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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. I started last summer and am hooked. I use a Garmin Nuvi 200 and it's not bad to use. An etrex might be better and a bit cheaper. I got mine for $169 on sale at CT last year.
  2. I wouldn't tell where honey holes were either. I guess I'll have to go out looking for more spots. Thanks for all the info guys.
  3. This year's pics.
  4. Thanks for the info guys. They were few and far between but managed to find some. Stumbled on a patch on my way back and got 2 1/2 lbs. Not too shabby.
  5. Does anybody know if there are any areas around Brantford where you can pick fiddleheads within an hour radius? I don't mind going far to get them. Any info would be appreciated.
  6. I used it last year and caught a few chain pickeral on it with no leader and didn't cut my line but that just might be luck. I had 10 lb test too. Now I didn't use it that much but I found it does seem to fray alot. I just trimmed off the frays for this year. I don't think I'd buy it again. I'd probably go to powerpro again.
  7. Good job.
  8. Not used to fishing for brookies in Ontario. As soon as I can find some spots I'll get out there.
  9. The regs clearly state that it is illegal to attempt to catch fish that are out of season even if you are going to release them. If they clearly know this and are fishing anyway, call the MNR and report them. Regulations are in place for a reason.
  10. I saw that pic last year and it said it was in New Brunswick so who knows. Same with the albino moose pics and that one said New Brunswick too.
  11. I've never fished Horner Creek and was wonderin' just what is in there? Has any OFNers fished it?
  12. Nice fish. I gotta catch me one of those lings one day. Dying to try 'em.
  13. Nice shots.
  14. I'm not sure how good a line it is but Rapala is a good brand so I bought some. You really had to dig to find lighter line. I found some 4 and 6 lb tough and long cast. Didn't see any 8 at all.
  15. Yeah I spent $350 there. Got 14 spools of that Rapala line that was on for $1.99. What a deal. Got 35 of the PM spinners, a couple baitcasting rods and that gripmaster with scale and a few other things for the guys down home. Too bad they didn't have the frenzy's on again this year. Lots of wiggle o's left but I stocked up on those last year.
  16. I'm hitting there tomorrow. I stocked up on those wiggle o's last year and got chain pickeral on 'em while in New Brunswick. I don't think the sale's as good as last year (i.e. no Berkley frenzys) but good sale anyway.
  17. I noticed the show wasn't the same last year. Wasn't quite into it but then again I got a call that day that a good friend died so I just didn't feel like being there. Then Lindner announced that he had no time for autographs after his seminar as he had to leave to catch a flight. That was a BIG disappointment. He's the only reason I went. Waiting to see him for years. One of the big draws for me is when the have the American pros. What happened to Grigsby this year. They were advertising him a few weeks ago I'm sure. Met him anyway 2 years ago. Well got to meet Winkelman and Takasaki this time. Babe had some good advise for sure. Even caught him talking about shooting some hunting shows. And I didn't see the Fish'n Canada guys there. Weren't at the sportsmen's show last year either I don't think. Even if the show isn't quite as good as before, at least it's something to do in February.
  18. That alligator gar was huge.
  19. I switched skins and it worked. Thanks. FYI, this is the only site I have problems with for double clicks.
  20. Does anyone else find this double click thing annoying?
  21. You must get a pic of them in the tank.
  22. I just noticed too. It was annoying the hell out of me.
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