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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. I really hope you're not serious.
  2. FALSE. Under no circumstances should fiddleheads be eaten raw. Read this: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/securit/kitchen-cuisine/fiddlehead-fougere-eng.php
  3. Exactly. It's recommended that you only pick 3 or 4 from each plant. Don't pick the whole plant or it'll die.
  4. I got a bag of whole uncleaned ones at Price Chopper in Brantford for about $3 or so in December.
  5. I don't hunt yet but I saw 4 wild turkeys in a field Saturday just off the 403 towards Paris. Did a double take and checked the binoculars and they were turkeys.
  6. I just realized after spooling two reels that the Rapala line that was on sale at Bass Pro was labeled wrong. Like I said, last year they didn't seem to have any 8 lb. test but had lots this year. I got 3 spools of the 8 or so I thought. All boxes said 8 lb but two of the spools said 6. What the hell! I wonder how many more are like that. Not much of a difference but I got 3 boxes of 6 last year and now 2 more that I don't need. Kinda late to do anything now but who would think to check? Not happy. Has anyone else noticed this?
  7. Usually you just pick the curled end. I don't usually pick them with much of the stem. Make sure you cook them well and do not eat raw. Definately read the article from the link. I didn't know about the toxins until I read it. Good to know. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/securit/kitchen-cuisine/fiddlehead-fougere-eng.php
  8. Managed to get a couple lbs worth Saturday. Some spots are out while others are not. Wasn't expecting them to be out 'til next week. Anybody else getting any or were you concentrating on the trout opener? Speaking of the opener, ran into a gentleman that got a nice brookie about 10 inches right where I was looking last year. Now I know where I'm going. Love those brookies.
  9. 450 fish is ridiculous. Glad they got busted.
  10. I knew I couldn't be the only one thinking it.
  11. I second that.
  12. I agree with that last statement. Well said.
  13. They can check their computer to see what stores have them in stock. The website tells you if a store has them but that depends on if they updated it or not. It said the Brantford store had them but that was last updated on Thursday. Now it says Friday. I was in first thing this morning and all were gone. Oh well.
  14. The flyer says no rainchecks for the 3 day sale items.
  15. Yes I did ask and she said they sold out Friday.
  16. Three day sale only and the Brantford store sold out the first day. It would be nice if they carried enough stock for at least 2 days. Very annoying.
  17. Last year they had the tough, finesse and long cast but this year I think it was all finesse and green. I bought a ton of it last year and got more this year but have only really used the 4 lb. line for crappies and haven't had problems yet. Last year they had hardly any 8 lb. but loads this year. I can't speak on the memory issue. From what a few have said here, it's not that good but for $1.99, it's worth a try.
  18. I agree with Syn, your child is pretty brave. Wouldn't catch me touching those things.
  19. Nice cats. I gotta get down there soon.
  20. Seeing those crappies just makes me drool. Good job.
  21. Gills and crappies are very tasty. I tried pumpkinseeds for the first time last year and they're not bad either. All are good. My preference is the crappies.
  22. A few years ago Visa called me to say they think my card was copied so they sent me a new card and number. Nothing went through though. I wouldn't want to go through that.
  23. I was just gonna suggest that same thing. Remember those 2 idiots out West I think that got charged for shooting those ducks and posting the video on Youtube. If the authorities can't be everywhere, time for the public to get the evidence. I don't see why they can't be charged with the PROPER evidence.
  24. I've heard it's a good time to start now too but never have gotten out this early. I've caught them in the middle of summer no problem. I fish from shore. I have 50 lb braid on my reel with a 1 oz. egg sinker and a swivel. I still use the braid as a leader and catch them no problem. I used a 3/0 hook, can't remember the type, and cut suckers. Works great. Biggest I've caught was 6 lbs. Dunnville seems to be the place for big ones. I must get out there this year. I think Fishmaster sells his stinkbait. Try that but cutbait still works.
  25. At least this site doesn't change 10 times a year like facebook. Consider us lucky.
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