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Everything posted by i2cool2fool

  1. I think I'll tell this joke to my mother-in-law at Christmas dinner.
  2. Nice looking scenery. Thanks for sharing!
  3. I'd certain agree with these comments. Having just lost a dear uncle from cancer, I have a new outlook on life. If you are not enjoying the moments available to you, you are not creating new memories. There will be a time when most of what you have left are memories. In some cases, those memories could be difficult to recall. All the best Lew and keep checking in. As an east coaster from New Brunswick, I trust and hope you return from your trip with many great memories and a fondness for the area and the people.
  4. I am not sorry for you one bit Lew. In fact, I am happy for you (in awe actually) because you have such great memories and the conviction to simply do what you want when you want. Not sorry for you but happy for you. Now that said, I am very sorry for myself for not being able to connect with you, build a friendship, and try to pull as much knowledge and wisdom from you I am capable of understanding to help me be a better fisherman and better person. I always enjoy your posts and hope you remain active on the board.
  5. I used walleye boards in July while at Stoney Lake and got interesting looks from the locals. ...and walleye.
  6. I am staying here now actually with my family. We love it and plan to return next year. I first came here last May for walleye opener and had to come back.
  7. Big fish but bigger G-Man. It's true. Kids grow up fast! Great memories created no doubt.
  8. Probably the OPP Tactical Response Unit.
  9. True sportsman. Awesome.
  10. I have never really been a DW hater or JG fan but less talk from Waltrip and more from Gordon would be awesome during the remaining broadcasts. Gordon really brings a fresh perspective to the booth.
  11. Cold enough to freeze the nuts on a bridge.
  12. I'll be watching the Unlimited to see who stands out as the team with the best handling car set-up after sitting idle (from a racing perspective) all winter. You could be surprised by how little downtime teams take after a season of racing completes. They are back in the shop building cars and parts most of the off-season.
  13. The Unlimited is a non-points event and has no bearing on the 500 outside of teams who will use it as an extra practice session. The race was previously known as the Bud Shootout.
  14. Where is the jaw-drop emoticon? In all seriousness, I wish all the best to the OP and hopefully the soft water season will be prosperous.
  15. I caught smelts at the grocery store. Mmmm I better get to bed and dream of breakfast.

  16. Yes sir. Check under Product Information. There is a Detail tab and a Specification tab. Windows10 included. PM if you have specific questions. For $500 it turns out to be a good laptop. I have a second monitor attached. You could easily plug a usb keyboard in if you wish.
  17. Big Cliff... Here is the unit I purchased before Christmas. It works for me. Maybe you? http://m.staples.ca/en/Lenovo-80E301Y6US-G50-156-HD-Notebook-AMD-A86410-4GB-RAM-1TB-HDD-Integrated-AMD-Radeon-R5-Graphics-Win10-Black/product_1974023_2-CA_1_20001?langId=1
  18. Agreed. I picked up a Lenovo G50 laptop before Christmas for $500. I am quite happy with the purchase.
  19. Congrats and best wishes to baby and Momma for a safe, uneventful delivery.
  20. Did you fellas get out today? Lucky ducks. I'd like to join you both someday if I can ever break away from Southern Ontario. lol Merry Christmas and good fishing to you both!
  21. A lot of good advice and comments here especially from Roy. I recall the same time period Chris. It was a tough age to parent and to have a clue of what to do as a first timer. I would never wake a sleeping baby but when my daughter woke up around 11 PM, I would load her up good with a 8 oz bottle of formula. We didn't breastfeed and it gave me a chance to help out. I am a good bottle man - for me and the kid! You may want to consider a pump/bottle approach and help with the feeding during the night on weekends, etc. Your wife will love you even more if you are able to help out more in any way that helps her get more rest. Good luck! We are all pulling for ya!
  22. I have 1 orange and 1 walleye pattern Boobie Trap. As well as Orange Believer, couple of bullldawgs. Should be a good start for Kawarthas and LSC.
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