-Rollover/
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