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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. Oh that's funny.
  2. What camera were you using? I've always wanted to do underwater filming.
  3. I have an Easy CD and DVD Burning disc from Roxio. It works great. Just buy the cable and connect your deck to pc. Very simple.
  4. I heard this on Stern too and I don't need to see the video. The audio was waaaaay to much. What the hell was that?
  5. You weren't talking about the one in Fredericton were you?
  6. I share your thoughts of Bass Pro. I love it too. I also got some of those slap daddies but haven's used them yet. The only time I wouldn't use the float is when I'm using a spinner. Otherwise, I use a slip float. Sometimes twitching it helps to get hits unless using live bait. If you don't use a float with those light jigs, don't plan on getting a long cast unless using very light line. I'd definately recommend the float.
  7. That's a good one. I second that.
  8. I agree with that one. Stupid crap for sure.
  9. Speaking of truckers, get this. I was driving on the 401 around Toronto and was in the second lane from the right and a tractor trailer was in the right lane. He starts to cut into my lane when the trailer was still beside me. What the hell!!! If I didn't hit the brakes I'd be dead. He's lucky there wasn't a "how's my driving" sticker on the back or I'd be calling the number. With actions like that, no wonder truckers get a bad rap. Unbelievable!!!!
  10. I see it all the time. People are inconsiderate pricks. If you have to slow down when someone pulls out in front of you, they cut you off. One thing that pisses me off is when people pass you on the highway and cut back in your lane one car length in front of you when there's no one behind them in the passing lane or in front of me. What the hell is that!
  11. Thanks. I'll check out the OFAH site.
  12. Sorry I don't have a suggestion for you but I have a question about the safety course. Was it an easy course and how long was it? Did you take it at Bass Pro or elsewhere? I am thinking of getting into hunting and have to take those courses.
  13. Radnine, when you said Rice I assume you meant Rice Lake? Is there any spots there one could fish from shore and not private?
  14. Nice pics and love those brookies.
  15. There's nothin' wrong with Keith Urban. He just put on a great concert on the 3rd. Awesome show.
  16. Thanks Skud.
  17. I know the one here in Brantford used to do that around this time for a couple years in a row but haven't done it in a few years.
  18. Nice pics. What type of Bushnell cam did you get? I'm thinking of getting one but prefer the Bushnell brand. If you have a pic of it you can post, please do.
  19. I was gonna mention the rapala one but someone beat me to it. That's a great commercial.
  20. I did a search when I hit one a few weeks ago. There are some things to try to help get rid of it. Just do a search and see what you can get. Here's some urls: http://lavplourde.tripod.com/skunk/ http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Skunk-Smell-from-Animals http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf576594.tip.html http://www.ehow.com/how_117301_remove-skunk-odor.html http://www.bing.com/search?srch=105&FO...ing+skunk+smell It took a good week and a half to go away in the car. Good luck
  21. I saw the London show and was awesome as usual. Glad they allowed cameras in. Got some nice pics right by the stage. Did you get the cd of the concert? I didn't.
  22. Ah, bluegills. Umm.
  23. Forgot to mention I was out in Waterford a couple weeks ago and the CO nailed a few people for using more that one rod at a time. The guy next to me said he wanted to nail them 'cuz they were using multiple rods. He went from one side of the street to the other and was a good hour dealing with them all. Once he was done with them he left. He didn't even come up to us. Too bad though 'cuz I was gonna ask what fine he gave 'em. I don't think he confiscated their equipment but I'm not sure on that one. We were a bit up the road. Good to see they do get out there. That's the first time I've seen 'em.
  24. Bought 3 packs this year and am yet to try 'em. Must do that soon.
  25. Nice brookies! I'm jealous.
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