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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. I've noticed that some posts here have tons of pics. There's a 250k limit so I only can upload very few pics from here. How are you guys posting your photobucket pics so you can get so many up? I have lots of pics from N.B. to post. Would appreciate the help.
  2. That's a fantastic trade. Steaks would be better but any moose is better than none.
  3. I agree with tb4me. Video tape them. Can't deny anything with video.
  4. It's bad enough having a couple fish over the limit but 15? No respect for the law.
  5. I agree. It would be a huge loss.
  6. Sorry to hear that. I lost my Mom to cancer when I was 12. Sucks no matter how old you are. My condolences.
  7. Nice pics. Cute ones the first two.
  8. No, I didn't think to report it. I assumed it has happened before but I wouldn't know.
  9. Nice job on the crappies. I'm so jealous.
  10. Went out today and there was a layer of algae or whatever about 10 feet out from shore and all along the north end and pannies floating everywhere. Mostly gills but there were a couple crappies. What a stink that was. Forgot to take a pic. I've never seen that there before. Does this happen every year? What killed 'em? Only seemed to be on the north side. The bite wasn't as good this week as last. What a disappointment.
  11. Trust me, I thought about that too.
  12. Well managed to get a couple crappie and bluegills today. Saw a guy land about a 4 lb largemouth and he kept it. If it wasn't for me leaving my cell phone in the car I would have made that call. They were across from my car and I didn't want to be obvious but I should have anyway. Oh that pisses me off. If he was by himself I would have said something but there were a few guys so I didn't. Don't want to get my ass kicked. It was about 8pm so I figured they'd be gone if the CO's did show up. If it had've been a couple hours earlier I would have called. On the way out on 24, I just missed an accident by about 2 minutes at that set of lights by Vanessa Rd. Saw one white SUV on it's roof and didn't notice the other vehicle. Looks like some idiot ran a red light. When will people learn.
  13. Well I gotta hit Bass Pro Saturday so I might just head up to King and try the Holland for crappie.
  14. You know, that's kinda funny. Nothing wrong with hunting at all.
  15. Wish I could find some that size. Nice job.
  16. Ronnie had a great, distinct voice and there's no one like him. I saw him twice as Dio and last as H&H. He had a presence. He was an icon and a legend. Really gonna miss that man and that voice. I thought he would kill that dragon. Long Live Rock And Roll. Rest in peace Mr. Dio. \m/
  17. There's a distinct way of knowing if you've got the right one. They have a U-shaped stem. As far as I know, there's only one edible fiddlehead. It's an ostrich fern. I've seen another fern that reddish and has a twig-like round stem. Those aren't edible. Yes, they have to be cooked about 15 minutes. Blanch for 2 minutes before freezing them. Read this Health Canada link: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/securit/kitchen-cuisine/fiddlehead-fougere-eng.php
  18. I wouldn't mind getting into wild mushrooms but can't be bothered reading up on the poisonous ones. Fiddleheads and wild blueberries and strawberries are good enough for me.
  19. I managed to get around 25 lbs of fiddleheads this year and now my fridge freezer is full. Gonna have to make room for this year's fish. How did everyone else do for pickin' this year?
  20. Very nice. Did you happen to keep the Crush can?
  21. Thanks for the Crush link. Interesting for sure.
  22. Do what Jim Florentine does. Terrorizing telemarketers. www.jimflorentine.com
  23. I just had some alligator and it didn't taste like chicken at all. I can't really describe the taste but definately not like chicken. Don't know how different it would be from the croc.
  24. I can't believe you actually saved them instead of putting them in the trash. Good to see someone's thinking of the environment. Kudos.
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